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.. As 'a pattern,' a pattern of words shows 'a texture' which one may focus upon as a sequence
.. of separate words. Yet, each word sound shows 'a texture' made of separate (letter) sounds.
. This point goes to the 'nature of the sense' one makes when the word one uses makes sense.
. That is, 'the sense of the letter sound pattern' shows in each word used to point to true facts.
. Making sense though natural sound is a path which has guided life's actions for a long time.
. The sound one hears within an image always shows as an 'origin,' with implications that matter.
. As arising together, sensing a sound emerges with sensing the origin of the sound, which, now,
. may arise in one's mental image as the sense of the sound. As such, the sound points to a fact.
. The 't sound' arises from the tip of a stick the moment the tip hits an item that is now manifest..
. The 'i(h) sound' arises from a person using effort to pierce a surface when focusing in on the tip.
. The 'p sound' arises from a flat stone plate when the plate is dropped into place to be the base.
. The 'r sound' arises from the shore as the emerging water of the surf shows surface motion.
. The 'a(h!* sound' arises from a person seeing a thing sought, as (one's attention is) anchored.
. The 'k sound' arises from rock as one reaches the limit of strength of its grounded integrity.
. The 's sound' arises from causing one's hand to move while it is touching a (smooth) surface.
.. As each natural (letter) sound above points to a sensible fact which one may sense with the
.. sound, assembling the pattern of sense which a pattern of sound notes, enables a person to
.. make a 'model' of: 'the sense of a sound pattern that makes a word', in one's 'mental image.'
_ A 'model' of the 'letter sound' patterns: [ t ~ i(h) ~ p ], and: [ r ~ a(h!* ~ k (~ s) ], follows.

Anc. Gr.:

