
~~~~~ AN ETYMOLOGY OF: 'MAKE' ~~~~~

* 'mature'_ => L.: Matuta => 'Goddess of the dawn' => IE.: *ma => 'good' ['be ripe'].
'emulate' => L.: aemulus = 'trying to equal or excell' => Gr.: ainy-mai => 'to take' =>
__________ IE.: *ai => 'to give' / 'accept' / 'take' [be 'animate' / 'able' / (take) 'ai-m'].
'Maia' ....=> L.: Maius => [A Deity] 'He who brings increase' / 'the Great One' => _________ [the month of May] || 'Maia' => '*ma(i) ~ *ai' = 'good ~ aim - to excell'.
'may' .~~~=> Goth.: magan => (lit.) 'to be physically capable of doing' => IE.: *magh
_________ = 'to be able' ['might'] | 'magni-' = 'make great' => IE.: *meg(h)- = 'big'_
'mass' ~~=> Gr.: maza (barley cake) => Gr.: massein => 'to knead' => IE.: *men(k) _________ => 'to knead' / ['massage'] ['shape' / 'give form to'] [ IE.: *mn = 'think' ].
'matter' .=> L.: materia = 'material' / 'stuff' / 'wood' => orig.: 'the growing trunk of _________ a tree' (The IE. base of: 'matter,' is: *mater = 'mother.') [ See: 'mature' ]_
'magic'_ => Gr.: magike ['magi-kE'] + (technE) => Gr.: magikos = '(art) of the Magi'.
'Magi' _ => Gr.: magos => IE.: *magh => 'to be able' [to make from Gaia = Earth] _
'image' _=> L.: imago = 'imitation' ['to emulate'] [able to 'ma|t|ch' an original pattern]_
'macro-'.=> Gr.: makros = 'long' / ['elongate'] => IE.: *me~k-r~os => IE.: *m~ak = ~~~~~~~~ [*m~ae~k ] 'long' / 'slender' ['crate' / 'create' => IE.: *ker-(t) = 'weave']
__________ IE.: *ak = 'sharp' / 'point(ed)' ['act' => L.: ag- = 'to do'] [Gr.: akt = 'ray']
'macrame' .|| It.: macrame => Turk.: makrama = 'napkin' => Ar.: miqramah = 'a veil'
___________Def.: 'threads or cords knotted in designs'_[to create a pattern of knots]
'make' .~=> Ger.: machen => Gr.: magis => 'kneaded mass' / 'paste' / 'dough => IE.: ~ ~~~~~ *mag = 'knead' / 'press' / 'stretch' | ('enlarge') || 'MAGMA' || 'imagination'
~~~~~~~~~~~[ L.: magnus = 'great'=> IE.: *meg(h)- = 'big' ] || (IE.: *gn- = 'to know')
