


'onomato ~ poet ~ ic' => 'A name made in the manner of a poet'

~~~. Gr.: ~~ onomato ~~. = ~~~. 'name' ~~

~~. 'one who is' ~~~ + ~~ Gr.: ~~~~ po~et ~~~.. = ~~ 'to make' . ~ . 'one who is' ~~~~~

~ 'within (- to show)' to ~~~~..... + ~~. Gr.: ~~~. po~em ~~.. = ~~ 'to make' . ~ . 'within (- to show)' ~~~~~~~~~.

~~~~~~~~~~......... + ~... Gr.: ~~.... -ikos ~~... => ~~~. '-ic' ~~~~. = ~ 'l-ik-e' ...~

A name that is made (within a poet) which is (to show) like a sound that one may always hear
arising from 'a pattern of sense,' whenever the pattern is naturally given within one's experience.


Now, to say the name of the experience so named is to make a sound which is like a sound that
one may hear within one's experience the moment that the pattern is sensed, as a matter of fact.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sweep ... sweep ... sweep ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...

~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ To the Greek word: 'poieo' => .