Gestalt Switching

P. 1
'Gestalt switching' .is a phrase coined to describe a natural mental ability through which
one may switch one's mental image from the foreground to the background (as with the
switch between an image of 'the trees' and an image of 'the forest'), or, to switch between
alternative images of a single pattern where an experience of one complete image, or a
gestalt, excludes the experience of any other (as that which occurs while observing one's
mental image of a line drawing of a 'cube' switch from one orientation to another).
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The mental ability to "switch" from one image to another is put into play whenever words
are used to prompt the imagination. That is, in some instances, the same word may be said
to prompt the mental image of more than one pattern of experience, or "definition." Since
the context in which a word is used usually 'goes without saying,' an image of the definition
which actually fits the situation develops without any questions. But, if the context is open,
one's mental image of the definition may switch between each definition that the word may
bring to mind. Here, one may ask: Which one of the senses of this word is meant? Or, to
be precise: To which definition is the sense of this word to be taken (or, to be 'extended')?
Or, to be exact: Into what single definition is the sense noted in this word to be developed?

As each context in which a word is used to bring a certain definition to mind, stretches the
contents of the definition in accordance with the texture of the context, if each image that
the same word sound may prompt is compared, the 'gestalt switch' between these images
may seem to be an arbitrary, or uncoordinated, transformation, and the word used to call
up any one of them may seem to be arbitrary, as well. Yet, one may notice that the pattern
of sensible dimensions, which the letter sound pattern of the word notes, may be found in
one's image of each definition that the same word is be said to bring to mind. [E.g.: 'b~I(E),'
.is 'defined' as: bi-, by, bye, buy; yet, each involves the sense of: (be or make) separate. ]