.................................................... ~: Dimensional Modeling :~ .........................................................

...Experience involves the perception of images. The pattern involved within an image may be ..
evaluated as an assembly of specific dimensions. Beyond the spatial dimensions evaluated
in Euclidian geometry , a natural experience involves an assembly of observable sensible
which stand out within the image. For example, when looking for a place to set
a book down, one finds a place which is naturally sensed as: here. [The moment one sees
a place to set the book down, one might say : 'I'll put the book here.'] .To say: 'The book
is here.,' or: 'I am here.,' indicates that, 'here,' may be observed as a sensible dimension
which stands out within an image. To say: 'I see the book now.,' indicates that one may ob-
serve the sensible dimension of: now, within an image. || An image which involves one's sense
of: now, may involve one's sense of: here. While eyeing the placement of the book, to say: 'I
see that the book is now here.,' indicates that one's sense of: here, may be assembled with
one's sense of: now, within an image. || Each sensible dimension one brings to an image may
be taken as a certain mode of orientation through which one may act. - To actually read the
book, one must be able say: 'The book is now here.' || The activity of reading the book ends
as the sensible dimension of: motion, is involved in the image of the book. To drop the book,
presents an image which involves the sensible dimensions of: here - motion - now. Also, as
one is perceiving the book drop, one may sense that one's 'attention is anchored' upon the book. As such, the sensible dimension of: 'attention~anchor(ed),' may be observed within an
image. [Pay attention to that; it is hot. ] Being able to freely assemble specific dimensional
within the imagination enables a person to develop a (sensible) dimensional model
which matches specific dimensions which stand out within the perception of an image. Assembl-
ing: 'here~motion ~ attention-anchored~now,' develops a dimensional model which matches
specific dimensions perceived within an image of: drop. The assembled dimensions of:. 'here ~
..attention-anchor(ed) ~ now,'
.may be observed as one perceives the image of: dot. => [ ]

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