Sound and "Sense"

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ..

The "Function" of 'Single "Letters"' in Language.


~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ..

by James Mason

Sound and "Sense"


An Original Evaluation of the "Sense" Involved in Human Language,

Developed through a '"Philosonic" Exploration' of the Dimensions of Experience

that a Single "Letter" Sound may Spontaneously "Indicate" when Vocalized.

Santa Barbara, Ca.

COPYRIGHT: 10 - 05 - 1999
(TXu 919-173)
All Rights Reserved.

Special thanks must be given to:

my sister, Janet West, whose powers of listen-
ing, encouragement, and understanding enabled
the possibility of this book;

Joel Schwartz, for providing the technical sup-
port that enabled the completion of this writing;

Charles Eldred, for making certain adjustments
that enabled me to keep on working;

and, Jose Botello, Audiel "Cisco" Carbajal, and
Denise Dean, whose friendship made life easier
when things were difficult.

To each of you:
Thank you very much.


THEORY ....................... P. 1

To 'open up and look inside' a "word".

FACTS ........................ P. 62

1. Observations upon when persons tend to
spontaneously vocalize a single "letter"
sound in order to [naturally] "indicate"
one's 'mental image'.

2. A "dictionary" survey of the involvement of
single "letters" in the American language.

TABLES ....................... P. 169

A dimensional evaluation of single "letters".

Footnotes .................... P. 181
Note Paper ................... P. 197
Removable TABLES ............. P. 201
In order for "words" to do the work
that they are employed to do,
"letters" must do the job that they
are eligible for, and capable of, doing.


The purpose of this writing is to explore the "sense"
that is "noted" through a single "letter" sound.

The scholars who have evaluated both the history and the
current usage of the American language have noticed that a single
"letter" sound may "modify" the "sense" of either a "word",
"phrase", "clause", or "sentence". That is, a "letter" sound that
may be cued through each of the following single "letter" shapes:
"a","d","e","i","k","m","n","r","s","t","u" and "y", may be shown
to initiate a specific ["range" of] 'mental "function[s]"' when a
person is using the American language to communicate one's exper-
ience in a "sensible" way. The "letter" sounds that may be cued
through these "letter" shapes, along with a survey of the variety
of 'mental "functions"' that these "letter" sounds may ["grammat-
ically"] "modulate", are "logged" in a standard "dictionary" of
the American language. [E.g.: "-d" may initiate 'past tense'.]
[ 1 ]
I have developed an evaluation of each of these "letters" that is
coordinated with the traditional understanding of the way each
of these "letters" tends to "function" in the American language.
[See: FACTS.] For example, the single "letter": "a", may "indicate"
the "sense" of: '[the single instance of] each "thing" that is equally
present in either this, that, or some other, specific "group"' {e.g., 'a
tree', 'a moment', 'a law of Nature'}; or, the single "letter": "s" (when
positioned at the end of certain specific "nouns") may "indicate" the
"sense" of: 'a multiple of this "thing" is merged together in a relation that
develops this specific "set" (of "things" [that are the "same" {now}]).'

Now, observing 'the multiple of the "thing"' enables the
"sense" of: 'every "thing" that is merged together (now) in this
"set", is equally involved in this "group" of "things" such that:
'the single instance of each "thing" in the "set" may (now)
signify [or, '"make" the sign' of] the specific "group".'
As such: [the "design" of] 'a "tree"', may signify [or, may nat-
urally "designate" the sign of] this "group": '{of} "TREE[s]".

Now, each "thing" in a [quantifiable] "set" may be "indica-
ted" through the "same" [qualifying] "noun". Here, an(y) instance
of the "things" in the "set" may either be "shown", or be "made"
to be "known", now, through [the "employ*ment" of] this "noun".
[ 2 ]
As such, the scholastic evaluation of the American language
acknowledges that a single "letter" sound is capable of "indicating"
a specific ["range" of] "sense[s]". However, in each of
these instances, one may observe that the "sense" that a single
"letter" may "indicate" is a "function" of the 'grammatical "value"'
of the "letter". In a "dictionary" of the American languge,
one "sense" of the 'letter "a"' is "logged" in accordance with
the capacity of a 'letter "a"' sound ["A(E)"; "a^(uh)"] to sus-
tain the 'grammatical "value"' of: '"indefinite" article'; where-
as, one "sense" of the 'letter "s"' is "logged" in accordance
with the capacity of a 'letter "s" sound ["s^s"; "z^z"] to sus-
tain the 'grammatical "value"' known as: "plurality".

Therefore, the "dictionary" evaluation of either the 'letter
"a"' or the 'letter "s"' shows that a single "letter" (sound) may
"function" to "modify" the '"grammatical" consolidation' of a
"sentence" that is "(sup)posed" to "indicate" the "sense" that is
(now) "pre*sent" within one's 'mental image':
"a" => 'one of some [group]' ..... "s" => 'some of one [group]'.
To be exact, when a person hears a "sentence" in which a single 'letter "a"' sound is vocalized (immediately) before the "noun", the 'letter "a"' sound "indicates" that the "thing" that the "noun" now "names" is "known" to be:
"a" => 'one of the members of that "group" of "things"';
whereas, hearing a 'letter "s"' sound immediately after a "noun", the 'letter "s"' sound "indicates" that the "thing" that the "noun" now "names" is "known" to be:
"s" => 'a "group" in which that "thing" is a member.'
[ 3 ]
When listening to people speak, one may "notice" that, every so often, a person will vocalize a single "letter" sound that instantly "indicates" the way he or she "feels". That is, vocalizing the specific "letter" sound spontaneously "indicates" the "sense" of the 'mental image' that one is (now) experiencing.

Here, in the simplist of "terms": this "letter" sound '"feels" right' when
vocalized in this (mental) "moment".

E.g., the "m^m^m" sound that may (naturally) "indicate" the
"sense" of: (sharing in) "pleasure";
or, the "a^a^a" sound that may (naturally) "indicate" the
"sense" of: "relaxation" or "comfort(able)". ,

As such, the '"sonic" energy' that is involved in the vocalization of the specific "letter" sound develops a specific acoustic image that "matches" the "sense" that one spontaneously "feels" {to be involved} in one's {immediate} '[non-verbal] mental image (now)'. Also, one may "notice" that each person tends to vocalize the same specific "letter" sound when one is experiencing a certain ["type" or "kind" of] 'mental image.'

To be exact, I have observed that, within the "reality" of human communication, there exists the experience of: 'intuitively "sensible" [mental] "moments"' {i.e., a '(mental) "moment"' that is centered within the "psyche" of another, yet, with which one may [naturally] "empathize"} during which a human being tends to spontaneously vocalize a single "letter" sound. Here, [the "moment(um)" of] the specific 'mental image' that prompts the vocalization is [naturally] "indicated" through the enunciation of the "letter" sound that "notes" the human's {immediate} experience.
[ 4 ]
Therefore, a "letter" sound that (spontaneously) "indicates" the nature of one's 'mental image', is "funda*mental" to the communication of the "sense" that is now within that ["type" (or "kind") of] 'mental image' that prompts one to instantly vocalize the ["indicative"] "letter" sound.

As such, one may "notice" that, when a person spontaneously vocalizes a single "letter" sound that naturally "indicates" an "innate" 'mental image', each other person's "native" ability to "empathize" with the speaker when the vocalized "letter" sound is heard, [instantly] prompts a hearer's "psyche" to '"tune" into' the speaker's "psyche" such that the hearer is able to experience [the "sense" of:] the "intuitively" communicated 'mental image' that the spontaneous vocalization [naturally] "indicates".

E.g., the "u^u^u" sound that may spontaneously "communicate"
one's experience of: "wonder(ing)", or "ponder(ing)",
[within which: 'taking note', is "funda*mental"];
or, the "a(h|*" sound that may spontaneously "communicate"
one's experience of: (being) "startled", or "discovery",
[within which: 'paying attention' is "funda*mental"].

Specifically, the '"native" equip*ment' that is "funda*mentally" involved in each ordinary human being guides the vocal path through an "evocation" that 'naturally "suggests"' (in a hearer) the "sense" of the 'mental image' that the vocalization spontaneously "indicates". Here, [the nature of] the vocalization tends to "motivate" (or, to "direct") each person to "move" along (or, to "follow") a certain 'mental "path(os)"' that is shared between human beings.
[ 5 ]
Therefore, one may observe that: when human beings share a '(mental) "path(os)"', they are capable of "intuitively" experiencing each other's "feelings" through [the "sense" of:] '(human) "empathy"'.

As such, hearing the vocalized "letter" sound(s) spontaneously "brings" the 'mental image' that is "fundamental" to the vocalization to "mind": The "tone"
of the sound is in "tune" with the "tension" that is ("psychically") involved in [the nature of] the speaker's 'mental image' and, therefore, the "tone" of the sound guides the 'ex*"tension"' of one's '(mental) "path(os)"' into an acoustic image that is ("intuitively") involved in "communicating" the "sense" that is vocally "suggested". Now, one may "sense" that the 'mental "modification"' that the acoustic image ["suggestively"] "indicates" (or, initiates) is [instantaneously] "made" manifest '"in" the "psyche"' of the hearer in accordance with the "tone" (or, '"psychic" tension') of the 'mental image'
that the ("projected") acoustic image (naturally) "indicates".

Furthermore, one may "notice" that the "tone" of the vocalization, when
heard, is involved in "hearing" (or, "sensing" [the nature of]) the 'in*"tension"' of the speaker.

In other words, one may "notice" that each single "letter" sound that spontaneously "notes" one's [innate] "sense" of: [the "tension" that 'fills "out"'] one's {own} 'mental image' {now}, is able to ["intuitively"] "indicate" [the nature of] one's {immediate} experience in such a way that, the "moment" when the vocalization of a certain single "letter" sound is heard, the 'natural human "response"' is the "making" of this "sense" ['"in" the 'mental image'' that is {instantaneously} "made"] '"in" the "psyche"' of the hearer.
[ 6 ]
Here, the spontaneous "transference" of the "sense" that is '"in" the "psyche"' of the speaker to the "psyche" of a hearer, through an acoustic image that enables the hearer to '"make" sense' of the ("letter") sound that is heard, is "fundamental" to the 'language "value"' of the ["indicative" (or, "suggestive")] acoustic image that is (now) vocalized.

In other words, each acoustic image that is spontaneously "made" through
the human voice is naturally capable of being a '"co*in" of the "subjective"
(or, "personal") "realm"' of experience that "lets" persons '"make" sense' of one another's experience in that:

the natural development of an 'acoustic image' that may be
"exchanged" between persons enables the possibility of both:
'airing an experience (that is personal)' ["indication"];
and: 'sharing (personal) experience' ["empathy"].


I have coordinated the results of this method of "noticing" the 'language "value"' of a single "letter" sound with the evaluation of the single "letter" sounds that the traditional scholarship considers to be capable of
sustaining a 'grammatical "value"' in the American language:
"a", "d", "e", "i", "k", "m", "n", "r", "s", "t", "u" and "y".

For example, the vocalization of the single "letter" sound that may be ["philosonically"] graphed: "a^(uh)", is the sound of "a^(uh)" specific
"word" that "functions" to sustain the 'grammatical "value"' of: 'indefinite article'. Yet, one may "notice" that the vocalization: "a^(uh)", is a sound
[ 7 ]
that a person (spontaneously) "makes" that "indicates" [one's {current} experience of] the "sense" of: '(feeling) "unsure"'. To be exact, one may observe that: the "moment" that one voices the 'letter "a^(uh)"' sound, the person is "indicating" that one's {own} 'mental image' is: 'not (now) definite'; [or: (now) "indefinite"]. As such, the vocalization graphed: "a^(uh)", is a (human) sound that may now "function" in human experience to sustain the 'language "value"' of: '(feeling) "unsure"' or: '(being) "indefinite"'.

I have coordinated the results of this method of "noticing" the 'language "value"' of a single "letter" sound with the evaluation of the single "letter" sounds that the traditional scholarship considers to be capable of
sustaining a 'grammatical "value"' in the American language:
"a", "d", "e", "i", "k", "m", "n", "r", "s", "t", "u" and "y".

For example, the vocalization of the single "letter" sound that may be ["philosonically"] graphed: "a^(uh)", is the sound of "a^(uh)" specific
"word" that "functions" to sustain the 'grammatical "value"' of: 'indefinite article'. Yet, one may "notice" that the vocalization: "a^(uh)", is a sound
that a person (spontaneously) "makes" that "indicates" [one's {current} experience of] the "sense" of: '(feeling) "unsure"'. To be exact, one may observe that: the "moment" that one voices the 'letter "a^(uh)"' sound,
the person is "indicating" that one's {own} 'mental image' is: 'not (now) definite'; [or: (now) "indefinite"]. As such, the vocalization graphed:
"a^(uh)", is a (human) sound that may now "function" in human
experience to sustain the 'language "value"' of: '(feeling) "unsure"' or:
'(being) "indefinite"'.
[ 8 ]
However, one may observe that: the ("current") 'mental "modifications"' (happening '"in" one's "psyche"') that manifest the "sense" of: '(feeling) "unsure"' (or: '[being] "indefinite"'), may spontaneously develop into the "sense" of the "innate" dimension of experience: '[feeling] (mentally) active' [or, (simply): '(mental) activity']. Specifically, the "sense" that is "noted" through the 'letter "a^(uh)"' sound involves the [innate] dimension of experience: '(mental) activity'. Therefore, in the "reality" of human communication, the spontaneous vocalization of the 'letter "a^(uh)"'
sound may "map" the ["funda*mental"] dimension of experience:
'[indefinite] (mental) activity'.

Now, eventhough a "dictionary" may "log" the human "feeling" (or, a "senti*mental" moment[um]) that tends to prompt a certain vocalization
[e.g., '(feeling) "unsure"' => "a^(uh)" => "ah"], a "dictionary" does not evaluate the ["array" of] 'natural dimension[s]' of experience that a single "letter" sound may "indicate" is present within, or may prompt one to involve in, one's 'mental image' ["a^(uh)" => '[indefinite] (mental) activity'].

The 'natural dimension' of: '[indefinite] (mental) activity',
is "funda*mental" to the "sense" of: '(feeling) "unsure"'.

Here, if one performs a '"philosonic" evaluation' of each of the single
"letter" sounds that are shown, in the "dictionary", to sustain a certain 'grammatical "function"', one may observe that, of this group, certain
single "letter" sounds [that are "stored" in the "letter" shapes: "a","d","e","i","k","m","n","r", "s","t","u" and "y"]
may be spontaneously vocalized in such a way [at certain times] that
[ 9 ]
the vocalization may {immediately} "indicate" that one is (now) "sensing"
that a certain (natural) dimension of experience is (now) involved
"(with)in" one's "pre*sent" '[non-verbal] mental image', as well.

Therefore, I have supplimented the traditional scholastic evaluation of the
'grammatical "value" of certain single "letter" sounds that have been "log-
ged" in a standard "dictionary" of the American language by including my
observations upon the "moment" when a person tends to spontaneously "make" a specific "letter" sound that "notes" the "sense" of the person's experience.

Also, since one may observe that this pattern of 'sound and "sense"'
happens when certain "letter" sounds that are not considered to sustain
a 'grammatical "value"' [in the American language] are spontaneously vocalized, I have included an evaluation of the single "letter" sounds
that may be cued through the "letter" shapes: "o" and "p" to the
"dictionary" list of single "letter" sounds that may sustain a specific
["range" of] 'grammatical "functions"'. In all, each tends to initiate a
specific ["range" of] 'mental "function[s]"' when one is "indicating"
one's {personal} 'mental image' (in order to '"communicate" the
"sense"' therein) to another person through language.

I have placed my observations regarding both the 'intuitive "sense"' that a "letter" sound may spontaneously "indicate" and the 'natural dimension of experience' [that is "funda*mental" to the 'intuitive "sense"'] that a "letter" sound may [naturally] "map", prior to a '"dictionary" evaluation' of the 'grammatical "value"' of the specific "letter" that is being "explored".
[See: FACTS p. 63]
[ 10 ]
The traditional survey of the American language includes an evaluation of spontaneous speech patterns that sustain a certain 'language "value"' when "indicating" a [personal] "feeling". The vocalizations that spontaneously
[or naturally] "indicate" the "sense" of the 'mental image' that one is (now) experiencing, have been "termed" by the scholars to be either an
"interjection" or an "exclaimation".

Each of these spontaneous vocalizations is entered into a "dictionary" in accordance with the way that an author has "characterized" the [signifying] sound (that the author hears) into a "term" that "denotes" the "sense" of the {immediate} experience that the spontaneous vocalization of the 'language sound' [naturally] "notes".

A survey of the "dictionary" entries that have been "termed": "interjections"
(or "exclaimations") shows that, except for the "exclaimation" written: "O", each is written as a sequence of "letter" sounds:
"O", "oh", "ho", "whoa", ["so"] / "ow", "wow", "yow", "ouch" / {"oo(w)"}, "oops", "whoops", {"phoo"}, "boo", {"ew" ["(E)U"]}, "whew", "phew", {"p*ew"}, ["shoot"]/ ["boy"]/ "ay", "hey", "yea", "ah", "ha", "aw", "haw", "yah", "yeah", "bah", ["say"] / "brrr", "grrr", "aarrgh", "er" / "uh", "huh", "ugh", {"duh"}, {"h^h^h"} / "yipes", "yikes", {"I-yi-yi"}, {"I^E(E)"}, ["hi"], ["why"] / "eh", {"bleh"}, "heck", ["hello"], "whee", "gee[z]" / "gosh", {"g(u)lp"}, "Gad", ["great"], ["good"] / "damn", "darn" / "um", "yum", "hum", "humph", "hem", ["man"] / "p*(ah)", "poof", "pooh", "pish", "pshaw" / "hist", "psst", ["yesss"] / "sh[hh]", "shush" / "shucks", "yuk", ["yuck"], {"ick"} / ["nuts"], "nix" / "tsk", ["there"] / ["well"] *** "aha", "oh-o(h)", {"uh-oh"}, ["uh-huh"], "uh-uh", "ho-hum", "heigh-ho", "hurrah", "hooray", ["here-here"], "gee-whiz","egad(s)","Gadzooks" ||"yes sir" / "yowza"|| "okay" <"OK">, ("ecce"), ["icky"], "yoohoo", {"peeyoo" <"P(E)U">}, "jeepers", "shut-up", "phooey", "(oh-)shit", "(oh-)fuck", "oh-no", "oh-man", "oh-well", "oh-boy", "oh-my", ("my-oh-my"), ["my-my{-my}]", ["oh-God"], ["oh-my-God"], ['darn-it'], ['damn-it'], <"damnation">, ["mercy", <"mercy-me">], ["holy + "], ["there-now", <"there-there">], ["well-well-well"], {niehyai-niehyai}, ("oo-la-la"), "whoopee", "ole'", "wa-hoo",{"ya-hoo"}, "zowie", "blah-blah-blah", "eureka".
[ 11 ]
Here, one may observe that the 'letter "h"' sound tends to be heard by the authors of the "terms" that "denote" the enunciation of an "interjection". My observation regarding the involvement of the 'letter "h"' sound in an "interjection" is that the 'letter "h"' sound is the natural sound of the "air-flow" that is neccessary for speech.

To be exact, I have observed that, in human beings, a strong or intense
feeling tends to prompt a vocalization. Here, a human being naturally
channels (or "funnels") one's '"psychic" energy' into one's diaphram
(i.e, the lungs) such that one's '"psychic" energy' is "made" into the '"sonic" energy' that is "funda*mental" to a vocalization. That is, the experience of either an "inspiration" or, a "discovery", may prompt the human vocalization written: "ah" [ => "a(h|*"], whereas, when one is now feeling the "sense" of: 'being "exasperated"', or, of: 'being "superior"', the feeling may prompt the vocalization of the 'pnumatic burst': "h*". {Specifically, one may hear the "letter" sound: "h*", the "moment" when a person 'quits the effort': "h*" ["exhausted"]; or the moment when a person feels oneself to be 'above the effort': "h*" ["haughty"]; or the "moment" when a person feels a 'release of effort': "h^h^h" ["sigh"]}. Also, one may observe that feeling {intensely} "happy", or feeling {strongly} "hopeful", may be spontaneously "indicated" through the release of '{"psychic"} "tension"' that "motivates" the (uniquely human) vocalization of 'a good laugh': "h*h*h*h*h*h*h*^a(h)" {'O(h) ye^ah'} ["hearty"].

The "term" written: "feeling", may be "(de)noted" through the
'sonic "map"' graphed: "f^(h)E(a)l^(h)ing". [See: Ftnts., 1.]

[ 12 ]
However, when studying a "dictionary" evaluation of an "interjection",
one may "notice" that: the same pattern of "letter" shapes may be used to "characterize" the "sense" of a variety [or "range"] of 'mental "moments",
in so far as the sequence of simple "letter" sounds that is heard when an "interjection" is enunciated, is, in fact, the same.

For example, the "a^a^a" sound that "indicates" the "sense" of: "relaxation",
is "characterized" in the "term" written: "ah"; however, one will find in a "dictionary" that the "term" written: "ah", may also be used in a writing to "denote" the "sense" of either:

"discovery", "surprise", "delight", "inquirey",
"pain", "disappointment", "discouragement", "disgust",
or, simply: '(feeling) "unsure"'.

Therefore, the "indication" of the 'unique "sense"' that a [pattern of] "letter" sound[s] is able to "note" ==> through the vocalization of an "interjection",
is a "function" of the specific "tone" <== {or, the '"sonic" energy'} through which the "interjection" that "indicates" the way one "feels" (now) is "made".

This fact shows that: the 'fundamental "tone"' permeating the acoustic image
of a vocalization is involved in the "consolidation" of the enunciated "letter" sound[s] into a certain articulation that "normally" (or, "honestly") "indicates"
a specific 'mental image' when "made".

As such: the '"tone" (of voice)' of the speaker is ["funda*mentally"] involved
in the "integration" of the (natural) dimension that each "letter" sound "maps" ['"in" one's "psyche"'], into the "sense" that one may '"make" of' the 'mental image' that the (spontaneous) vocalization (naturally) "indicates".
[ 13 ]
Here, vocalizing a specific [pattern of] acoustic image[s] that (natural-
ly) "note(s)" the "sense" {or, '"psychic" energy'} that is (spontaneous-
ly) "indicated" through the vocalization of either an "interjection" [or,
an "exclaimation"] enables a person to "indicate" the "sense" of: 'one's
{own} experience {now}', in a "sensible" way. That is, a natural way
that persons communicate how they "feel" is through the "making" of
an audible vocalization that "indicates" the '("funda*mental") "tension"'
involved in the 'mental image' that is '"in" one's "psyche"' [i.e., the
'("funda*mental") "tension"' that "permeates", 'fills out', and "informs"
one's "psyche" and, therefore, (now) "heralds" one's 'at*"tension"'].

* * * * *
Now, when 'a (human) vocalization is heard by another, the '"native"
equipment' that each ordinary human is born with enables {or, causes}
the possibility of "empathy" between persons. The '"native" equipment'
that is inherently present ["naturally"] causes the spontaneous develop-
ment of the 'sonic energy' (of the sound that is heard) into a "psychic"
prompt that initiates, in the hearer, the experience of '"hearing" the
"sense"' of that 'mental image' which the speaker (now) "notes" through
the vocalization. Here, the '{psychic} "tension"' within the "originating"
'mental image' (that is [currently] "indicated" through that specific pattern
of "letter" sounds that "notes" the "tune" within the "initial" vocalization of
the speaker) is [currently] developed ['"in" the "psyche"' of the hearer]
in accordance with the "tone" of the vocalization that is heard.

To be exact, the "tone" of the "per*son" may, for example, be serious,
jovial, sarcastic, or "motavational". If one is not able to '"tune" into'
[ 14 ]
[or, "per*ceive"] the "tone" that is permeating the '(mental) "moment"'
(now), one may fail to "get" [or, "con*ceive"] the "sense" of what is
said. That is, being able to "tell" [or, "sense"] when a person is 'just
"kidding"', or when a person is subtly expressing a hostile 'in*"tension"',
is an ordinary measure of (human) "in*tell*i:gence". Here, to "system-
atically" [or, "knowingly"] "modify" the "tone" of one's speech in ac-
cordance with a belief in the possibility of certain real (or, "significant")
consequences [e.g.: to sound "innocent" when one is ["(f)actually"]
"guilty"] is "indicative" of the '"in*tent" to "de*ceive"'.
[See: Ftnts., 2 and 3.]


Now, even if the 'mental image' of the "thing" that a person is "indicat-
ing" through a '"grammatically" developed' vocalization is difficult to "fol-
low", or 'to "focus" in upon', because each "allusion" that the person has
"employed" to "refer" to the "thing" is vague, the '"native" equipment' with
in a hearer "functions" to develop the "tone" of the vocalization into a
'mental image' that [immediately] prompts a hearer to '"tune" into' the
feelings' of the speaker, regardless of what "it" is that is "significant" [or,
that (now) "matters"] '"within" the "mind"' of the speaker.

That is, when a person is "indicating" one's {own} 'mental image' through
language, the sound that one hears may "remind" one of the "sense" with-
in the 'mental image' that one is experiencing when one "makes" this ("indicative" [language]) sound.
[ 15 ]
Therefore, one may observe that: "making" an audible vocalization (of
a [pattern of] single "letter" sound[s]) develops a natural "(path)way"
[or, "method"] through which a hearer may spontaneously "sense" the
'mental image' (or the "feeling") that is [currently] permeating the "psy-
che" of the speaker such that, a person may, upon "reflection", develop
the 'mental image' of: an "intu*it*ion" that '"makes" sense' of the non-
verbal 'mental image' [or, "it"] that is [or, "ex*ists"] '"in" the "mind"'
of anotheri.

That is, the hearer may "in:tu*it*ive:ly" 'get "it"' (without the need of a
formal [or, '"grammatically" developed'] explanation of what "it" is that
"matters" (now) ['"(with)in" the "mind"' of the speaker}.] [See: "wit".]

However, if the "tone" through which a vocalization is enunciated is out-
side the '"range" of the hearer's experience', the speaker may "sound":
"eerie", "weird", "odd", or "queer", such that, in an ordinary attempt to
'"make" sense' of what the person is "saying", the hearer's "sense" of:
(mental) "strain", may develop into "sensing" that the speaker is: '[sort
of] "strange"', [or, (possibly) "deranged"]. [See: Ftnts., 3 and 4.]

* * * * *
Therefore, one may observe that each "letter" sound in an "interjection" enables the "sense" involved in one's 'mental image' to be "mapped" ['"in" one's {own} "psyche"'] through an acoustic image that '"feels" right' ([for] now). For example, if a person "senses" a 'feeling of "urgency"', one may
say: "yikes", yet if one is 'too late' in the face of the "emergency", one
may say: "oh-no", "damn(-it)", or: "oh-my-God". From here, one may
[ 16 ]
observe that a vocalization that "indicates" the way one "feels" ([for]
now) is either initiated through, or moves towards, the specific acoust-
ic image of a certain 'target "letter"' sound.

E.g., the 'target letter "I"' sound that is heard in: "yikes"
is also heard in: "I-yI-yI"; and, according to the survey, the
'letter "oo"' sound and the 'letter "O"' sound are 'target letter"'
sounds that either initiate, or are '"embedded" within',
many of the "interjections" (or "exclaimations") presented.

However, in each instance of the "interjections" presented, one may
observe that, when the spontaneous vocalization of the 'target "letter"'
sound is "made", the exact [pattern of] "letter" sound[s] that one pro-
nounces is naturally "modified" in accordance with the "tone" (of the
"per*son"). Therefore, the vocal "modification" of the exact pattern of
"letter" sounds that is acoustically "noted" in one's vocal "indication",
is graphically "denoted" in the "term" that "designates" the "sense" with-
in the 'unique (mental) "moment"' that prompts the (sonic) "indication".

E.g., in: "psst", or in: "hiss", in which the [embedded]
'letter "s"' sound is the 'target "letter"' sound;
in: "oops"; "oo-la-la"; or in: "boo", in which the 'letter "oo"'
sound is the 'target "letter"' sound;
or, in: "p*a(h|*", in which the 'target "letter"' sound is
the 'plosive burst' that "makes" the 'letter "p"' sound:
"p*", with the "a(h|*" sound carrying the attenuation of
the '"sonic" energy' involved in the initial vocalization
of the 'letter "p"' sound: => "p*^a(h|*".
[ 17 ]
Therefore, since the sound of an "interjection" (or an "exclaimation") is
vocally "noted" in accordance with the '"sonic" energy' that is spontaneously {or, "naturally"} invested in the "instantaneous" {or, "pre-reflective"} enunciation of the "interjection", each speclfic "letter" sound that is "pronounced" in the consolidated [sequence of] acoustic image[s] is involved in the "indication" of the 'fundamental "sense"' that one {immediately} "feels" when one is vocalizing a specific "interjection" (or, a certain "exclaimation").

Please observed that the "modification" of the "tone" that is involved in a person may be "designated" through the "modification" of the "letter"
(shape) pattern in the "terms" written:

"oops", "pooh", "whoopee" / '"boo"!', "boo^oo^oo", "boo^hoo" /
'"ohhh"?', '"oh"!' / '"uh(hh)"...', '"h*uh"!', '"(hh)huh"?', '"uh"!', '"u{g}h"!'.

Here, the "familiarities" that jibe with friends (and usually gibe strangers) or the 'pet "names"' that are "cooed" between intimates, are spoken to "indicate" a "feeling" as well. Also, the 'silly sounds' game of children [or of marketing professionals who "name" {new} "things"] is played in order to experience the "feelings" that the sound patterns "make".

Furthermore, I may point out that 'four-letter "words"' [i.e., certain smutty or smarmy "words"] are not vocalized to "indicate" the "sense" of 'a "word"', but are 'sounded out' to "function" in the "sense" of an "interjection": to merely "indicate" one's {immediate} "feelings" {through the vocalization of [a sequence of] "expletives"}. [See: Ftnts., 5.]

* * * * *
[ 18 ]
In other words, due to the standard criteria for including an entry in a "dictionary," a "dictionary" charts the written history of a language. As such, the vocal pattern of a group of people is "logged" in a "dictionary" only if an author has drawn single "letter" sounds together into a written "letter" pattern in order to develop a "term" that "denotes" the ["moment" of] use of a vocalization that is heard by this group of people as having a '"psyche"*logical "value"' (or, a 'certain "sense"') for this group of people. Here, the "sensible" vocalizations that sustain a 'grammatical "value"' in the language are evaluated as "words" {e.g., some "words" are "nouns", some are "verbs" and others are "prepositions", etc.}.

The way that a spoken "word" is written develops a "term" in the language that "denotes" a certain use (or, '"contextual" application') for the "sense" that is "noted" in the sound of the "word" {e.g., "sight", "site", "cite" / "rays", "raise" "raze"}. Specifically, the "design" of the graphic image of the (written) "ter*m" is developed in order to "designate" the '[grammatical] "ter*rit*ory" in which the acoustic image (that "indicates" the "sense" that is (now) "consolidated" within the "word") is to '"make" sense' of a specific 'non-verbal "sign"' [that is (now) "pre*sent" within a specific 'mental "ter*rit*ory"' [or, a certain 'intellectual "context"'].

"Sight" involves [the "territory" of:] "light".
A (megalithic phonolite) "sits" in [the "territory" of:] the religious "site".
To "cite" a "citizen" (of the "city") involves [the "territory" of:]
the (legal) "literature" of the "society".
Articulating a series of "words" in a '"grammatically" coherent sequence'
[ 19 ]

[i.e., in a pattern that '"matches the "moment(um)' of one's [non-verbal] experience (now)], may develop the series of "words" into either a "phrase", "clause", or "sentence" that consists of a "definite" set of "terms". As such,
one may now observe that every "phrase", "clause", or "sentence" is 'made "up"' of a ['"grammatically" coherent'] "word" pattern that performs the (mental) work of "noting" [specific dimensions within] an experience.
Using language correctly enables a person to perform the (mental) work
that is oriented towards "making" an "observation" in experience such that, through the "observation" so "made", the person is able to '"make" sense'
of [one's {own}] experience through [one's {own}] speech (or, through
an "eligible" [pattern of] graphic image[s] [i.e., a "writing"] that has the "capacity" to "store" the '[intellectual] "text"' of one's {own} speech
[within a 'grammatical "context"' that "de*term*ines" the '("psyche"*)
logical "sense"' of the "terms" that are '"spelled" out' in the writing] for a
future "reference" concerning the specified "observation"). [See: Ftnts., 6.]
However, according to the traditional scholastic evaluation of language,
the 'grammatical "value"' of an "interjection" is "zero"; yet, each instance
is vocalized spontaneously, 'in the "moment"', in accordance with the
way one "feels" (now). Therefore, when an "interjection" is vocalized, the sound {or, the '"sonic" energy'} naturally "indicates" a 'native "sense"'; and
the sound is vocalized so the way one "feels" (now) is, in fact, "indicated";
and the way one "feels" is "indicated" so the way one "feels" may be
observed (i.e., so one may "make" the way one "feels" into a "sensible" {demonstrative} "observation" [i.e., as an ostensible evocation of one's 'mental image'] that {instantly} '"makes" sense' of the way one "feels" now).
[ 20 ]
As such, eventhough the scholarship states that an "interjection" {or an "exclaimation"} is not a "word" {i.e., a vocalization that conveys a "sense"
that may be considered to sustain a specific 'grammatical "value"'}, each
of these natural (human) sounds sustains a certain 'language "value"' that enables a person to communicate (one's "sense" of) a [native] "feeling".

For example, I have "noticed" that when a person, who is now listening
to an explanation, "realizes" there is a "factual" or a "method*ological"
error in either one's {own} judgement "within", or the "actual" (ethical) "con*sequences" that could (now) extend "from", one's {own} 'mental image,' the person tends to vocalize the acoustic image [that may be graphed:] "O[h(^oo)". Now, when a "realization" of that which
(mentally) "matters" finally 'dawns upon' a person, the vocalization of the 'language sound' graphed: "O[h(^oo)]", is the spontaneous (or, natural) "indication" of the "sense" (within one's personal experience) of:

'I now "affirm" the "realization" (of this "observation").'

Here, when a ["nor*mal"] person '"affirms" a "realization",' (through the vocalization of the 'letter "O"' sound), the person is "indicating" that:

'Know, now, that I will pay attention such that my actions will be both
anchored in, and performed with fidelity towards, this {new} "realization".'

[See: "okay" / "OK"]

Since the purpose of this writing is to present a technique through which
one may evaluate the '(mental) "functions"' that the 'natural "sense"' of a
single "letter" sound "modulates" in the development of the 'intellectual
"sense"' of each "word" in which the "letter" sound is pronounced, here
[ 21 ]
is a clue that enables me to point out the way that this technique works:

If the 'letter "O"' sound may "map" the 'natural "sense"' of:

'I "affirm" the "realization" such that:
I am anchored in ..., I will act with fidelity towards ...,
or, simply: I will pay attention to ..., the "observation".',

please reflect upon the 'intellectual "sense"' of the "term"
written: "oath", and the "term" written: "obey".

* * * * *
Now, due to the fact that a vocalization must have been "characterized"
by an author for the 'grammatical "value"' of the "sense" of the vocalization
to be entered into a "dictionary," many ordinary instances of a person vocalizing a single "letter" sound that "indicates" the "sense" of the person's {immediate} experience are not entered into the body of a "dictionary".
For example, I have "noticed" many people {myself included} scrunch
up his or her face while "instantly" saying: "(E)U", when "perceiving" [or, "sensing"] a "thing" that is neither "pleasent" nor "good" {yet, is relatively harmless} that (naturally) prompts a [mental] movement that (constantly) excludes the "thing".

Please observe that the ("letter") sound graphed: "(E)U", is often written:
"ew" [or: "ewwww"], (e.g., in comic strips) and is often enunciated simply
as: "U" [or: "U^U^U"]. Here, the 'letter "E"' sound simply vocally initiates
the enunciation of the 'letter "U"' sound: "(E)U".

However, one may "notice" instances in which a person puts a "tonal" emphasis on the initiating 'letter "E"' sound {i.e., "E^E^U^U^U"}.
[ 22 ]
As such, when there is a 'noticable "modulation"' (or, '"phase" shift')
of the "sonic" energy' that is involved in a vocalization, there is a 'mental "modification"' of the "sense" {or "feeling"} that the person is (intuitively) "indicating" {or, '"making" another (to) feel' through language}. Specifically, vocalizing: "E^E^U^U^U", spontaneously "indicates" that one is now ex-
periencing a '[non-verbal] mental image' that (now) involves the "sense" of:

'the "will" to perform an outward movement to
constantly exclude the "thing" is "emphatic"'.

This example is interesting because one may "notice" that the "tonal"
quality of the vocalization, is involved in "indicating" the 'unique "sense"'
of one's experience. That is, when the 'vocal "tension"' involved in the
"letter" sound written: "(E)U", is "neutralized" [i.e., is "made" in the
"norm*al" {or "nor*mal"} "tone"] , the 'letter "(E)U"' sound written:
"eu-", is a prefix in the American language that "indicates" the "sense"
of: "good" or "well".

Also, one may "notice" that the "moment" when one "senses" that the
"thing" that one is (now) "perceiving" either: is (now) "broken" [and needs "fixing" {or, needs attention} (now)]; or: is (now) "operating" [while one's attention is (now) "fixed" upon the "thing"]; or: when, upon reflection, one
has to (or is being forced to) (now) "fix" one's attention upon the "thing",
[so the experience of the "thing" develops into the 'mental image' (now) of: "boring" or: "monotony"], persons tend to immediately vocalize the sound
that is "characterized" in the American language as the 'letter "oo"' sound.
[ 23 ]
As such, one may observe that in each of these instances, the 'letter "oo"' sound "indicates" (or "maps") the 'funda*mental "sense"' of:

'("sub*jective") "involve*ment"'.

Please observe that: '("sub*jective") "involve*ment"' is involved in the '("funda*mental") "sense"' of the "terms" written:

"fool","drool", "blooper","foozle", "ooze", "goo", "loose",
"stupid", "cruel", "sue", "ruse" {"oops", "phooey", "shoot"}

|_____=> '(subjective) "involvement"' > "broken"_____|

"do", "tool", "boot", "broom", "zoom", "school", "ruler",
"true", "suit", "dues" {"ya-hoo", "hoo-ray", "oo(w)[^wow]"}

|____=> '(subjective) "involvement"' > "operation"____|

"brood", "mood", "moot", "woo", "couped-up", "stew",
"grueling", "prude", <"school", "zoo">, ["futile"]

|___=> '(subjective) "involvement"' > "mono*ton^y"___|


Another example of a "letter" sound that people spontaneously "make" that (naturally) "indicates" the 'fundamental "sense"' of one's 'mental image', [yet, a (written) "term" that "denotes" the "sense" so "noted" has not been "logged" in the "dictionary"] is the 'letter "d"' sound. Here, when vocalized, the 'letter "d"' sound may "indicate" that one's 'mental image' (now) involves the "sense" of: 'being [momentarily] "oblivious" (to what is here, or to 'the "obvious"'. Specifically, the spontaneous vocalization of the 'letter "d"' sound may (in accordance with the "tone" and the acoustic attenuation that is enunciated) "indicate" the "sense" of either:
[ 24 ]
{simply} ... 'This (observation) is not (now) here, or is not obvious'
... {One is "ob(li)vious".};
{sarcastically} . 'This (observation) ought to have been ["made"] here,
............... or, ["made"] obvious'; ..... or:
{emphatically} .... 'This (observation) is [right] here, or, is obvious'. ....

Please "notice" that when the 'letter "d"' sound is
spontaneously vocalized to [naturally] "indicate"
one's 'mental image' of the "sense" of:

"oblivious"; or: '"It" is obvious [that "it" is (now) here].',

the 'letter "d"' sound is usually attenuated through
the 'letter "u(h)"' sound: => "d*u(h)".

[See: "dumb", "done", ("dupe")] [See: u., p. 146]
Also, one may "notice" that a person's throat muscles tend to tighten
when one "feels" that the performance of one's action is either:

'being redressed through a binding punishment';
or: 'being addressed through a binding reward'.

As such, the 'throated "burst"': "g*", (that is naturally "made" when
one momentarily holds back the air-flow through one's throat) tends
to be "made" either:

'when one "feels" that one is: 'being bound', through
a surrounding "observation"' ["g*(u)lp", "g*ag"];

or: 'when one "feels" that one is: 'being loved', through
a unifying "observation"' ["g*ood", "glow"].
[ 25 ]
Please "notice" the "sense" involved in the "terms" written:

'binding "punishment"' => "guilt", "grief", "goad", "grinding",
"grueling", "gory", "ghost", "greed", "flog", "gloom", "glum"

'binding "reward"' => "get", "gift", "grace", "great", "guest",
"grant", "glory", "goal", "gold", "glamorous", "gala", "glad".

* * * * *
Now, while comparing the list of "dictionary" entries that evaluate the 'language "value"' of single "letter" sounds {e.g., "a(h)", "a(w)", "o(h)",
"(e)r", "u(h)", "(u)m"} with my own experience, I have observed that
there are certain specific "letter" sounds that "indicate" a specific natural dimension of experience, yet since there is no graphic image that specific-
ally "stores" the acoustic image of the "noted" single "letter" sound, the "denotation" of the natural dimension of experience that is "mapped"
through the single "letter" sound is not "logged" in the "dictionary".
As such, in the scholarship that has developed into the "dictionary",
there is a "co:gn*it*ive" gap between the natural dimension that a 'single "letter" sound' may ("intuitively" [or, "suggestively"]) "indicate" and the 'intellectual "sense"' that one may "make" of one's [own] experience
through the consolidation of the 'fundamental "sense"' that a certain
pattern of 'single "letter" sounds' ["psychically"] "maps" into the pattern of "words" that '"make" sense' when speaking [or, when mentally "reckoning"] "in" one's [(kn)own] language.

This developmental transformation of the 'natural "sense"' of each "letter" sound into the development of the 'intellectual "sense"' of a "word" that is 'made "up"' of a specific [vocally possible] pattern of (single) "letter"
[ 26 ]
sounds, is a "calibration" of language that the traditional evaluation of
language overlooks when measuring the '"psyche*logical" value' of
language. Specifically, the traditional scholastic evaluation of human
language patterns gives no clue to the idea that:

the ["range" of] 'mental "function[s]"' that a single "letter" sound may
"modulate" is "funda*mental" to the development of the "sense" that
a human language may "communicate" through the "interjections",
"words", "phrases", "clauses", and "sentences" that one may "make"
using a specific language so that, through the consolidation of a pattern
of '"modes" of orientations' that a pattern of acoustic images "maps" in
a '[mentally "sensible"'] '"psyche*logical" model', each person within a
group of people who speak 'the language' may '"make" sense (out) of'
one's {own (personal)} 'non-verbal mental image' in a way that another
person may '"make" sense' of '"it" (now)' as well.
* * * * *
Now, I may point to the purpose of this writing:
Just as every ['"grammatically" coherent'] "phrase", "clause", or
"sentence" is 'made "up"' of a specific [sequence of] "word[s]",
every "word" is 'made "up"' of a specific vocal pattern of single
"letter" sounds. As such, each "interjection", "word", "phrase",
"clause", and "sentence" is composed of a (certain) 'consolidated
"letter" sequence' that is (sup)posed to "indicate" the [personal]
"sense" that is involved in [one's {own} natural] experience.

Therefore, the purpose of this writing is to "explore" the natural dimensions
of experience that may be "mapped" through a 'single "letter" sound' that "notes" the 'fundamental "sense"' of certain specific natural dimensions
that are now present in one's '[non-verbal] mental image', so one may
[ 27 ]
come to understand the natural origins of the 'intellectual "sense"' that a vocalization may now "make" when one is seeking to '"make" sense' of
one's {own} 'mental image' through (the [normal] use) of language.

From this beginning, the specific purpose of this 'sonic exploration'
of the language sound "(re)cognized" as: 'a "letter" sound', is to present
a technique to: 'open up and look inside', a "word" in order to gain an appreciation of the '["fundamental"] "sense"' that is ["naturally"] involv-
ed in the "word".

This technique involves the "e*valu*ation" of each 'natural dimension of experience' that is ("naturally") involved in the '(fundamental) [or, intuitive] "sense"' of a "word" that is spontaneously "indicated" through each single "letter" sound that is "noted" in a certain articulation. To be exact, the
"sense" of each "word" is developed in accordance with the "integration"
of each '"mode" of orientaion' that is '"funda*mentally" involved' in each '(natural) "sense"' through which one is now able to (inherently) "notice"
a specific dimension of experience such that, when each '"mode" of ori-
entation' that is (now) "modeled" in the articulation is (now) "integrated"
within a specific 'consolidated "letter" sequence', a person is (mentally)
able to "match" an '"array" of dimensions' that one [naturally] "senses" to be present in one's [non-verbal] experience with a certain '"arrange*ment"
of "letter" sounds' that enables one to (now) "indicate" the "sense" that
one may ("initially") "make" (out) of (one's ["pre*sent" {"sent*ient"}]) experience.

[ 28 ]
To provide a simple example, applying the evaluation of the 'letter "d"'
sound and the 'letter "oo"' sound enables a person to 'open up and look inside' the "term" that is written: "do". Here, the "term": "do", may be "sonically" graphed: "d^oo[w]".

If a new worker is done with an assignment, the foreman may come
over and say: '"Do" this now.', while showing the worker how to "do"
this now. As such, one may "notice" that the acoustic image that is cued through the graphic image drawn: "d^oo(w)", may "indicate" [the
'(language) "map"' of] the natural dimensions of experience:

'here ^ (subjective) "involvement" (cycle)'
or: '"obvious" ^ (subjective) "involvement" (region)'

Also, since a graphic image that may "denote" the language sound:
"d^oo(w)", may be written: "do", the natural dimension of: anchor,
is involved in a thorough evaluation of the '"acoustigraphic" image'
of the 'consolidated "letter" sequence' that develops the "term" writ-
ten: "do". As such, the "term" written: "do", may be '"philosonically"
evaluated' through the (consolidated) '"array" of dimensions':

' d ^ oo (w) / * o '
'here ^ '(subjective) "involvement"' (cycle) / * anchor'

or the (consolidated) '"array" of dimensions':
'obvious ^'(subjective) "involvement"' (region) / * identify'
Please "notice" the "sense" involved in one's 'mental image' the
moment when one must do a certain action (to get "done").
[ 29 ]
Furthermore, using this technique enables one to
'"make" sense' of the "term" written: "oath".

The 'fundamental "sense"' of the "acoustigraphic" image that is
"(re)cognized" as a (single) "letter" written: "*", involves a
"range" of natural dimensions.

'Letter "*"' involves: 'a "range" of natural dimensions'. ........

"o" involves: internal[ly] {or the derivations:
~~~~ ...... anchor(ed), fidelity, identify}.
"a" involves: activ:e[:ity] {or the derivations:
~~~~~ ~~...... perspective, idea, power, origin}.
- "t" involves: develop(ed) {or the derivations:
manifest, signify}.
"h" involves: feeling(s) {or the derivations: .
connection, growth, sovereign(ty)}.

..................... +(and, when heard as a single "letter",)+ the '"letter" group':

....... "th" involves: the 'uppermost limit' {or the derivation: union}.
~~~~~~~~~. || Please observe the "sense" involved in the "terms" written:
~~~~~~~~~~~. || "zenith", "Theos", "fathom","faith", "depth", "death", "lath"
~~~~~~~~~~. || "nth", "the", "there", "th*is", "th*at", "tru*th", "th*ought"
~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Now, as this technique enables one to 'open up and look inside' the
"word" that may be "philosonically" graphed: "O^[a]t^h", one may ob-
serve that the (fundamental) "sense" that one may ("naturally") "make" of
this "word" may be (mentally) "modeled" through the consolidation of
[ 30 ]
the '"array" of "modes" of orientation' that is involved within
the "acoustigraphic" image: "oath".

'internally [active] develop(ed) ^ feeling(s)'

'anchor(ed) in [the power of] the manifest ^ connection'

'fidelity to [the idea of] the uppermost limit'

'(to) identify with [the origin of] the union'

Here, a speaker of the American language may observe (or, "read")
that, in the American language, the 'intellectual "sense"' of the "term"
that is written: "oath", involves each of these ["philosonic") evaluations.

Please observe the 'intellectual "sense"' of the "term" written: "oath", when
this "term" is used within a "sentence" that "makes" an "observation".
[E.g.: 'An official takes an oath.']

Now, when the 'language "map"' developed through the vocalization of
a specific "word" correctly "matches" an '"array" of natural dimensions'
that is spontaneously present within one's '[non-verbal] mental image',
one may {"make"} use {of} this vocalization to '"make" sense' of one's {own} experience.

Here, the linguistic consolidation of the 'language "map"' that enables
one to '(intellectually) "con*solid*ate"' a specific '["array" of] natural
dimension[s]' that (now) '"informs" one's "psyche"', results in the
'(mental) "image"' of a 'stable mental "model"' that ends any further
[ 31 ]
"modulation" of the 'mental image" in such a way that [one may (now) "imagine" that] this 'mental "moment"' is now "significant" or, now
"matters", ['"in" one's {own} "mind"'].
In simple "terms": 'One "gets" what the vocalization "indicates".'

Therefore, ending the 'mental "modifications" happening in one's
"psyche" through the linguistic development of a "stable" 'mental
image' enables one to "match" the 'natural "sense"' that is spon
taneously manifest '"in" one's "psyche"' with the 'fundamental
"sense" that is ("intu*it*ively") prompted through the vocalization.

Now, "matching" one's naturally developed '[non-verbal] mental
image' with one's linguistically developed 'mental image' results in
the "term*ination" of the cognitive development involved in the '"psyche"*logical' manifestation of a '"stable" mental image' that
constitutes one's '"definite" perception':

When the "sense" of one's [non-verbal] experience is '"mapped" in
language'., one is capable of "making" the '"stable" ["array" of] di-
mension[s]' that is (inherently) "sensed" in one's "perception" into an
'"abstract" concept(ion)' of this "percept(ion)" that is now "(re*)cog-
nizable" through the use of language alone. Now, the 'linguistically
developed "concept(ion)"' is able to '"make" sense"' of the 'naturally
developed "percept(ion)"' such that the ('[in*tell*ectually] "sensible"')
"concept(ion)" may (["psyche*"]logically") "function" in the same
"way" as the ("definite") "percept(ion)" itself.

Therefore, when the 'linguistic "term*ination"' of the 'mental "modif-
ications"' of one's '[non-verbal] mental image' manifests a '"definite" perception' [that is acoustically "mapped" in such a "way" that this
[ 32 ]
"term" (upon "reflection") '"makes" sense' '"in" one's {own} "psyche"'],
one experiences the '(intuitive) "sense"' of: 'a coming to "terms"' with
one's '[non-verbal] mental image'. As such, 'a coming to "terms"' with
a 'mental image', [in an 'intuitive "way"',] "lets" the person "make" the
'natural "sense"' that is '"in" one's "perception"', into the [intellectually]
("sensible") "conception"' that enables the person [who is '"reflecting"
upon' the 'mental image'] to '"make" an "observation"' that '"makes"
sense' of |one's| experience through the proper use of language alone.

As such, one is able to experience the '"funda*mental" involve*ment' of
language '"in" one's "psyche"' through an '"intuitive" mental image' that
"makes" the "function" of |the| language that is |now| manifest '"in" one's
"mind"' into a (proper) "object(ive)" of experience. | That is, now, one's
(own) language [as an "object", or, an "objective",] | is possible to "sense"
when {currently} present '"in" one's {own} (active) "imag*in*ation"'].

Now, one's "fundamental" capacity to consolidate each specific "sense",
that is {currently} "inceived" ("in" one's "psyche"), through a | specific |
'"mode(l)" of orientation', that is prompted through a | certain | 'consolid-
ated "letter" sequence', enables one to (personally) "explore" ("in" one's
own "mind") the "sense" within [or, the nature of] one's {own} '[non-verbal]
mental image' (that is [now] "in" one's {own} "psyche") through language.

In other words, when each '("native") "mode" of orientation' that is "fun-
da*mentally" involved in one's '(intuitive) "sense"' of a certain 'mental
"function"' [that is spontaneously prompted through a 'single "letter"
sound] is "integrated" together, the [pattern of] acoustic image[s] that is
[ 33 ]
"made" develops a certain ("psyche*logical") "sensibility" within each
person who "hears" the language "made". Now, when each '(in*nat^e)
"mode" of orientation' that one "notes" through each single "letter" sound
that is "pronounced" in one's vocalization "matches" each '("salient") nat-
ural dimension of experience' that is now present within one's '[non-ver-
bal] mental image', the 'intuitive "sense"' involved in the vocalization en-
ables a "hearer" to '"tune" into' the 'consolidated pattern of natural dimen-
sions' that the language (now) "indicates". Therefore, when the 'consolid-
ated pattern of one's {"sub*jective"} "modes" of orientation', (that one
"notes" through a 'consolidated pattern of single "letter" sounds',) [coher-
ently] "matches" the 'consolidated pattern of the ("ob*jective") natural di-
mensions of experience' that constitutes one's 'mental image', one "makes"
a certain mature "observation" concerning the nature of] one's present ["perception" of] experience:

|One puts one's [own] 'non-verbal mental image' into "words" in | |
| |such a "way" that, through the "explanation" of one's "percept-| |
| |ion" developed through this ("definite") 'language "map"', one | |
| |has now 'come to "terms"' with one's {own} 'mental image (now)'| |
| |through an "observation" that '"makes" sense' of '"it" (now)'. | |

| | | Please observe that an "observation" may be "tested" | |
| | and is a 'mental image' to which one may "attest". | |

As such, if the language that a "person" uses to "make" the "observa-
tion" does not (upon reflection) "match" the '(salient) dimensions' of
the '[non-verbal] mental image' that one is seeking to "indicate" (or,
[ 34 ]
"communicate"), one may "modify" the "letter" (sound) pattern that
one pronounces: One may put "it" (i.e., one's 'non-verbal mental
image') into 'other "words"' [that, when consolidated, "make" an
"observation" in which the "sense" therein is now '"closer" to
the truth' (of the "matter")].

* * * * *
The following evaluation of the "sense" that is involved in a single
"letter" sound is centered upon the 'human condition'. For brevity, I
have selected the 'letter "s"' sound and the 'letter "I"' sound to evaluate.
Through this evaluation, I then show that the "sense" that is "mapped"
('"in" one's "psyche"') through each "letter" sound is "integrated" into the
"sense" of each of the "words" in which the "letter" sounds: "s" and "I",
are pronounced. Here, I have observed that the "natural" (or "native")
"sense" of the "letter" sound that is normally developed through the 'hu-
'man condition' is consistant with the 'grammatical "value"' of the "letter"
sound that the traditional evaluation of the American language shows
{in the "dictionary"} to be present in the "letter" (sound).
Each ordinary human being has the natural ability to put one "thing"
(of a certain "type" {or, with a specific mark,}) next to another "thing"
(of the same "type" {or with the same mark,}) in such a "way" that
each human that performs this action may naturally "sense" that the
one "thing" is 'in "touch"' with the other "thing". Here, the physical
act of causing [the alignment of] one physical "thing" to be 'in touch'
with another physical "thing" may cause the noise: "s^s^s". Now, the
"s^s^s" sound naturally "indicates": touching. That is, the "s^s^s"
[ 35 ]
sound that spontaneously happens in Nature, when, for example, a
person is either pushing a rock through the dirt to build a wall or pull-
ing a hide over one's back for warmth, is a sound that "reflects" (the
"image" of) [or, "gestures"] this act of touching. In fact, whenever one
hears the 'letter "s"' sound in Nature, one may intuit that one "thing" is
touching [or, is 'in touch with'] another "thing" without having to see
that two "things" are in touch with one another. Therefore, hearing the
"s^s^s" sound is "inherent" to the human condition when a human being
is performing the action that puts one "thing" 'in touch with' another
"thing". [I.e.: when one "thing" is set in place nex(s)t to another "thing".]

As such, the "s^s^s" sound is a "gesture" of Nature that "signals" to a
person that: an activity [or event] is happening in which the dimension
of touch(ing) is now involved in one's 'mental image', such that, when
one hears: "s^s^s", in Nature, one may 'spontaneously "notice"' [or, "in-
tuit"] that the natural dimension of: touch(ing), is (now) "fundamentally"
involved in the "sense" that is {currently} present "in" one's experience.

Now, the vocalization of the 'letter "s"' sound may be used to "indicate"
the '"mode" of orientation' that is "fundamental" to one's "sense" of: '[to be]
("in") touch (with)'. Here, a person may vocalize the 'letter "s"' sound in
order to prompt another person to ready the "mode" of orientation that is
"fundamental" to performing an action that involves "making" {or "reflect-
ing"} contact. For example, I have "noticed" that people tend to vocalize
the 'letter "s"' sound to get the attention of someone nearby in order to
become 'in touch with' the other person. {e.g., '"S^s^s"; hey, buddy.'}
[ 36 ]
Therefore, a person may pronounce the 'letter "s"' sound in order to
"sug*gest" [the natural "gest*ure" that is "funda*mental" to] the "sense"
that involves the 'natural dimension of experience' [that is "termed" (in
the American language)]: touch.

Furthermore, the "sense" of: touch, enables the human "psyche" to be-
come oriented in such a way that one may develop the "sense" of: adhere
[or, merge], of which: '(to be in) touch' is "fundamental". Also, the "mode"
of orientation of the "psyche" that is "functioning" in the "sense" of touch,
is "fundamental" to the 'grammatical "value"' of the 'letter "s"'. That is, for
one "thing" to be put 'in touch with' another "thing" involves both "things".

Now, please "notice" the "sense" involved in the "terms": "surface",
"topos", "set", "post", "across", "skin", "osmosis", "system" and "kiss".

Here, one may observe that the "sense" of: touch, is a dimension of ex-
perience that is ("fundamentally") involved in one's 'mental image' when
one '"makes" sense' of each of these "terms".
* * *
Human beings tend to spontaneously vocalize the 'letter "I"' sound when
experiencing an "urge*nt" moment that one now "feels" [or "senses"] to
be an "emergency". That is, the 'letter "I"' sound "indicates" that the hu-
man being is experiencing a 'mental image' in which the person "seeks"
to either "alert" or "alarm".

One may "notice" that an ordinary instance of when a person tends to
vocalize the 'letter "I"' sound is the "moment" when one incurs a painful
burn {"fire"} or when one is wounded by a sharp object {"bite", "slice", "strike"}. Also, one may observe that during the "moment" when some-
[ 37 ]
one spontaneously cries out in pain the natural human "response" is to
look for [the source of] the pain in order to see the [extent of] the injury.

For a "fundamental" example, one may "notice" that an infant vocalizes
the "I^I^I" sound when the infant is experiencing 'intense duress' {a "cri-
sis"} or suffering from a 'severe shock' {a "fright"}. When hearing the
"I^I^I" sound "made" by a screaming infant, a normal human being, (but especially the mother of the infant) [who hears the "cries" of the "child"]
is "instantly" prompted [or 'immediately moved'] to personally:

'see [what is happening, or what is the "matter"] there (now)'.
Also, one may "notice" that the 'letter "I"' sound is spontaneously "made"
when one person is 'calling out' to another so the other is prompted to
see the person who is calling. Here, the person is vocalizing the 'letter "I"'
sound in order to "indicate" that an important event is happening {that,
from the hearer's point of view, is (over) there. Therefore, the (natural)
aim of voicing the 'letter "I"' sound is to prompt other people to:

'open their eyes in order to begin to see the truth
concerning what is happening (over) there'.

Also, in normal situations, people in America say: "hi",
to one another upon seeing each other and, when they are
about to seperate, one of them may say: "By", whereas the
other may say: 'Nice to see you.'; or: 'See you later.'

Now, in a set of "primitive" examples, one may "notice" that chimpanzees
tend to spontaneously screech the 'letter "I"' sound when {anxiously}
[ 38 ]
"signaling" a {dire} warning (to the others in the group {or tribe}).
"Signaling" through the 'letter "I"' sound tends to prompt the others to
keep an eye open for danger and the intensity of this sound (especially
when the others join into the cacophoney) may be useful in driving
{away} the "{d}anger". Now, the element of suprise is gone: '"I" see
you.', 'You are seen.'. Also, dogs tend to "whelp" the 'letter "I"' sound
when in flight from a fright.

As such, the 'letter "I"' sound is a natural "gesture" that enables a per-
son to "signal" to another person that: an "e*vent" is now "oc*curing" in
which the dimension of: see(ing), is to be involved in the hearer's 'ment
al image' in order for the hearer to '"make" sense' of this present experi-
ence. As such, when one hears the 'letter "I"' sound, one may intuit that
the natural dimension of: see(ing), is (now) "fundamentally" involved in
the "sense" that is {currently} present "in" one's experience.

Now, the vocalization of the 'letter "I"' sound may be used to "indicate"
one's experience of a 'mental image' that involves the '"mode" of orienta-
tion' that is "fundamental" to the "sense" that involves [the natural dimen-
sion of:] seeing. Here, a person may voice the 'letter "I"' sound in order to
prompt another person to ready the "mode" of orientation that is "funda-
mental" to performing an action that involves "making" (or, '"reflecting" up-
on' [the "image" of]) a "thing" that may be seen. Therefore, a person may pronounce the 'letter "I"' sound in order to "suggest" the "develop*ment" of
a 'mental image' that '"makes" sense' when one involves the 'natural dimen-
sion of experience' [that is "termed" (in the American language)]: see(ing).
[ 39 ]
As such, when coordinating the 'natural "sense"' that is "mapped" through
the 'letter "I"' sound with the 'grammatical "value"' (in the American langu-
age) of the single "letter" written: "I", one may observe that when a per-
son is experiencing an "urge", the person tends to [instantaneously] an-
nounce (either):

'I need {to} ....'; 'I have to ....'; 'I want {to} ....'; or: 'I must ....',

in order to "indicate" that the person's "urge" has developed into a cer-
tain ("spec*if(eye)able) "desire". Here, one "aim" of vocalizing the "term"
that is written: "I", is to prompt others to see that: 'I am ....'.

Furthermore, the "mode" of orientation that is "fundamental" to the
"sense" of one's being able to: see, enables the human "psyche" to
become oriented in such a way that one may develop the "sense"
of: capasity [or possible], of which: '(to be) able to see', is "funda-
mental". Also, the "mode" of orientation of the "psyche" that is "func-
tioning" in the "sense" of: see, is "fundamental" to the 'grammatical
"value"' sustained through "either" of the "terms" written:
eye, I, or aye.

For one to be able to see, one's eye(s) must be open.
To be able to see, one's "I" {or, one's own present "se*lf"}
must be open {with the capasity to accept the possible}.
When one is able to see the truth, one may say: "aye".
[Please study the graphic image: "(E:)*y^e:^s)".]
[ 40 ]
Also, one may observe that the ability to see is manifest through either:
the capacity for, or the possibility of, "sight". [See: "-ize".]

Now, please "notice" the "sense" involved in the "terms":
"I", "eye", "aye", "eidetic", "icon", "idea", "light", "society",
"invite", "diameter", "wide", "height", "Zeitgeist", "paradigm",
"suprise", "fight", "crime", "cry", "buy", "fly", "why", "type".

Here, one may observe that the "sense" of see(ing) is a dimension
that is ("fundamentally") involved in one's 'mental image' when one
'"makes" sense' of each of these "terms".
Also, observe that the "words" that "integrate" the 'letter "s"' sound with
the 'letter "I"' sound (especially when enunciated as: "s^I"), "indicate"
(the 'mental image' that involves) the "sense" of: 'a "thing" that one may
{simultaneously} "touch" and "see".' Involving the dimensions of touch
and see in one's {own} "psyche" enables a person to develop the "sense"
of: 'a "thing" that "is" [i.e., "ex*is*ts"] and "is" {"iz"} possible to adjust'.

Please "notice" the "sense" involved in the "terms" written: "sign", "sine",
"sight", "site", "size", "side", "silent","silo", "science", "sciamachy", "scion",
"cite", "cipher", "decide", "society", "scythe", "cycle", "cybernetics", "cymo-
graph", "psilocybin", "psyche", "psychrophilic". [Also, "notice" the "sense"
when enunciated: "I^s" => "ice", "heist", "vise", "crisis".]

Here, one may observe that the "sense" of both: touch(ing) and
see(ing), [or: see(ing) and touch(ing)] are natural dimensions that
are ("fundamentally") involved in one's 'mental image' when one
'"makes" sense' of each of these "terms".
* *
[ 41 ]
Furthermore, one may "notice" that the variation between the "sense"
that is "indicated" through the 'letter "I"' sound and the "sense" that is
"indicated" through the 'letter "i"' sound by comparing the "sense" of
the "terms": "unite" and "unit". Here, the "word" written: "unite is a
"term" that "denotes" an experience that one may "see" is happening,
whereas, the result of the "union" is a specific "unit" that is 'constantly
"knit"' together to "ex*ist" as a ("definite") "thing" that may be used to
designate the ("unifying") logic that "ties" the "thing" together into a

Each "unit" may be "indicated" through a specific "noun"
[or, a "name"] that enables a person to {"psychically"}
"unite" each "unit", so designated, into a certain group.)

The variation of the "sense" between: "I" and "i", is also found in the vari-
ation of the "sense" of the "terms" written: "sign" and "signal". That is, one
may be 'in touch with' and see a "sign", whereas, a "signal" is capable of
designating ([the existence of] the originating) "sign".

Now, consolidating the "sign*als" that are "sent" enables
one to "identify" the "sign" that is (tacitly) "pre*sent".

* * * * *
Throughout my studies of the nature of human language, I have been
"reminded" to "notice" a language pattern that involves "matching" the
sound of a "word" with the "sense" of the "word". The most obvious
"match" of this language pattern is found in the "sense" that certain
prefixes and suffixes involve in the "sense" of the "word" into which
[ 42 ]

they are "integrated". The fundamental guideline that I was asked to
follow is: the (intuitive) "sense" that a specific affix "integrates" into
a "word" is sustained in each "word" in which the affix is involved.

For example, the historic survey of language shows that the Indo-Euro-
pean "root" written: "*per", carries the (intuitive) "sense" of: 'going [or
moving] beyond'; and that, in Latin, the "sense" of the '"letter" group':
*per*, is evaluated as carrying the same "sense". However, the sur-
vey shows that the 'intuitive "sense"': 'going [or, moving] beyond', is
carried in the Old English "term" written: "thurh". In modern English
(and American), the Old English "term" written: "thurh", is written:
"through". Here, one may "notice" that the acoustic image written:
"thurh", is transitional [i.e., "per" => "thurh" => "through"]. Therefore,
in the American (English) language, the "sense" of the prefix: "per-", is
clarified by equating the "sense" of the (I.E. / Latin) '"letter" group':
*per*, with the "sense" of the (American) "term" written: "through".

Now, when the prefix: "per-", is affixed to a 'core "word"', a person
may recognize that the "sense" of: "through", is now "(de*)noted" in
the 'composite "word"'. For example:

"per*form*(ance)", "per*cuss*(ion)", "per*cept*(ive)",
"per*sist*(ence)", "per*plex*(ed)", "per*spect*ive",
"per*pend*(ic*ular)", "per*jur*y", "(im)*per*vi*ous"
Also see: "per:i*od", "ex*per:i*ence", "ex*per:i*ment".

[ 43 ]
The next language pattern that shows an (historic) "engage*ment" of the
sound "of" language with the "sense" that is "in" [or, "mapped" through]
language is in the 'core "words' to which a prefix or suffix (or both)
may be affixed.
Here, to continue with an evaluation of the {American} "term" written:
"through", one will find that the scholars state that the Indo-European root
of the "term" written: "through", is: *ter. That is, even though the "sense"
involved in the Latin ("term"): "per", is translated into [or, "equated" with]
the "sense" ^ involved in the ^ "term": "through", scholarship shows that
the [etymological] history of the (American) "term" written: "through",
developed independantly of the Latin (prefix) |written|: "per-".
The scholars show that the "sense" involved in the 'core "word"': "*ter", is
"fundamental" to |the| "sense" that is involved in both: "term" and "territory";
with the 'original [or, true] "sense"' involved in "indicating" the experience
of: "throw".
Presently, the ["etymological"] study shows that the "sense" of both of
the Indo-European "roots" written: "*per", and: "*ter", converge in the
American "word" written: "through".
Now, one may "sensibly" say in American (English):
'Moving through a cycle one hundred "per*cent" brings the cycle to (full)
"term".'; or, 'One may move through this "ter*rit*ory" to achieve the "goal".'
{Gr.: "terma" => Amer. "goal"}.
Here, in either instance, each "sentence" enables one to experience
.. the "sense" of: ... "perfect";
or, the "sense" of: .. "thorough".
[ 44 ]
From here, the next linguistic pattern that shows a "fundamental" con-
nection between the sound and "sense" in language is found in the '"let-
ter" groups' that are "embedded" within either an affix or a 'core "word"'.
For example, the '"letter" group' written: "er", is "embedded" within both: "per", and: "ter".

The traditional evaluation of language found in a "dictionary" of the Am-
erican language, shows that the acoustic image of the '"letter" group':
"er", is a suffix that may "indicate" the "sense" of: 'a relation to the initial
motion.' [That which bakes is a "baker"; that which runs is a "run(n)er";
that which does is a "doer". See: "earnest"] Therefore, one may now
observe that the variation of the "sense" between the "letter" sequence:
"per", and the "letter" sequence: "ter", is a "function" of the "sense" that
is "indicated through the single "letters": "p" and "t".

"p" => the "phrase": 'through * one hundred' {or: "p^er*cent"},
"indicates" the "sense" of:
'a base ^ relation to the initial motion * to ["ef^fect"] 100'
[that involves a "(re*)counting" {to [the base:]} 100].

When the cycle (to 100) goes through "one" (full) turn, the term
of the cycle is '100 percent'. [i.e., 100 through 100 => 1.00]
{Now: '"One" has come to "terms" with the cycle ("per^fectly")'.


"t" => the "phrase": 'through * the correct manifest ^ action' {or: "t^er*rit^ory"},
"indicates" the "sense" of:
'a developed ^ relation to the initial motion * of the correct manifest ^ action'
[that involves one's achieving the "goal"].

One may go through the "ter*rit^ory" [to the goal] in accordance
with the '"right" ["method" of] action'. [See: "per*form*ance"]
[ 45 ]
Therefore, the variation of the "sense" between the 'letter "p"' sound
[ => base] and the 'letter "t"' sound [ => develop(ed)] shows that
the "sense" of a 'consolidated "letter" sequence' involves a specific
'"array" of dimensions' that one may "sense" in one's "ex*per:i*ence".

."p*e^r":...... base ...*.. relation ^ motion => 'through a base(d) "effect"'
"t*e^r":. developed * relation ^ motion => 'through a manifest action'

As such: the 'mental image' that one develops through language is a
'(complex) "function"' of the consolidation of each ["acoustigraphically"]
activated '"mode" of orientation' that is the '"(funda*)mental" path'
through which a person may "sense" a certain ["natural"] dimension
[so that, when activated through language, the dimension may be
spontaneously involved in the development of a '"sensible" model' that
is to become manifest "in" the person's '"native" [non-verbal] "psyche"'.
[See: Ftnts., 7.]
*per* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *ter*
Consolidating the dimensions: ~~~.|~~~ Consolidating the dimensions:
.[the 'base(d) "effects"' of a] ~~~~|~~~~ [the manifest action of a ] ..
~ 'base relation motion', ~~~..~~~|~~~ 'developed relation motion'
develops the "model" of: ..~~~~|~~~~ develops the "model" of:.
.-~ go round => circular (area) ~~~|~~~ go straight => linear (expanse)
.--------- ~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~ ---------
~~~~.. (able) to go "a*gain" => ~~~~.|||~~ (able) to go to ("gain") a goal =>
~~~~~~~ "and:able" {"addable"} ~~~~~|||~~~~~~~~~~~ "end^able" ~~~~~~~~~~~..
~~~.... ----- .~~~~~~~~~|||~~~~~~~~~~. ----- ~~~
~"*per*petual" / "*per*i:meter" ~~|||~~ "*ter*m:ination" / "in*ter*fere"
* * * * *
[ 46 ]
From this beginning, exemplifying the way that the "sense" of a pattern
of single "letter" sounds "note" the "sense" of a specific "word" enables
a person to 'open up and look inside' a "word". This '"philosonic" ex-
ploration of language' develops a "theory" that enables a person to
gain an insight into the origin of the "sense" that one may '"make" (out)'
of one's {own} experience through the {grammatical} involvement of
a certain articulation [e.g., a "word", or "phrase"] in a "sentence" that
"makes" a 'definite "observation"' that is "(sup)posed" to '"make" sense'.

In this writing, what I consider to be: 'a natural dimension of experience',
is "designated" through each of the underlined "terms" found throughout
this writing. Specifically, each of the underlined "terms" used in the ["theo-
retical"] evaluation of a vocalization, "designates" a 'natural [non-verbal]
dimension of experience' that one may now "sense" '"in" one's {own} "psyche"' through the '(mental) "functioning'" of a certain '("funda*mental"
"mode" of orientation' that is ("sub*jectively") "initiated" through a (spec-
ific) linguistic prompt.

I have selected the underlined "terms" as the result of a careful compar-
ison of the "sense" of the [written] "words" in which one or more of the
same "letters" may be found. That is, the 'etymological "sense"' of a
[written] "word" is a "function" of the "letter" [sound] pattern involved in
the pronounciation of the [written] "word". Observing the "modification"
of the 'intellectual "sense"' of a certain "letter" [sound] sequence (that is
considered to be one "word") to another "letter" [sound] sequence (that
is considered to be another "word"), when only one single "letter" [sound]
is "modified", (intuitively) "suggested" the "de*term*ination" of the [(fund-
[ 47 ]

amental) "range" of] natural dimension[s] that the "letter" sound "notes"
(in [the Amercan] language).

Please observe the "modification" of the "sense" that is in-
volved in the following 'consolidated "letter" sequences':
"able" => "c*able"; "f*able"; "g*able";
"l*able"; "t*able"; "st*able"
"a*b*l^e": the power, or capasity, * to embrace, to join
(into), or to advance (through), * a specific ^ relation.
Please observe that the "modification" of the "sense" of the
"term" {diagrammed}: "(*)able", is a "function" of: "(*)".
["(*)" => "c"; "f"; "g"; "l"; "t"; "st"]
"c": to integrate * the power, or capacity, * to embrace,
to join (into), or to advance (through), * a specific
^ relation.
"f": to animate * the power, or capacity, ....
"g": to bind * the power, or capacity, ....
"l": a specific * power, or capacity, ....
"t": the manifest * power, or capacity, ....
"st": to be in touch with the manifest * power, or
capacity, * to embrace, to join (into), or to advance
(through), * a specific ^ relation.

[ 48 ]
Yet, beyond this criterion, the selection is guided by my finding specific
"terms" used in the American language that provide a "sense" of: that
which one may spontaneously experience through the human condition
that exists in Nature prior to the development of (any) language.

For example, each normal human who "notices" a "thing" needs no lang-
uage to "sense":

=> A [specific] "thing" "ex*is^ts" [or 'is a manifestation
that 'stands out', (within one's ["perceptual"] field of
experience {(out) there}];

=> For each "thing" [that "exists" {(out) there}], there is
a path that sets a relation with the "thing";

=> Following a path that sets a relation involves [an
outward] movement;

=> For each "thing" that "exists", the specific path that
is followed focuses the strength of the relation [that
orients the movement] of the person towards the "thing".

For example, a normal infant "gestures" toward
(i.e., points to or, reaches for) a [specific]
"thing" [that the infant "wants" or "desires"].

Now, a human may continue to pay attention to, or maintain an interest
with, the "thing", or stop paying attention to, or lose interest in, the "thing", spontaneously, without "thinking" or, for no [apparent] "reason". That is,
[ 49 ]
'human nature' is such that each ordinary human either seeks [the experience of] the "thing" or doesn't. Here, the involvement of language {e.g., "thinking" or "reasoning"} may either interfere with, or return one to, "noticing" the [non-verbal] "perception" of the "thing" that either is, or had been, "occupying" one's 'mental image'.

In other words, an ordinary human needs neither "thinking" nor "reasoning" (through language) in order to "sense" a "fundamental" dimension of experience. Specifically, each ordinary human is 'naturally equipped' to simply "notice" each of these dimensions. Here, "thinking" or "reasoning" (through language) is involved in "making" an "observation" while considering the "sense" that is [naturally] involved in [or is 'a "matter" of course' of] the (normal) "perception" of one's [non-verbal] 'men- tal image' that is [upon "reflection"] 'consciously observed' [to "exist" {'"in" one's "mind"'}].

Therefore, a person may "think" of [the strength of] certain relations, or involve "reasons", in one's {own} 'mental image' when considering the 'form of (manifest) action' that "ought" to be involved in one's "per*form*ance" in order to correctly move through a "territory" to achieve a goal. As such, a person may develop a "th*ought" within which one may evaluate [or "thin(g)k" through] the "reasons" for the effort involved in achieving the goal. The person's "reasoning" may consider either: the benefits that achieving the goal would (personally) bring; or: the con- scious fulfillment of one's oath to a principle or ideal ..., { ... rather than to simply 'act on impulse' in order to merely gratify [the "(in*)tension" involved in the "un*conscious" nature of] the 'mental image' that one is (now) experiencing (or through which one is [now] "going")}.

* * * * *
[ 50 ]
From here, I began to "notice" that either a certain '"letter" group', or a
single "letter", is involved in "words" that convey the "sense" of a cer-
tain "type" or "kind" of experience in which a certain specific [set of] di-
mension[s] tended to be involved in the pattern (or "text(ure)") of the
'mental image' that permeates one's experience.

The following evaluation of the single "letters": "r" and "t", and the '"letter" groups': "st", "tr", and "str", [when each is involved in a certain "term"] exemplifies the "observation" that:

'there is a common '["array" of] dimension[s]' of experience
'indicated" through the "words" in which the same acoustic image
[a single "letter" or, a '"letter" group', sound] is vocalized.'

The "modification" of the "sense" of each "term" that involves the same
'core "ar*ra:nge*ment"' of "letters" [and, therefore, the "modification" of
the "range" of use that the 'core "array"' of single "letters" initializes] is de-
veloped in accordance with the pattern of the other "letters" that "ex*tends" the composition of [the "territory" of] the "term" in a certain way.
The single "letter": ... "r" ... => .. ring, race, rack, river; ....
the single "letter": ... "t" ... => .. to, top, tab, table, tan; ..
the '"letter" group': . "st" ... => .. stop, stable, stand; ..........
the '"letter" group': . "tr" ... => .. trace, track, tree; and ....
.the '"letter" group':. "str" ... => .. string, striver, street. ........
The "terms" . => . "a" / "an", . "and", . "able", . "ace", . and "in";
. The prefix .=>.. "ab-"; ... and the suffix . => . "-ing".
[ 51 ]
The following is a review of the traditional evaluation in-
volved in the standard "dictionary" definitions of the "terms":
"a"; "an"; "and"; "able"; "ace"; and: "in"; the prefix: "ab-";
and the suffix: "-ing".

"an" => "a": from Old Eng. ["a(h)n": '(the number) "one"'] 'the
single instance of each (or, a[n{y} one]) "thing" that is
found within each (or any) "multiple", "set", or "group".'

"and": from Middle English => 'to continue [(the perspective
pattern) from this "instance" (or "moment") here]
to the next "instance" [or, "moment"] (in order for the
next "instance" [or, "moment"] to be supported here).'

"and": 'perspective [pattern] supported here'

This "sense" may "indicate" that one may continue 'the
"observation"' upon a "topic". The "extention" of the
"topic" to the next "instance" is continued through an
ability to (naturally) "weave" the next "instance" in-
to the pattern that is (now) here. [See: "end"]

"ab-": from Latin => ("extended" or "held") "from", or "away".

"absent", "about", "abdomin", "cab", "grab",
"flab", "fabric", "dab(ble)", "fabulous"
[ 52 ]
"able": from Latin => "habilis": easily handled, or apt;
derived from => "habere": to have, or hold.
[Also, see the "terms": "habit" and "habitat".]
"able": the power, or capasity, to embrace,
to join (into), or to advance (through), a
specific relation.
"ace": from Greek => "sharp", 'to the "point" / from Latin =>
a "unit", or a "unity" {i.e., a 'single instance'} =>
from the Indo-European "root": "*ak" => "sharp", "pointed"
See: "ax"; "axis"; "accurate"; "acme"; and, "ache"
"in": from the Indo-European "root": "*en" => '(to be) "con-
tained"'; '(to be) a designated [part of a] pattern;
'(to be) covered [over]; or '(to be) supported [by]'.
"-ing": from Middle English =>"-yng"/"ind" => OE.:"-ung"/"-ende"
=> 'the 'ex:i*"stance"' of [an "in*stance" of] either:
a current activity that "modifies" either the rate
{e.g., volume, amount, intensity} or orientation {e.g.,
position, state} of some "thing", or: an "object" that
is observed to "function" like {or, as} another "thing".
Snow is an "object".
Snow is the result of certain atmospheric conditions.
Therefore, snow is an "object" that originates in, and
may fall from, the sky.
When the sky is snowing. snow is falling to the ground.
One may touch the snow that is "carpet*ing" the ground.
[ 53 ]

Here, "-(i)ng", is a suffix [in the American language]
that "indicates": 'the (designate) pattern located [in
the 'core "word"'] is (currently) extended over time
[in a way that: 'the "action", "effect", or "result" of
the 'core "word"' is (presently) "time-bound"]'
Specifically, one's "perception" of the (current)
"momentum" is "modified" to be the (stable) "con-
ception" of the 'duration present within' (or the
"inter*val" that one may "thin(g)k" is involved in)
the "moment". Therefore, one of the '"grammatical"
functions' of the suffix: "-ing" is to transform a
"state" (of "be*ing") into an ["hypostatic"] "act-
ivity" (that is now, a "thing" extended over time):
e.g., "carpet" => "carpet*ing";

and another '"grammatical" function' of the suffix:
"-ing", is to stablize an "activity" into a [hypo-
thetical] "state".
'I am "go*ing".';'She is "run(n)*ing".';
'We are "sunbath*ing".'
Also, please "notice" the '"letter" group':
"-ing", in the "terms":
"be*ing", "th*ing", "th*in(g)k, and "s*ing".
[See: Ftnts., 8.]

[ 54 ]
The following list provides an evaluation of the ["range" of] dimension[s]
that is "mapped" through the acoustic image of the "letter" sounds "stored"
in the "letter" shapes: "s", "t", "r", "a", "e", "i", "o", "c", "p", "v", "oo", "ng".
I have developed this evaluation in accordance with both the history of
language and the spontaneous evocations that are prompted through the
experience of a natural 'mental image' that is developed ['"in" one's "psy-
che"'] through the '"native" equipment' inherent to the 'human condition'.

The acoustic image of the "letter"
"*"' maps: the dimension[s] of experience.
"A" .maps: .. power {or the derivation: idea(s)}
.. "a(i)" .maps: .. perspective [=> activity(=designate)]
"a(h)" .maps: .. activ:e/ity [=> activity(=connection)]

~~~~~ ~~ "E" .maps: .. move(ment) {or the derivation: out(ward[ly])}
~~ "e" .maps: .. path {or the derivations: relation and
~~~~~ ~~~ '(to [be]) orient[ed]'}

"I" .maps: .. open([n]ing) {or the derivations: ...
~~~~~~~~~......... capacity, possible, and knowledge}
. "i" .maps: .. see {or the derivations: designate ..
..... and capacity}

"O" .maps: .. anchor(ed) {or the derivations: ......
..... ..... ..... ..... ... in*here(nt), and identify}

[ 55 ]
.......... "o" .maps: .. internal(ly) {or the derivations: attention
...... ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~.... and 'instantaneous|(ly) focus|(ed) (upon)'}
~~~. "oo" .maps: .. *anchor(ed)-correlation* {or the deriva-
......~~~~~~~~~. tion: '("subjective") involvement'}
~~~~~~~~~~~~ [See: *h^w* => *connection^region*]

"c" .maps: .. integrate {or the derivations: ~~~~
......~~~~~~~ solid(ify) and '(to) advance'}

"n" .maps: .. cover {or the derivations: ~~~~~~
......~ pattern and duration
....... "ng" .maps: .. "pattern-extended" {or the derivations:
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ "duration-present-within" and "time-bound"}

. "p" .maps: .. bas:e/ic {or the derivations: stable,
......~. and con*strain(t/ed)}

. "r" .maps: .. velosity {or the derviations: flow, .
......~~~~~..... motion, harmonic and spin}

...~~~~ "s" .maps: .. '[(to be) in] touch [with]' {or the deriva-
......~~~~~~~~ tions: made and (be)cause}

. "t" .maps: .. develop(ed) {or the derivations: ...
~~~~~... manifest(ed) and span}

~ "v" .maps: .. enables {or the derivations: 'carries
~~~~~~~~~~~... (the dynamics of)' and animate(s)}
[ 56 ]
Now, to exemplfy the way that the "sense" of a "word" (or "term") is "model- ed" when the "sense" of either a single "letter" [sound] or a '"letter" group' is "integrated" with a 'core "letter" sequence', I present the following evaluation.
The "sense" of:
"r*ing" is: 'flow*ing'; 'spin(n)*ing' or: 'motion * designate "pattern-extended"'
"r*ace" is: 'flow*to the point'; 'flow*unit'; or: 'spin*unit'
"r*ack" is: 'flow*unit (sharp)'; or: 'spin*unit' to a point}
"r*ive*r" is: 'velosity * see enables path * way'
~~~~~~~. or: 'velosity * designate carries orient(ed) * flow'
~~~~~~~. or: 'flow * capacity carries (=the dynamics of) the outward * motion'
"tr*ace" is: 'develop(ed) flow * to the point'
~~~~~~.. or: 'develop(ed) flow * sharp'
"tr*ack" is: 'develop(ed) flow * unit'
~~~~~~.. or: 'manifest motion * sharp'
"tr*ee" is: 'develop(ed) velosity * outwardly, (outwardly)'
~~~~~.. or: 'manifest flow * movement (relation)'
"t^an" is: 'developed ^ activity(=designate) cover'
~~~~.. or: 'manifest ^ perspective pattern'
~~~~.. or: 'manifest ^ activity(=designate) duration' ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~+[continued]+
[ 57 ]
+The sense of:+
"t*ab" is: 'develop(ed) * (to be extended) from, or, away'
"t*able" is: 'the developed * power, or capasity, to join (into) a specific relation'
~~~~~~ or: 'the manifest * power, or capasity, to embrace, or to advance (through),
~~~~~~~~~. a specific relation'

"st*able" is: '(to be) in touch with the manifest * power, or capasity, to
~~~~~~~~~~. embrace, to join (into), or to advance (through), a specific
~~~~~~~~~~.. relation'
"t*oo(w)" is: 'manifest anchor-correlation '("subjective") involvement' (region)' _______________________________________________________________
"t*op" is: 'manifest * attention[=anchor] base'
~~~~~ or: 'the manifest * attention[=anchor] is stable' _______________________________________________________________
"st*op" is: '[(to be) in] touch [with the] manifest * attention[=anchor] base'
~~~~~. or: '(be)cause span * internally stable' _______________________________________________________________
"str*ing" is: 'to be in touch with the developed flow of * an instance of an act'
~~~~~~~~~~ {"act" => from Gr.: ray}

~~~~~~. or: 'to cause the manifest motion of * a designate that is "pattern-extended"
~~~~~~~~~~ [or is "time-bound"]'
"str*eet" is: 'to be in touch with the developed flow * movement (relation) manifest'
~~~~~~.. or: 'to cause the manifest motion * of an outward[ly] [oriented] span'
[See: "straight" and "stretch"]
* * * * *
[ 58 ]
Through a careful "exploration" of this pattern of 'sound and "sense"' in
language, while considering the historical survey (or etymology) of cer-
tain "letter" patterns, I was able to establish a 'working "model"' of the 'fundamental "sense"' that is "indicated" [or, the natural dimension that is "mapped"] through each "letter" sound found in the American language.
Using this "model", when I "integrated" the "sense" that each 'single "let-
ter" sound' (that is ["embedded"] '"in" a "word"') [naturally] "indicates"
when (spontaneously) vocalized, I was able to develop an original un-
derstanding of the "sense" that is "fundamentally" involved in the 'con-
solidated language sound' [that is "termed" (in the American language)]:
'the (single) "word".

That is, the sequence of "letter" sounds involved in the [pattern of] acoust-
ic image[s] that is involved the enunciation of a specific "word", "phrase",
"clause", "sentence", or "observation", may be considered to be: an "algo-
rithm" that "functions" when one is (mentally) "assembling" an "array" of di-
mensions, in order to "match" the '"array" of dimensions' that is [naturally]
involved in the "thing" that is [presently] "informing" (or, that is {currently}
'filling "out"' [or, that "matters" within) one's 'non-verbal mental image'
[: the 'mental image' known as: "it"].

Specifically, each '"mode" of orientation' that enables one to "sense" a
certain ("funda*mental") dimension of experience is "consolidated" into
the '(mental) "model"' that is put to use in the 'conscious '(mental) "work"'
that is involved in 'figuring "it" [i.e., one's 'non-verbal mental image'] out'
{ ... rather than merely '("unconsciouly") blurting "it" out' through the "interjection" of an "exclaimation"}.
[ 59 ]
I present the results of this '"philosonic" exploration' of language in a set
of Tables [placed after p. 162] that "out-line" [the ("functional") "range"
of] the '(funda*mental) "sense"' that is ("psyche*logically") "mapped"
through the '"acoustigraphic" image' of each specific "letter".

* * * * *


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
In order for "words" to do the work
that they are employed to do,
"letters" must do the job that they
are eligible for, and capable of, doing.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The following evaluation presents the natural (or native)
"sense" of the "letter" sound that is ("funda*mentally")
developed through the 'human condition' along with the
'grammatical "function"' of the "letter" sound that the
traditional evaluation of language shows {in the "diction-
ary"} to be present in the "letter" (sound).
[ 60 ]
a.: A "letter" shape that "stores" a specific range of unique "letter"
sounds that (in accordance with the tone, duration, and inflection
involved in the "letter" sound when "made") spontaneously
"indicates" the "sense" of (either):

"inquirey" => "[h]A(Eh)y".
'[a "momentary" pause of "reflection" when one is]
"unsure"' => "a(^uh)".
"discovery" => "a(h|* (^[hah(h)])".
"resolution" => "ah(i)h(u)h".
"relaxation" => "ah[hh]".
"enjoyment" => "h*ah[^h*ah^h*ah]".
"elation" => "(y)e^A(E)[h]".

'a (mild) "fright"/"shock"' => "a(i|*"; "a(h|*".
'{indignant} "disbelief"' => "a(i){eh}".
'[the "(re)cognition of a] "disappointment"' \
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ => "aw(ww)".
~ or, '[a "moment" of] ~~~~~ "sympathy"' .~~ /

Please "notice" that the 'letter "A : a"' shape(s) may "store" a
"range" of "letter" sounds {that may be "sonically" graphed}:

~~. "A(E)" . => . "ate" / "say" / "a"; ~~~~~~~. "a(i)" . => . "at" / "and";
~~~~ "a(h)" . => . "father" / "elan"; ~~~~~~ "a(^uh)" . => . "a" / "alone";
"a(w)" . => . "wall" / "walk"; ~~~~~~~~~~~ [See: Ftnts., 19.] ~~~~~...
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~+['letter "a"' continued]+
[ 61 ]
Also: ~~~~~~ "A(e)i" . => . "ware" / "bear" / "change"; ~~
"A(E^i[y{uh}])" . => . "ale" / "male"; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"a(h)i" . => . "are" / "bar"; ~~~~
~~~~~ "O(^a)" . => . "war" / "warp" / "ward"
~~ and: ~~~~~. "e(h|*" . => . "(m)any" / "says" / "said" ~~~~~.
Also, please "notice" that, in the American language,
both: 'the "a(h|*" of: "discovery"' (or of: "shock");
-and: 'the "aw" of: "sympathy"' may be "stored" in
the 'letter "o"' shape.
"a(h|*" => "on", "hot", "not", "odd", "obvious"
"a(w)" => "off", "soft", "often", "ought"
[See: "o", pp. 96 & 98]

1) In the American language, the 'single "letter"' written: "a" (or: "A"),
may "indicate" the "sense" of:
'each 'single "instance"' of the "group" of "things" in which each
"thing" is equal to each other "thing" within this "group"'.

Here, since each "thing" that is in the '(same) "group"' may be "indi-
cated" though the (same) "noun", "making" the 'letter "a"' (sound)
{immediately} before this "noun" now "indicates" that one is able
to '"make" sense' of either:
'the presence of the 'single "instance"' of each "thing" that is equally
involved in the "group" that may be "indicated" through this "noun"';
Or: 'One "thing" of that "group" is (now) 'in "mind"'.'
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ______________ ~~~~~ ~~ +['letter "a"' continued]+
[ 62 ]

Now, if one's [non-verbal] 'mental image' is "gauged" correctly ,
the "sentence": '"It" is a ['("signifying") noun'].', may '"make"
sense' of '"it" (now)';
[i.e., one's 'non-verbal mental image (now)' {of this (or
that) (single) "thing" [or, "sign"] that is (now) 'in "mind"}].

As such, since, the 'letter "a"' (sound) may "indicate" the "sense" of:
'each (single) "instance" [or, "article"] of the "group",
the extent of the "range" of that which the 'letter "a"' (sound) may
"indicate" is: "indefinite".

Here, in the American language, the 'letter "a"' (sound) may
"indicate" the "sense" of: 'indefinite "article"'.

Therefore, the 'letter "a"' (sound) has the capacity to prompt the
'mental "function"' that is "funda*mentally" involved in sustaining
the 'grammatical "value"' of: 'indefinite article', in this language.

As such, the single 'letter "a"' (sound or shape) is able to "modify"
(in a certain specific way) the "sense" of each "phrase", "clause",
or "sentence" in which this single "letter" is "embedded".

2) Now, since the 'letter "a"' sound may be simply pronounced before
~~ each "noun" in the American language, the 'letter "a"' (sound), when
~~ "abstracted" out of this language, may be observed to be a (certain)
specific "word".

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "a"' continued]+
[ 63 ]

3) In the "dictionary" the scholars state that the 'letter "a"' sound is the
vocal simplification of the 'indefinite article' written: "an"
{e.g.: 'an car' => 'a car'}.
Also, the "term" written: "an", is derived from the Old English "term"
written: an => (the number) "one" { => 'one car'}.
Specifically, the "term" written: "an", is used when the "noun" begins
with a "vowal" (except the 'letter "(E)U"' sound) or the 'letter "h"'
shape when this "letter" shape is "silent".

'an act'; 'an honor'; ('a unit'; 'a youth')
[See: Text, p.11; Ftnts., 10.]

4) The "sense" of the 'indefinite article': "a", is "fundamentally" involved
in the "sense" of the "term": "any";

"any": '"indefinite" [relation] frequency gate ; ~~~~~
'"indefinite" [relation] pattern conjunct ;
~~~~ or: ... '"indefinite" [relation] pattern throughout duality ...;
~~~~~~~~~~~~. || ... that involves: 'the full "range" of every instance of
~~~~~~~~~~~~. || each group of "things" in which each "thing" is now
~~~~~~~~~~~~~. || "like" each other "thing" within the group'. ["m*any"]

In the American language, the 'letter "a"' may be "integrated" with a
"word" as a prefix. When the 'letter "a"' is "integrated" as a prefix, the
'letter "a"' is positioned to "function" as a '"tense" marker' that may
"indicate" the "sense" of either: "present"; or: "absent".

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "a"' continued]+
[ 64 ]
5) Specifically, when "integrated" with a 'core "word"', the prefix written:
"a-", may "designate" the "sense" of:
'(the activity [or power] {of the 'core "word"'} is) now "present"';
or, simply: 'the "instance" of -' [the 'core "word"'].

"a*like", "a*way", "a*wake", "a*kin", "a*head",
"a*rise", "a*bide", "a*moeba", ("now*a*days")

Or: the prefix written: "a-", may "designate" the "sense" of either:
'(the activity [or power] {of the presence of the 'core "word"'} is)
now "absent"'; or, simply: '"no" instance of -' [the 'core "word"']

"a*tom", "a*gain", "a*mnesia", "a*gnostic",
"a*byss", "a*sexual", "a*theist", "a*moral"

6) Also, the "sense" of: "present" (plus) or: "absent" (minus), may be
"indicated" through the prefix: "an-".

plus: ~ "an*ion", "an*nex", "an*other", "an*notate", ~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~ "an*nounce", "an*noy", "an*nul", "an*oint", "an*on",
~~~~~~~~~~~."an*nililate", "an*d" ~~~~~~~~~ [See: a.10) p. 68; d.1), p. 71]

minus: ~ "an*esthetic", "an*ecdote", "an*opheles", ~~~~~~~~~~.
~~~~~~~~ "an*chor", "an*emia", "an*onymous", "an*odyne"

As such, the "term" written: "an*swer", may be evaluated either as:
~. "plus * swe(a)r, ~ in the "sense" of the "term" written: "oath", ~ or as: ~
~ "minus * swer(ve)", ~ in the "sense" of the "term" written: "straight" or "true".

Please "notice" the "sense" of the "phrase":
'to be "true" to one's "word"'; and the "term" (written): "sword".
[ 65 ]
7) Furthermore , the prefix: "an*a-", may "indicate" the "sense" of: ~~~~
'not * ( not - [the '"core" word'] )'. +("plus" or "positive" [the '"core" word'])+

That is, a 'double "negative"' enables the "sense" of:
~~~~ 'a "comparison" that is supported, or covered, by [the 'core "word"];
or: 'a "thing" that is ("functionally") "like" {or, that is 'not "un*like"'} ~
the (dynamic) pattern "made" by [the '"core" word']'.

"an*a-": similar ~~~~~ ("juxta-position") ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[ => 'perspective pattern * active -']
"an*a:tomy", "an*a:logy", "an*a:lyze", "an*a:lects",
"an*a:chronism", "an*a:stomosis", "an*a:strophe"


8) "an*te-": before ~~~~~~ ("pre-position") ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[=> 'perspective ^ pattern[cover] * manifest ^ relation -']
"ante*cedent" || "ante*diluvian" || ("ante(r)*ior") || ["ante(n)*na"]

9) "an*ti-": against ~~~~~~~ ("op-position") ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[=>'perspective ^ pattern[cover] * manifest ^ designate -']
"anti*septic" || "anti*thetic" || "anti*pathy" || "anti*biotic"

10) As such, the "term": "an*d", may be evaluated either as: ~~~~~~~~~~
'present "plus" here'; {'Tom and Kim got married.'} .~~~~
~~~~~~- 'present "before" here'; {'This is up and, therefore, that is down.'}
or: 'present "against" here'. {'Yes, that is true and this is too.'} ~-

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ +["and" continued]+
[ 66 ]
"and": from Middle English => ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
'to continue (the perspective[=pattern]) to the "next" instance
[or, "moment"] {in order for the "next" instance [or, "moment"]
to be supported here}.'

"and": => 'perspective[=pattern] supported here'
This "sense" may "indicate" that one may:
'continue the "observation" [upon a "topic"]'.

[See: d.1), p. 71; and: "end", e.14), p. 79]
Also, "anti-" is related to the 'Russian word': "nyet",
that is translated into the American language as "no".
See: "end", e.14), p. 79

Furthermore, the "phrase": 'not yet', refers to the
'mental image' of something that has been mentioned
before and is now up against a present "time-frame".

* * * * * * * * *

C.: The 'letter "c"' shape "designates": ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
'(the quality, state, or a degree of) [the dimension:] "integration".
[involving the dimension: "perpendicular" +|c = k| or: "parallel" |c = s|+].

1) Both the 'Hard-C' sound and the 'Soft-C' sound are derivatives of ~~
the 'letter "x"' sound. The 'letter "x"' sound may be "sonically"
evaluated through the '"letter" group' graphed: "k^s".
[See: k., p. 83; s.1), p. 122; Ftnts., 13]
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "c"' continued]+
[ 67 ]

~~~~~ ~~~~~ /"K": 'Hard-C'=> '"sharp" integration'
"X" => "KS" => ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~
~~~~~ ~~~~~ \"S": 'Soft-C'=> '"smooth" integration'

A "thing" with a "sharp" edge put "perpendicular" to a
"smooth" [planar] area is "termed": "ax" [=> "a*k^s"].
A "smoothly" integrated plane from which a 'perpendicular
"ray"' may emerge is "termed": "(sur)face" ["fA^s"]
See: "oxygen"; "nexus"; ("kiss"; {"focus"}); "axis"
"center"; "science"; "receptive" [=> "ask"; "safe"]


2) The 'Hard-C' sound ["k"] "indicates" the "sense" of: ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~
[the dimensions:] "sharp", 'to "strike"'; or: 'to a / the "point"'.
[ => "cut", "curb", "cone", "cusp"]
IE.: *a(i)k => Gr.: *Ak^E* => 'a "point"'
"acme", "acute", "acknowledge", "act", "ache", "vector"


3) The 'Soft-C' sound ["s"] "indicates" the "sense" of: ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~.
[the dimensions:] "smooth" or "planar". [ => "face"]

Amer.: "ace" => ME.: Aas => L.: As => "unit(y)" ~~~~~ ~~~~~
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ [ => "specificity", "specie", ("coin")] ~+[See: "space"]+
Amer.: "cis-" => L.: cis => '[to be] on this side (of the line ~~~
~~~~~~ or surface)'; ['[to be] "coherent"']
"cistern", "circular", "city", "center", "perception"

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "c"' continued]+
[ 68 ]

+4)+ One may "notice" that the 'letter "x"' sound is enunciated in certain ~ ~
"terms" that involve the "letter" sequence written: "*.cc...*".
'*.k^s...*' => '*"sharp" ^ (but[t]) "smooth"...*'
"accept", "accent", "access", "accipiter", ["concept"]

Otherwise, when reading the "letter" sequence written: "*.cc...*',
this "letter" sequence is enunciated through a "denotation" that
may be graphed: '*.k^k...*'
=> '(a) *"sharp" [edge] ^ (that is) 'to the "point"' [of the area]...*'
"account", "accost", "accord", "occur", ["concrete"]

Please "notice" the "sense" involved in the "term" that
may be graphed: "ac*(k)now*(l:)edge"

* * *
+5)+ (t)ch.: A ["letter"] sound that one "makes" that may "indicate" the ~~~~
"sense" of: 'This is "irregular".'; or: 'That is 'not "normal"'.'
'"(t)ch"! ... You've got to be kidding!?'

+6)+ Specifically: The ["letter"] sound: "(t)ch" may "indicate the "sense" of: ~
[involving {the "concept" of}: ] ~ '(manifest) "regulation"';' ~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~. or simply ["ch" =>]: ~~~~~. '(to) "regulate"'. ~~ +[See: 'teach']+

Please "notice" the "sense" involved in the "terms":
"check", "which", "attach", "church", ["orchestra"]
"botch", "watch", "catch", "switch", "match", "hitch"


* * * * *
[ 69 ]
d.: A "letter" sound that one "makes" that "indicates" the "sense" of: ~~~~
'being [momentarily] "oblivious"'.

However, the spontaneous vocalization of the 'letter "d"' sound may (in accordance with the "tone" and the attenuation enuncated) specifically "indicate" the "sense" of either:
{simply} 'This (observation) is not (now) here, or is not obvious' ["ob(li)vious"];
{sarcastically} 'This (observation) ought to have been ["made"] here,
or ["made"] obvious';
or: {emphatically} 'This (observation) is [right] here, or is obvious.

When the 'letter "d"' sound is spontaneously vocalized to [natur-
ally] "indicate" one's 'mental image', the 'letter "d"' sound may
either initiate the 'letter "u(h)"' sound or be attenuated through
the 'letter "u(h)"' sound {i.e., "d^u(h)"} [See: u., p. 146]


1) In the American language, when the 'letter "d"' (shape) is "integrated" at
the end position of a 'core "word"', the 'letter "d"' (shape) is a suffix that
"functions" as a '"tense" marker' that "designates" the "sense" of:
through, noticeable, present or, here.

2) As a suffix, the 'letter "d"' (sound) may be preceded by the 'letter "e|h|"'
(sound) such that a specific acoustic image [written: "-ed"] is developed. Here, the suffix written: "-ed", may be evaluated as a "morpheme" that sustains the 'grammatical "value" of: '"past" tense'.
"star:t^ed", "clou:d^ed", "la:st^ed", "creat^ed"
[See: e., p. 76; and: "edit"]
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "d"' continued]+
[ 70 ]
3) However, when the suffix: "-ed", is "integrated" into certain "terms" in the American language, the 'letter "e"' sound is "silent". Here, the enunciation of the 'letter "d"' sound is smoothly articulated to become simply vocalized as the end "letter" sound of the acoustic image that composes either the only, or the final, "syllable" of the "word" in which the 'letter "d"' sound is "embedded".

|. "pegg^d", "deem^d", "cater^d", "motion^d", "size^d" .|
| "quicken^d", "peel^d", "dawdl^d", "flow^d", "nabb^d" |

4) However, due to the vocal transition involved in the enunciation of certain '"letter" groups' in which the 'letter "d"' shape is in the end position, the articu- lation of these '"letter" groups' requires less '"sonic" energy' when one enunciates the (unvoiced) "letter" sound that is cued through the "letter" shape written: "t". That is, in order to enunciate these instances of the 'letter "d"' shape as the (voiced) 'letter "d"' sound, one must articulate a separate specific acoustic image {or "syllable"} that involves the enunciation of a "letter" sound that is cued through the "letter" shape: "e".

| "walk*-ed" / "walk^t" || "jump*-ed" / "jump^t" |

As such, the fluidity of one's vocalization is enhanced when the 'letter "t"' sound is enunciated rather than the acoustic image that is cued through the '"letter" group' written: "ed".
[See: t.1), p. 137; th., 141.]

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "d"' continued]+
[ 71 ]
5) In certain sentences, the 'letter "d"' sound is the vocal simplification the '"subjunctive" tense marker' within an 'irregular "verb" phrase' that (conceptually) relates the "subject" with the "object" (or "result") in
such a way that the "object" (or "res*ult"), that was "indicated" [or, "mentioned"] '"in" the "past"' is "now" here (or, is "now" done).
Specifically, in the American language, the suffix: "-'d", may
"designate" the "sense" of:
'The past's future is (now) present.'
|.. 'I'd have gone later.' ....... 'He'd spent the money.' ..|
| 'They said they'd be there, barring any difficulties.' |
| 'He'd have sung, but I said he couldn't.' [See: "-ll"] |
In the American language, the '"letter" group': "de-", is a "morpheme"
that may be "integrated" as a prefix. The prefix: "de-", "functions" as a
"preposition" that "designates" the "sense" of either:
'the focus {here} fills out (the 'core "word"');
or: 'the focus {here} empties out (the 'core "word"').

* * *
6) When the prefix: "de-", 'fills out' the 'core "word"', the prefix: "de-", may "indicate" the "sense" of: 'the "confirmation" of [the 'core "word"']'.
| "de*posit", "de*finite", "de*limit", "de*lude", "de*bate" |
| "de*fend", "de*scribe", "de*note", "de*sign","de*liberate" |
Here, the "term" that is written: "deed", may involve "indicating"
the "sense" of:
| 'the "confirmation" of the "past" ... (is related here)'. .|
| [or: "de^ed" => 'here movement ^ relation through'] |
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "d"' continued]+
[ 72 ]
7) When the prefix: "de-", 'empties out' the 'core "word"', the prefix:
"de-", may "indicate" the "sense" of: 'the "negation" (or "voiding") of
[the 'core "word"']. This "sense" enables the "sense" of:
'a "meddling" in, or with,' (in order to "make" or "modify"
[the 'core "word"'] into the '"past" tense').
Specifically: What the 'core "word"' "affirms" is:
'now "gone"'; '(now) not obvious';
or: 'not (now) here'. [See: "was"]
|.. "de*range", "de*fy", "de*mon", "de*form", "de*ception" ..|
| "de*vious", "de*bilitate", "de*corum", "de*lete", "de*fame" |
As such, the "term" written: "de*vote", may be evaluated as either:
'the conformation of one's will {"vote" or "volition")
to fulfill the needs or the desires of another';
or: 'the relinquishing [or negation] of one's [own] will with
a subservancy to the will {or, "vote"}' of another'.
* * *
8) In the American language, the suffix written: "-id", is [( considered to
be )] a 'patronymic suffix' that "designates" the "sense" of either:
'in the lineage of'; 'an offspring of'; 'a descendant of' or:
'an implicative subsequent of' [(the core word)].
Specifically: [The 'core "word"' is] '- designated here'.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "d"' continued]+
[ 73 ]
9) In the American language, the prefix written: "di-", "designates" the
"sense" of:
"twice"; "two"; "double"; or: "seperat:e(d)/ion".
[ => 'Here is {(now) designated} there {too} -']
10) Also, the following prefixes ("morphemes") are used in the American language:
"dia-" : "across";
[ => '"seperation" {dual(ity)} activity -']
[ => 'through the "extent" of the "interval" -']
[ => 'here {to} there {dual(ity)} activity -']
"dis-" : 'to be the "opposite" of,
~~~~~~~. 'to reflect upon in a way that is "meddlesome"'.
[ => '"seperation" touch -']
[ => '"seperation" cause -']
[ => 'here designate ([focus] t^here) touch -']
("dy-") : [Gr.: dyo => "two"] 'mutually coetaneous'.
~~~~~~~~~ [Gr.: dymos => 'to "fold"'] [See: L.: "ply"]
~~~~~~~~~ [ => 'here throughout duality (link) -' ]
"dyna-" : "power" [ => 'here link (dual) frequency activity -']
"dys-" : "bad", "ill", "confused"; "insidious"; - [See: "lys-"]
~~~~~~~~~ 'intractably meddlesome'; ("e*vil" / "vil*e").
~~~~~~~~~ [ => 'Here link (throughout duality) touch -']
| Either: "dis-" or "dys-", may "designate" the "sense" |
| of: 'unnatural conditions' => 'excessive "torque" (or |
| "strain") within the system that results in failure'. |
* * * * *
[ 74 ]
e.: A "letter" shape that "stores" a specific range of unique "letter" sounds that (in accordance with the tone, duration, and inflection involved in the "letter" sound when "made") spontaneously "indicates" the "sense" of (either):
'The "noticed" relation is "insignificant" or, or, 'does not "matter"'.'
"e(h)" => "e([i]h)" ...[See: "i", p. 80.]
or: 'This experience is stimulating, fun, or is full of movement.
"E" / { => "ee" } ...[See: "I", p. 80.]
In the American language, when either of the 'letter "e"' sounds is
"integrated" with a 'core "word"' as a prefix, each 'letter "e"' sound
may "indicate" the "sense" of:
Here, the "sense" of: "out[ward{ly}]", enables the "sense" of (either):
relation; or: movement.
relation : | "e*vidence", "e*meritus", "e*minate", "e(f)*fort" | relat :
-~| "e*ducate", "e:pi*dermis", {"e*ver", "e*thic} |

movement : | "e*mission", "e*vent", "e*duce", "e*ject", "e*lude", | move
~~~~~~ | "e*volve", "e*motion", "e*rect", "e*vil", {"e*thos"} |
* * *
The "sense" of the 'letter "e"' is "fundamental" in each of these
'"letter" groups':
"ec-", "ecto", "ex-", "exo-",
"em-", "en-", "endo-", and "ento-"
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "e"' continued]+
[ 75 ]
Each '"letter" group' is developed in order to "indicate" a specific '("range" of) "sense" that is a '(complex) function"' of the specific "ar*range*ment" of the "letters" that are "embedded" within each of the unique '"letter" groups'. Each of these '"letter" groups' may be "integrated" into a 'core "word"' as a prefix.

When a '[consolidated] "letter" group' carries a "sense" that "mod- ifies" the "sense" of a 'core "word"' in a (certain) specific way, the '[consolidated] "letter" group' is traditionally considered to be a "morpheme".

Since each of these prefixes "indicates" a certain '("range") of "sense"' when "integrated" with a 'core "word"', [in the American language] each is considered to be a unique "morpheme".

One may "notice" that the specific parameters, or, "dimensions", of
the "sense" that each "morpheme" conveys is "modified" in accord-
ance with the "letter" sequence within each unique '"letter" group.' The evaluation of the historical development of this series of "let-
ter" (sound) patterns shows a path that is ancient, with recognized "etymological" junctions in the Anglo-Saxon, Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit languages.

Here, one may observe that the "sense" involved in certain prefixes is "consolidated" in certain "terms" that "designate" a uniquely specifiable '(mental) "moment(um)"'.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "e"' continued]+
[ 76 ]
1) Latin: "ec-" => "out"; .~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
Specifically: '(to) "outwardly" advance'; 'to move outside an integral';
or, 'an out-[ward]{ly} oriented integration'. [See: e.5) => "ek"]
| "ec*bolic", "ec*dysis", "ec*clesia", "ec*centric", |
| "ec*lectic", "ec*stasy", "ec*to:pia" |
2) Latin: "ecto-" {from the Greek: "ektos" => "outside"};. Specifically: ...
'(to be) in or upon the (outer) surface [i.e., the "topos"]'. [See: "epi-"]
| "ecto*derm" |
3) Latin: "ecce" ["Ek^A" or "ek^sE {or "e^chA}] => "behold", "lo", ~~~
"see"; ('to take "notice" of'; or, 'to become conscious of')
4) Greek: "echo" {In Gr: "ch" [i.e., "ch^I"] is graphed: " X : x "} => 'the~ reflection of that which is sent "out"' => "image"; 'a "balanced" response'. [See: "eq*ual", "eq*uity", {"aqua"}] Also, " ", is called a '"check" mark'.
5) Greek: "ek" => '(the) "out(ward)" (surface)'; Specifically: ~~~~~ ~~~~~
'(to be) outwardly stablized'; or: '(to be) outwardly grounded'.
6) Anglo-Saxon: "eke" {usually: '(to) "eke" out'} => 'to increase'; 'to ~~~.
suppliment'; or, 'to fill (out)' {eg., one's wages: (to) '"eke" out' a living}
[ See: "seek" ]
7) Sanskrit: "eka" ["E^kA"] => "one". [See: "cipher"] . Specifically: ~~~~~.
'rectify stablized [interval] origin' (or ["e^ka"]: 'relation grounded activity')
8) Latin: "ex" => '(to go) "out" (from)'; . Specifically: ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~.
(to) 'outwardly cross' {or, (to) 'move across'} a limit {e.g., a "threshold"}.
| "ex*cede", "ex*cite", "ex:tra*neous", "ex*ternal", "ex*it" |
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "e"' continued]+
[ 77 ]
9) Greek: "exo-" => '(to go) "outside" (of)'; ~ Specifically: ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~.
'to move out across to be anchored beyond [the threshold
of] the (outer) surface'. [See: "meta-" ("epi-")]
| "exo*crine", "exo*centric", "exo*genous", "ex:o*tic" |
10) Greek and Latin: "em-" => "in"; Specifically: 'the relation is centered' ~~
|. "em*bed", "em*phasis", "em*metropia, "em*pathy" .|
| "em*bryo", "em*bellish", "em*bouchure", "em*brace"|
11) Greek and Latin: "en-" => "in"; ~ Specifically (either): ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~
'the "outwardly" oriented (relation) is contained',
or: 'the relation (frequency) is supported'.
| "en*ter", "en*gage", "en*dow", "en*gine", "en*dure" |
|. "en*semble", "en*trance", "en*lighten", "en*trust" .|
12) Greek: "endo-" {from the Greek: "endon"} => "within"; ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~..
Specifically: '(to be) created, anchored, or, inherently "within"'.
| "endo*crine", "endo*centric", "endo*genous" |
13) Greek: "ento-" {from the Greek: "entos"} => "within"; ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~-.
Specifically: 'a relation pattern that has a manifest
position that is anchored "within"' (a "surface").
|["Note" the '"e" sound' in "en*tour*age" is: "a(h|*".]|
14) American: "end" {from Middle and Old English: ende => Gothic: ~~~~.
andeis => Indo-Euro.: *antyos => "opposite"; 'up to (a point)' =>
IE.: *anti => '(to) "confront"' => IE.: *ants => '(to) "face"'; "head".
To be exact: 'the "term*in*at:ion" (of an "ex*t^en:t")'.
Specifically: '[path]relation ^ pattern(cover) ^ [through]here|
15) See: s.9), for: "es-"; and s.10), for: "eso-", p. 129. ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
* * * * *
[ 78 ]
i.: A "letter" shape that "stores" a specific range of unique "letter" sounds
that (in accordance with the tone, duration, and inflection involved in the "letter" sound when "made") | the letter "i(h)" sound | spontaneously
"indicates" the "sense" of (either):
'I am staying open regarding that designation.';
'That designate does not (really) "matter", is not "significant" or, is "hollow".';
or: ['I am "ignoring" that designation (or "repressing" the "perception")' so:]
'I do not have to accept, "make", or explain the "observation".'
Or, | the letter "I(E)" sound "indicates" | the "sense" of:
'an "urgent" moment' (that one seeks to be "made" into an observation').
That is, the 'letter "I(E)"' sound may "indicate" the "sense" of an experience
(of a 'mental image') that spontaneously prompts the person to either:
"alert" or "alarm".
To be exact, the 'letter "I(E)"' sound is an acoustic image that one "makes"
in order to "gesture" [to someone (anyone) {who is not close by} in a way
that spontaneously "suggests" the "sense" of either]:
'look at me', 'attend to me', or 'engage (with) me'.
* * * * *
Also, please "notice" that the normal tone of of the 'letter "I"' sound is
enunciated in the manner of the diphthong: "I(^E)", yet may |also| be
'sonically "mapped"' | as the letter pattern written |: "ah^iy^E" | = "I"|
One may observe that, in 'Southern dialects' of the American language the "term" written: "I", tends to be enunciated simply as: "ah"; or, to be precise: "a(h|*".
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "i"' continued]+
[ 79 ]
The `letter "I"' sound is a "word" in the American langauge. One may
observe that, in this language, the `letter "I"' sound may be "denoted"
through one of three graphic images, each of which "designates" a uni-
que mental image: (specifically) "I", eye, and "aye". These "terms" are
considered to be "homonyms" because: `the sound that "names" the
"term" sounds the "same".'[Specifically: "homo^nym" => `same^name']

Here, when the `letter "I"' sound is `("grammatically") "embedded"'
within either a "phrase", "clause", or "sentence", the `letter "I"' sound
"functions" as a specific "morpheme" that "carries" a certain `grammat-
ical "value"' to a certain `(mental) "territory"' that the "design" of the
"term" is "(sup)posed" to "designate". Therefore, knowing a "definite"
use of the "word" involves ["noticing"] the `grammatical "value"' of
the "word" in this `("determinate") "context"'.

1) The single "letter" written: "I", "designates":

`the first person singular present tense pronoun'.

|.. Specifically, the `letter "I"' sound may "indicate" the "sense" of either: .|
| `(one's [own] observation, knowledge, or understanding of) "oneself".' |
|... or: ('one's [personal] knowledge' : ) ... {of} `one's own presence'. ...|

That is, the `letter "I"' sound is a "word" in the American language that
may "indicate" the "sense" of:
`One's self is (now) "open" to one's [own] {personal} presence.'.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "i"' continued]+
[ 80 ]
2) However, one may "notice" that, in the American language, the
'letter "I"' sound is a "word" that may be used to "indicate" the
"sense" of (either):
"agreement" => "designated" through the "term" written: "aye",
or: 'the {"sense"} organ of sight' => "designated" through the "term".
written: "eye".
The "eye," when open, is a path through which "I" may see the
capacity of the designation in order to know the truth of
the observation prior to "my" being open to saying "aye".
Also, please observe that, in the American language, the 'letter "i(h)"'
sound may be "stored" in both the 'letter "o"' shape and the 'letter "u"'
shape: "women"; and: "busy"; "business" [See: "bus", "use"(s / z)]; and,
please observe that the "term" written: "buy", involves the 'letter "I"' sound.
[See: "buoy"; and compare the "sense" of the "terms" written: "sale" and "sail"]
* * * * *
k.: A {"letter"} sound {"<-k*"} that one "makes" {when inhaling} that "indicates" the "sense" of:
'an "evaluation" has been performed that has grounded a "thing", and, be-
ing a stablized "thing", the "thing" is "fit" and [appears to be] ready to go.'
[See: c.1), p. 69; t., p. 136; Ftnts., 12] [See: "check"]
1) In the American language, when the 'letter "k"' sound is "integrated" as
a suffix, the 'letter "k"'sound is "stored" in the 'letter "c"' shape. Here, the
'letter "c"' shape is preceded by the 'letter "i(h)"' sound to develop a spe-
cific "morpheme" written: "-ic", that "designates" the "sense" of: |"l-ik-e"|.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "k"' continued]+
[ 81 ]
| Specifically, the suffix "morpheme" written: "-ic", "designates" that the
sense of: "like", "as", or, "in the manner of", is | (to be) involved
in [the action of] the 'core "word"'.
| "angelic", "romantic", "specific", "fantastic" |
[ "-ic" => '- designate (grounded) integration' ]
2) As a prefix, the 'letter "k"' sound may be followed by the 'letter "O"'
|shape| such that a specific |graphic| image is developed that may be
evaluated as the "morpheme": "co-", that "designates" either:
'together "with"'; 'jointly involved'; or: "unifying".
[ "co-" => 'integrate (grounded) anchor - ' ]
The prefix written: "co-", is vocally developed in
accordance with the '"core" word' that follows:
"coordinate", "coalesce", "collect", "correct"
"common", "context", "conjure", "concur", "conquer"
"connect", "compile", "combine", "consist"
"converge", "congruent", "congest", "confuse", "condone"
* * * * *
m.: A "letter" sound that one "makes" that "indicates" (in accordance with
the "tone" and duration of the sound) the "sense" of either:
'the "acknowledgement" of ...; 'the "possibility" of ...;
'a "doubt" concerning ...; or: 'a "hope" involving ...
{'one's mental "reflection" upon ...'} ... the personal
"pleasure" of 'being "involved"' in the experience of sharing'.
| "m^m^m" |
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "m"' continued]+
[ 82 ]
1) In the "dictionary" the "term" that "denotes" the "m^m^m" sound
that "indicates" the "sense" of: 'the acknowledgement of ... sharing',
is written: "yum";
| the "term" that "denotes" | the "sense" of: 'a "doubt" [ or, a "wonder", ]
concerning ... sharing', is written either: "hum"; or: "humph";
( | and, which "term" is vocalized depends | upon the "feeling" of:
"enough", in whom the "doubt" [or, "wondering"] is occurring]);
| the "term" that "denotes" | the "sense" of |1| either: 'the possibility of ...,
or: 'a "hope" involving ..., sharing', (or, |2| the '"hemming" in' of either:
'the possibility of ..., or: 'a "hope" involving ..., sharing',)
is written: "hem" or: "ahem" [=> "eh^em"].
| 'throat clearing', "a-hem", then either |1|: 'may I', or |2|: 'excuse me'. |
[See: e.10) => "em-", p. 79]
The "acoustigraphic" image usually written: "hmm...", {in comic strips}
may be written: "hum", yet, this graphic image of the 'letter "m"' sound
[specifically: "(h)mmm"] is a derivation of the enunciation of the {target}
'letter "u(h)' sound that "indicates" the "sense" of: "wonder" =>
"[h]u(h)[mmm]". || Specifically => '[connection] "wonder" [share]'.
| [See: u., p. 146] |
2) In the American language, when the 'letter "m"' sound is "integrated"
with a 'core "word"' as a prefix, the 'letter "e(h)"' sound may precede
'letter "m"' sound. | "[e(h)]m-" | [See: e.10), p. 79]
| As a prefix: "em-", | is "logged" in the "dictionary" in "terms" of a vocal
relationship with the prefix written: "en-". The prefix: "en-", "designates"
the "sense" of: "in".
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "m"' continued]+
[ 83 ]
Here, simply stated, the enunciation of the prefix written: "em-",
enhances the vocal fluidity involved in articulating the "words" in
which: "em-", replaces: "en-".
Specifically, | the prefix written: "em-", "designates" the sense of either | :
'the relation is share[d] -'. or: 'the orientation is center[ed] -'.
| "em*bed", "em*phasis", "em*metropia, "em*pathy", |
| "em*bryo", "em*bellish", "em*bouchure", "em*brace" |
[See: "empirical"]
* * * * *
n.: A "letter" sound that one "makes" that "indicates" the "sense" of:
'a moment "during" which' one '"dwells" upon' either:
'the "facts" presented'; or: 'a "result" concluded'.
| "n^n^n" |
This "sense" enables one to develop the "sense" of:
|to| contemplate; [or: "quirey"].
Specifically, | voicing the language sound written: "n^n^n", indicates | :
A '(mental) "moment(um)"' [that accepts the "facts"] '"during" which'
one may be prompted to ask:
'Upon what "hub" does this evidence turn?';
'What "pattern" of "facts" may "cover" [or, diagram] this "result"?;
or: 'What is the support for this "result"?'
Now, the "sense" of: "quirey", may develop into the "sense" of:
'a tendency to '"en*ter" upon a "quest"
("with*in" a specific "ter*ritory)'.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "n"' continued]+
[ 84 ]
One's "sense" of: "quirey", is consolidated through the "develop*ment"
of a certain "quest(i^on)"' [that one must ask in order to "gain" access
to the "ter*rit*ory" that supports the "ter:m^s" of the "topic"].
Here, the 'letter "u(h)"' sound may be involved in initiating the
'letter "n"' sound: "[u(h)]nnn...".
This acoustic image may "indicate" the "sense" of:
'I am involving "effort" to continue "making" connections
[through this "quirey"] in order to develop the 'mental image'
of either:
... 'a {mental} pattern that supports [or covers] the presented "facts"';
or: 'a gestalt that masters what is "meant" {when these facts are 'held ...
together' ('"in" a ["durable"] "res*ult"')}'.
Or, simply, the 'letter "n"' sound: "[u(h)]nnn...",
may "indicate" the "sense" of:
'I wonder what pattern (now) '"makes" sense' (now)'.
1) In the American language, when the 'letter "n"' sound is "integrated" ...
with a 'core "word"' as a prefix, the 'letter "e(h)" sound may precede
the 'letter "n"' sound. | => "e(h)^n-" | [See: e.11) => "en-", p. 79]
2) In the American language, the prefix: "en-", "indicates" the "sense" of:
'(the '["dynamic"] relation pattern' is:) 'outwardly covered'.'
This "sense" is the "integral" of the ["funda*mental"] "sense" of:
"en-" => 'path hub -'; [or: "core"] | "co" => with | "re" => again |
[See: "c~en * t:er"; n.5); and, 'nec * essary . con * nec * tion']
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "n"' continued]+
[ 85 ]
Here, this "sense" of: "en-", enables the development of the "sense" of
(either): ~ 'the relation [frequency] is supported -'; (either):
(either): ~ 'the orientation [pattern] is contained -'; (either):
(either): ~ or, simply: 'strength duration -'. (either):
~ [Or, to be exact: 'inertial field -'. ]
|. "en*able", "en*gine", "en*gage", "en*compass", "en*joy" ..|
| "en*telechy", "en*dow", "en*thusiasm", "en*sure", ["en*d"] |
3) When the 'letter "n"' sound is integrated as a suffix in the American lang-
uage, the 'letter "e(h)"' sound may precede the 'letter "n"' sound: "-en".
The suffix written: "-en", may "indicate" the "sense" of: "result".
| Here, the "results" of: 'to prove', is: "proven". | [See: e.14) => "end"]
This "sense" enables the "sense" of either:
"made"; or: '(to [be]) "compose[d]"'.
As such, the suffix written: "-en", may "indicate" the "sense" of either:
'[an instance of, the expansion of, or the variation upon, a] "theme"
or: 'to "make" into an instance of that which involves the "nature" [i.e. the
action or being] of the 'core "word"'. ["-en" => 'related to a pattern']
| "fasten", "quicken", "proven", "broken", "happen" |
| "warden", "garden", "golden", "wooden", || "vixen", ["oxen"] |
| Please "note" that slang "modifies": "-ing", to: "-(e)n". |
| 'What are you eating?' => "Wutcha^ee-t(e)n?" ["and" => 'n ] |
Therefore, one may "notice" that the 'letter "n"' sound {when
"integrated" with a 'core "word"'} may "indicate" the "sense" of:
'to support [the '"core" word'] to "make"
[the '"core" word'] have duration'.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "n"' continued]+
[ 86 ]
This "sense" enables the "sense" of:
'There is a "moment(um)" involved in [the 'core "word"']'.
"n*o^w" / "n*o^[u]n" => "n*a(i[h|*])^w : [u(h)]n"
" [k] n*:o^w (:n) "
" [grounded] moment(um) * : anchor ^ region (: duration) "
4) In the American language the 'letter "e(h)"' sound may procede from
.. the 'letter "n"' sound to develop the prefix written: "ne-". |Here,| the
prefix: "ne-", may "indicate" the "sense" of (either):
'the pattern [relation] is "insignificant"'; 'to cover the relation';
{i.e.: 'to "make" disappear'; 'to "hide"'; 'to "deny"'};
'the support is "out" (or, '"with*out" strength');
{i.e.: 'to "collapse"', 'to "fail"', 'to "destroy"'};
or, the "sense" of: '"made" to go "out" (now)',
{i.e.: 'to "(r)eject"'; 'to "object" to'; 'to "resist"'; 'to "(de)fend" [off]'}
| Please "note" the childish 'tongue extention' sound |
| that may be '"sonically" graphed': "n(i)e(h)ya(h)". |
Each of these "senses" developed above is either involved in, or
enables the "sense" of: '"not" [now]'.
Specifically: 'to ("make") "go^ne"; or: 'to "ne*g:ate"'
| "ne*farious", "ne*science", "ne*pentha", |
5) One may "notice" that speakers of the American language
may pronounce the "term" written: "negate", as either:
"n^i(h|*^gA(E)t"; "n^e(h|*^gA(E)t"; or: "n^A(y)*gA(E)t".
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "n"' continued]+
[ 87 ]
The pronounciation: "n^A(y)*gA(E)t", is a "modification" that
involves the "sense" of the "term" written: "nay".
Amer.: "nay" => OEng. => ONor.: nei [ => 'n(e) * e^I' ]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ => 'not * e^ver']
"n*(:e)^I ^ ther" => 'not * e^ver ^ there' / 'not * either'
[=> whether or 'not * (wh)e^ther']
See: "deny", d.6); and, "night" => 'not * light'
Specifically: "n^I" => 'to cover the opening' [hide].
"nay" => 'not * "aye"' [=> "(I){A}E"] => 'not * "yes"'
[Also_see: "nihil"; "nil"; "annihilate"; a.6), p. 67.]
6) Performing an historical evaluation of the "term" written: "necessary", ~~.
~~. shows: "ne * ce^ss ~ a^r*y", as: | L.: "cess" => 'to go {away}', "stop" |
L.: 'ne * ce^dere' => '"not" * to "cede" ~ { a^(r)*r(a)y }' => Amer.:
'to "cede"' => 'to (let) go [of]'; 'to yield (to)'; ['to separate {from}']
Now, one may "notice" that, in the American language, the
'"letter" group' | written |: "nec", may | "designate" | the "sense" of:
'"not" * to (let) go (of)', | or: '"not" * to separate {from}' |.
One may notice this "sense" is involved in the "term" written: "neck".
"neck" => Mid. Eng.: nehka => O.E. hnecca => Indo-Euro: *hen =>
'to "b^(h)en*d"' [See: "hinge"] 'to "pr*(h)ess" [or "squeeze"] together'
See: "prehensile"; "comprehend"; "hand"; "bind" || "t-hin-g:(e)" | "-ing" ||
Also: Gr.: hen => "one" { => IE.: *sem => "one"}
["sim~ple" => 'one ~ fold'] ["single" |'syn ~ gul'| => 'one('s) throat' ]
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "n"' continued]+
[ 88 ]
'To | squeeze | together', is involved in the "process" that goes towards:
"integration" => 'to make "one"'. | Squeezing clay "models" a "neck". |
Specifically, the "term" written: "neck", may be '"sonically" evaluated'
through the consolidation of the dimensions:
~~~. " pattern ~.~~ relation ~~~ integration ~~~ grounded " ~
~~~~.... n ~~~~~~~~~~~ e ~~~~.~~~~~~.. c ~~~~~~.~~~~~~ k ~~~~~~
~~~..or:.. " support ~~~~ rectify ~.~~... solidity ~~~~~~. stable " ~~ ~~~~~~
Please "notice" the "sense" involved | or, assembled, | in the | philosophic |
"phrase" written here as: ~ " ne * c : ess * ary ~~ con * ne ^ c : t ^ ion " .
* * * * *
o.: A "letter" shape that "stores" a specific range of unique "letter" sounds .
.. that (in accordance with the tone, duration, and inflection, involved in,
.. and the attenuation of, the "letter" sound when "made") spontaneously
"indicates" the "sense" of (either):
1) the experience of: 'being *"subjectively" involved*' in a "happening" in --
which one's "will" [or, one's "sense" of 'well being'] is personally invol-
ved | or, engaged | {in [one's "sense" of] : "do(ing)"}. | "oo[w]" |
*d~oo[w]* : *here ~ 'subjectively involved' [region]* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2) the experience of: '[being] "anchored" (in "clarity")'. | "O(h)" |
3) the experience of: 'the "dawning" of [a "realization"]'. | "O(h)^oo[w]" |
4) [What one is (or has been) searching for is (now):] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~ [instant(aneous)ly:] ~~~~~~. '"in" (one's) "mind"'; .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[or, has (now):] '"caught" one's "attention"'. | "a(h|*" |
|"o" : "a(h|*" => "spot", "observe", "hot", "topic", "odd"| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
5) '"at" the "mo~ment"' one begins to 'pay "at"-"tension"'.| "a(h|*^oo[w] |
|N-ow, "a(h|*^oo" may "sharpen" to "a^i(h)^oo".|"o[w]"|"a^i(h)^oo[w]"|
~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "o"' continued]+
[ 89 ]
6) the experience of: '[being] [anchor(ed) in] a "perimeter". | "a(w)" |
|"dog", "off", "long", "gloss", "sloth", "wrong", "th~ought"|'Aw, where is it?'|
7) the experience of: 'continuous (connection | instant(ly)*'. | "u(h|*" |
|"love", "of", "color", "wonder", "mother", "smother" | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| 8) Also, the 'letter "o"' shape in: "women", is pronounced: "i(h)". |
* * * * *
1) the experience of: 'being *"subjectively" involved*' in a "happening" in ~..
which one's "will" [or, one's "sense" of 'well being'] is personally invol-
ved | or, engaged | {in [one's "sense" of] : "d~o(ing)"}. | "oo[w]" |
| "oo[w]", it hurts right here. | or: | "oo[w]", that smells good. May I? |
Please "notice" that the 'letter "oo[w]"' sound tends to to be "made" when
one "senses" that: 'What one is "perceiving" is a "thing" that |involves the
sense of either|: "broken"; | "oops"; "oo[w]", are you OK? |
i.e., when one is paying attention to a "thing" that 'needs fixing';
or, |that is|: "operating" [smoothly]; | "oow", look at it now. That's cool.|
i.e., when one's attention is 'fixed upon' the coordination of the "thing";
or: [when (upon reflection) paying attention to the "thing" develops into
the 'mental image' of : ] 'a "boring" effort'. | "oow", this'll take a while. |
As such, the 'letter "oo[w]"' sound may "indicate" that: the "mental image"
the person has in mind involves a relation to the "term" written: "work".
| "broken"; "operating"; "boring" |
So, in each of these instances, the 'letter "oo[w]"' sound "indicates" one's
"sense" of: |[being] 'subject[ive(ly)] "involved"' (in a "sense" of: "work")|.
[This "sense" shows clearly in the "terms" written: "tool", and: "school".]
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "o"' continued]+
[ 90 ]
2) the experience of: '[being] "anchored" (in "clarity")'. . | => "O(h)" | ~~~~~
That is, {when conversing,} a person tends to "make" the 'letter "O(h)"'
sound (at that "mo~ment") when one "realizes" that:
'What one either "feels", "imagines", "believes", |"thinks", or, with logically
reasoned considerations, has come to "understand"| {to be true, right or
"proper"} is at variance with, contrary to, or, is not as comprehensive as
the "understanding" which one has now developed from the explanation
that is centered upon an: "an~other", or: "alter~native", "position", which
'an "o~ther"' may (freely) bring into consideration {from "o(ut)~ther(e)"}.'
| Now, as one "realizes" that sitting at the "position" of 'the "o~ther"' devel-
..ops an "understanding" that shows a "meaning" with a '"center" point' to
which one may become "anchored", {that is, a person may "choose" to
"adopt" this "position",} the person tends to spontaneously pronounce.
.the 'letter "O(h)" sound. .["Oh". (I get it.)] .|. As such, the 'letter "O(h)"'
sound may "indicate" the "sense" of: .'[being] .."anchored" ..(in clarity)'..
For example, one may "notice" that: * that '"dimension" of experience"
which may be "designated" through the "term" written: "anchor[ed]" *,
. is "mapped" through the 'letter "O(h)"' sound in the phrases: 'Oh yeah.',
'Oh no', and: 'O.K.' ['O.K.' => 'anchor(ed) grounded'] . [See: "oath"]
* * * * *
3) the experience of: 'the "dawning" of [a "realization"]'. | "O(h)^oo[w]" |
3b) |Now, as one "realizes" that the position of 'the "other"' either: holds on
to a limit that one's understanding is free to surpass, or: surpasses a limit to
which one holds, the person may spontaneously |vocalize a pronounciation
of| the "language sound" written here as: "O(h)^oo[w]i" (?)] |
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ +[3b) 'letter "o"' continued]+
[ 91 ]
Specifically, the language sound: "Oh^oo[w]~i", may "indicate" the
"sense" of: [the exacting inquirey]:
'Are you "confident" that you are able to "defend" this assertion?';
| That is, hearing: "Oh^oo[w]~i", may "indicate" that the "mental image"
of the person who is speaking involves the "sense" of |:
'to "question"'; 'to prompt "doubt"'; 'to suggest "inadequacy"';
or: 'to "induce" the "feeling" in the hearer [which, as is 'made "now", is to
"mean"' that]: ('this "mental image" [which "you" have 'made "now"'] is
[morally]) "wrong" (and 'its "mapping"' implicates a |menacing| position,
now made to "sponsor" ["promote" or "prompt"] a hostile "response")'.
3c) "Oh^oo[w]~i", may "indicate" that: this "mental image" [as prompted
by another] is one that the person identifies as 'a "personal" observation',
or, with which the person (personally) identifies (especially when the per-
son believes that 'the other' [who "intuited" the 'mental image'] is someone
who is either: 'not able' or 'unauthorized', to "develop" said 'mental image'.
Here, vocalizing the language sound: "Oh^^oo[w]~i", may "indicate" the
"sense" of: 'This 'mental image' is "private"; (and "it" is not to be anchor-
ed in, identified with, or "claimed" by, another.)' [See: "own", "opinion"]
|However, | the vocalization of the language sound: "Oh^oo[w]~i", may
"indicate" the "sense" of: 'to control though (retaliatory) "consequences"';
|or, of |: 'a refractory resistance to another's |innocent, correct, or clear,|
"intuition" | which | is 'acted out' [or, is "ex*acted"] through the "hostile"
|unreasonable | maneuvers of a bully (such that 'the other' is ["made"] to
"feel" [the "sense" of]: 'being "estranged"' or "threatened", (if this point is
[permenantly] "mapped"'). Please "notice" one "sense" of: 'Oh yeah!!??'
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ +['letter "o"' continued]+
[ 92 ]
3d) Also, please "notice" the "sense" involved in one's 'mental image' when
one vocalizes either: ... 'O(h|* ~ Oh^oo[w]', ... or: ... 'u(h|* ~ Oh^oo[w]'
'O(h|* ~ Oh^oo[w]' . =>. 'anchor (connection | instantly* ~ "realization"'~~~~-.
'u(h|* ~ Oh^oo[w]' . =>. 'continuous (connection | instantly* ~ "realization"'
* * * * *
4) The 'letter "o"' shape "stores" the '"vocal" burst' written here as: "a(h|*".
|One may "notice" that| the 'letter '"o" : "a(h|*"' sound involves the "sense"
~~ of:. [What one is (or has been) searching for is (now):] [instant(aneous)ly:]
~~~ [instant(aneous)ly:] ~~~~~~. '"in" (one's) "mind"'; .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
.~~~~ [or, has (now):] ~~ '"caught" one's "attention"'. ~| => "a(h|*" | ~~.
| "o" : "a(h|*" ~=>. "spot", "stop", "hot", ogle, "observe", "obvious" |
| "fond", "bond", "god", ["grok"] ['Ah! I've now "got" it (in mind')] |
|Specifically, the 'letter '"o" : "a(h|*"' sound may "map" the "sense" of: ~~~~~..
'activity (connection | instant(ly)*'; or: '"attention" | instant(ly)* [anchored]'.|
One may "notice" that |the "sense" of| the 'letter "a(h|*"' sound is a "cog-
nate" of the "sense" of: "discovery", | and the "sense" of: "discovery",| is
"designated" through an "exclaimation" |which is spelled in the dictionary
with the 'letter "a"' shape|: "ah"; or: "aha". [ "a(h|*"; or: "a(h|*^ha(h)" ]
[This "sense" may be found in the "meaning" of the "term" written: "art".]
4b) | Also, | please "notice" that the "tone" of the 'letter "o" : "a(h|*"' sound
may be attenuated through the 'letter "oo"' sound. Here, the "letter" sound:
"a(h|*^oo", may be "designated" through the '"letter" group' written: "ou".
"a(h|*^oo" : "ou" => "ou^t", "d*ou^{b}t", "(h)ou^se"
* * * * *
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ +['letter "o"' continued]+
[ 93 ]
5) However, the 'letter "o" : "a(h|*"' sound tends to be "sharpened" when ..
"integrated" with (or, '"attenuated" through',) the 'letter "oo[w]"' sound.
As such, |when a person is reading the spelling of a "word",| the 'letter
"o"' shape may cue |,or, prompt,| the enunciation of the '"letter" sound
| pattern' which | may be "sonically" graphed as: "a[i](h|*^oo[~w]".
| "now", "how", "plow", "town" |
Here, one may "notice" that the "letter" sound: "a[i](h|*^oo", prompts
the '"dimension" of experience' which one "senses" as: "perspective".
For example, the 'letter "a(i)"' sound |as heard when a person is say-
ing the "word" written: "at", involves the "sense" of: "perspective", in-
to the 'dimensional "model"' (which is found within the 'sensible "mean-
ing"') of the "term" of the American language spelled: "at".|
["at" => *a(i) ~ t* => *perspective ~ manifest*]
Also, the "sense" of: *a(i) ~ t*, as: *perspective ~ manifest*, may
be further evaluated to show the 'dimensional "model"' of |either|:
*activity (focus[ed]) ~ now* . | or | . *activity (designate[d]) ~ manifest*
|So|, when fully evaluated, the vocalization graphed here as: *a[i](h|*^oo*,
may "indicate" the "sense" of: 'a *perspective^through which* one is now:
*actively [focused] upon [an instance of a designate] with a (connection|
that is |instant* ^ through which one (subjectively) involved*.
| Please "notice" that "sense" |perception| one naturally "feels" which spon-
taneously prompts a person to vocalize the "exclaimation" written: "ow". |
*activity ~ [focus(ed)] ~ (connection | instant* ^ 'subjectively involved' [~ region]*
* a ~ [i] ~ (h|* ^ oo [~w]*
| Now, imagine the "sense" which the word written: "now", brings to mind. |
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ +['letter "o"' continued]+
[ 94 ]
6) the experience of: '[being] [anchor(ed) in] a "perimeter". | => '"a(w)" | .-
| "dog", "off", "soft", "gloss", "sloth", "lost", "wrong" |
The 'letter "a(w)" : "o"' sound |may be considered to be| a derivative of
the '"letter" group' written: "ou". |The "words" written: "cough", "ought",
and "thought", each involve the "sense" of: (developing) 'a "perimeter"'.|
* * * * *
7) the experience of: 'continuous (connection | instant(ly)*'. | "u(h|*" |
|"love", "of", "color", "wonder", "mother", "smother" | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The "sense" of the '"exhaustive" burst': '"o" : "u(h|*"', is a "cognate" of the
"sense" of the 'letter "u(h)"' sound: |*continuous*|. Here: "u(h|*", may de-
velop as a "sense" of either: 'interior cohesion'; or: 'topologically sound'.
|Here, one may| "note" that the "letter" sound written: '"o" : "u(h|*"', is
"acoustically" related to the 'integrated "letter" group' written: "ou".
[See: "rough", "enough", "trouble", "country", "-ous"]
Please "notice" the "sense" of the "terms" written: "blood", and: "flood".
| "blood" : * 'interior cohesion' ["involved"] * |
|"flood": * 'topologically sound' ["involved"] * |
* * * * *
8) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ +['letter "o"' continued]+
[ 95 ]
9) The '"letter" group': "ou", is an etymological element (or, "etymon") that
is involved in the Greek "term" written [in the American language]: "ousia".
In the "dictionaries" of the 'American language', the "term" written: "ousia",
is "logged" in "terms" of:
'the "being", "essence", or "nature" of: *a (conceptually possible) "thing"*';
or, in "terms" of: 'the (essential) nature "of": [one's] "being"'
(which is [now {presently}] involved "in"] 'being one').
|Now, each "one" of "y~ou" | may "notice" that the "sense" of:
'anchor(ed) [correlation] continuous(ly)',
or, simply, the sense of: 'anchor(ed)constant',
may be "found" |being| in |the "sounds" of| the '"letter" group' written: "ou".
Also, one may "observe" that the "etymon": "ou", found in the Greek
"term" written: "ousia", may be "sonically" graphed either as:
"O(h)^oo[w]" => "O(h)^oo[w]~sia",
or, as: "a(h|*^oo[w]" => "a(h|*^oo[w]~sia".
The ["philosonic"] "sense" that one may "make" when one
evaluates the "sonic" graph: "[O]^oo[w]", is:
'[anchored] ^ (subjective) involvement [region]',
| "dough",[close, ("cloths"), "flow", "own", growth] |
whereas, the ["philosonic"] "sense" that one may "make" of
the "sonic" graph: "a(h|*^oo[w]", is:
'attention ^ '(subjective) "involvement"' [region]'
|"house", "found", "sound", "out", "doubt", "count"|
* * * * *
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ +['letter "o"' continued]+
[ 96 ]
10) In the American language, the "letter" group: "oo-", is an "etymon" that,
when "integrated" with a "term" [as a "prefix"], "designates" that the "sense"
of the "term" involves the "notion" of: "egg"'; or, specifically:
'that which is central to the creation of a conception'.
The acoustic image that is "stored" in the graphic image of the
"etymon": "oo", may be "sonically" graphed either
as: "Oh^O(h|*" | "o^o ~ cyte", "o^o ~ phyte", "o^o ~ lite" |;
or, as: "Oh^[w]a(h|*" | "o^o ~ logy", "o^o ~ gamous" | [See: "ova"]
Please "notice" the "sense" involved in the "terms":
"z : o^o * logy" => 'animal * science (or logic)'
and, "n : o^o * logy" => 'mind *science (or logic)'
Specifically: "z : o^o * logy" => 'align [ ~ ment (of)] : egg * logic'
~~~~~~~ "n : o^o * logy" => 'pattern(s) [of] : that which is central to
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~||~ the creation of a conception * science'.
* * * * *
11) In a "dictionary" of the American language, one will find that Irish sur-
names | involve | the 'letter "O(h)"' sound within a name as:
a 'patronymic prefix', which is said to "indicate" the "sense" of:
'a "descendant" of'; or, specifically: *(one) anchored ' in the name of*.
O'Malley, O'Brien, O'Leary
Specifically, the "sense" of the language sound '"sonically" graphed'
here as: "O(h) ~ oo[~w]", may be evaluated ["philosonically"] as:
'anchor[ed] ~ 'subject(ive[ly]) "involved"' [ ~ region]'
[See the 'patronymic suffix' written: "-id".]
* * * * *
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "~"' continued]+
[ 97 ]
p.: A "letter" shape that "stores" the [natural] sound that is "made" |at| the .
moment when a 'shock front' is exerted through the action of
forcefully evacuated air {or, any other "gas"}.
Specifically: the [natural] sound "made" the moment
when one "meets" with this 'shock front'.
The '"plosive" burst': "p|*".
As such, one may "make" the "observation" that the 'letter "p"' sound is ...
"made" [in Nature] either:
1) 'when one "thing" that is "flat" quickly "closes" together with another .....
"thing" that is "flat" [so the air between them is forcefully evacuated
{as the "surfaces" become "even" | "level" | (or, stable)}]';
See: "pan"; "plate"; "par"; "para-"; "map"; |"podium"|.
2) or: 'when a ["closed"] container [that is holding a "content" under con- .
..... straint] (suddenly) "bursts"' [such that, that which is "contained" is
..... {now} ("instantaneously") '"free" from' constraint {to become a
..... forceful "event" (that '"shows": "now"')}]'.
See: "pow*er"; "ex*plode"; "pre:s*s(ure)"; "hap*pen"
Please observe that, in certain instances, when a container [that is firm] ..
.. |opens (with a sudden "burst"), the container| {"eventually") becomes "flat";
[e.g., tires, inner tubes, boxes, soda, beer]
. and, in other instances, when a container [that is firm] (suddenly) "bursts",
the container becomes "fragmented" into a '"chaotic" pattern'.
[See: "gas"; "entropy"; '"information"(theory)']
Please listen to breaking waves at the shoreline.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "p"' continued]+
[ 98 ]
1) For example, when building a house, one may set a 'firm "foundation"' ..
by first setting down a slab, or block, of stone. To get the stone to sit
(or, to become "stable"), the stone may be allowed to fall "freely" [in
order to "make" a "dent"] so as to fit snuggly in the ground.
As such, the 'plosive "burst" ["p*"]' sound, that is {now} "made" the
moment when the stone hits the ground, may [naturally] "indicate"
the "sense" of:
'The base is {now} stable [such that, (upon
reflection) this "foundation" is {now} firm]'.
One may observe that the "sense" of: "base", may evolve into the devel- ..
opment of the "sense" of: '[(upon) reflection {now},]
*this {now} is the basic [or, "fund^a~mental"] '(mental) image'
(from which an identity may continue [to a certain extent])*'.
or,| specifically: '|This| base is "fun|d^a~mental" to [the {"normal"} "exten-
..... tion" of] the "i~d^ent~it~y" of each emergent singularity' [the volume
...... of which is a "fun|ction" (|that| '"reflects" the "image"') of the "firmness"
of |this| base (or, "foun|dation")]'.
|"pro~per(^ty)"; [L.: 'in propia persona']; "perpendicular"; "principle"|
2) Or, for example, when "storing" energy 'to do "work"', a person may ...
. invest effort into forcing a large volume of "gas" into a container that is
. small in "volume". || Here, the '"free" energy' that is intrinsic to the "gas"
. will {eventually} become ("intensely") constrained within the container.
Now, the "gas" that is "stored" in the container may be '"fun|nelled" off' 'to
do "work"' by becoming involved in the action of a certain ('"mechanical"
.[or, "physical"]) "fun|ction"'. || *'ph'|y|sz ~ ic ^ al* | "y" <=> "u" ||. "ph" \/ .||
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "p"' continued]+
[ 99 ]
However, |when a "volume" of "gas" is contained under "pressure", such
that,| if the "intensity" of the '["thermodynamic"] energy' of the "gas" that
is "stored" increases to such an extent that the "force(s)" exerted on the
'inside "surface"' of the container excedes the "force(s)" constraining the
"gas", then, a sudden "breach" in the continued contiguity of the container
(that "houses" the "gas") |shows as an opening through which| the "gas"
|that is "constrained"| "will" |{"eventually"}| become "free".
Now, the 'shock front' exerted through the action of the "gas" will
"force" [the "making" of] 'a "wake"' within the "context" in which
the container "bursts".
As such, the 'plosive "burst" ["p*"] sound that is {now} "made"
the moment when an "inflated" container "bursts" may [naturally]
"indicate" the "sense" of:
*When that which is "under" constraint is set "free", the force
exerted is a "function" of the '("free") energy' intrinsic to the
'"shock" front' that is {now} reflecting off of the "base"'*.
See: "spring"; "projection"; "piston"; "potent(ial)"
Now, one's "sense" of: 'the force that is "fundamental" to the effort',
may develop into the "sense" of:
*The "ef ~ for^t" that is "stored" when holding the "con ~ ten^t" under .
. "con ~ strain^t" may be "made" ("free" [or, "re*leased"]) 'to do "work"'*.
See: "purpose"; "process"; "perform(ance)"; "ply";
"propel"; "penetrate"; "permeate"; "perpetuate";
[to: "pull"; "push"; "place"; "position"] {"presto"}
'Rate of "sublimation"' => "power"
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "p"' continued]+
[ 100 ]
| "Notice" each "term" below relates to: '"power", acting on a "base"'. |
"clamp"; "ramp"; "stamp"; "strap"; "loop"; "crop"; "pump"
"stipple"; "crimp"; "strip"; "trip"; "rip"; ("apt")
|The definitions below are from| Webster's Dict. 3rd College Ed.; c., 1988
Def. 5: 'The rate at which work is done.' ............................................
Def. 6: 'A source of physical or mechanical force or energy; ...............
. a force or energy that is at, or can be put to, work.'
"power" => ME.: pouer => OFr.: poeir => poter => VL.: potere ..
............. => 'to be able' => L.: posse => 'to be able' .. [See: "pour"]
"po~tent~(ial)"; "potion"; "possess(ion)"
"plow"; "explode" "push"; "put"; "compute"
"press"; "com~press"; "im~press"; "op~press"; "re~press"
'the "present"' => 'the "pre^s(s) ~ ent" || 'the "pre ~ sent"']
"con*t^ent" <=> "con*t^ext" [See: "hermeneutics"]
* * * * *
3) One may observe that, when a person "meets" with [the 'shock front' of]
. a noxious "gas" [the smelling of which "of^f*ends" ("bothers" or, "disturbs")
the person] the person may [spontaneously] vocalize the 'letter "p"' sound.
As such, vocalizing an acoustic image that "contains" the 'letter "p"' sound
may [naturally] "indicate" the "sense" of:
"awful"; "nasty"; or: "toxic".
["p*^(y)oo" ["p*ee^yoo" => "P(E)U"] {"p*(h*[i^(y)]oo"}]
[See: Text, p.23; "oo", p.91 / 147 "phew"; {"ug(h)ph"}]
[See: "putrid";"poop";"repellant";"repulsive";"puke"]
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "p"' continued]+
[ 101 ]
4) Now, one may observe that the 'letter "p"' sound may be vocalized the
moment when either:
'the 'mental image' that is "suggested" is [{now} "(re)cognized" as:]
'(an attempt to) "shock" one's "sensibilities"';
['"p*" ... {Big deal}.']
or: 'one is simulating being "shocked" in an attempt to "make" the
"sugested" '(mental) "image"' (seem) "shocking".
['"p*" ... {Well, I never...}.']
Here, one may observe that, when the 'letter "p"' sound is vocalized, a
"sense" of: "shock", tends to be involved in one's "sense" of: "disbelief".
As such, the 'letter "p"' sound may "indicate" the "sense" of {either}:
'This association (or "reference") {now} "strains"
the '(stable) "identity"' that is {now} 'in "mind"'.';
'"p*[i(h*]" ... {I don't believe "it"}.'
[See: "p^reference" / "oppose"; "warp" / {"gullible"}]
or: 'This "sug*gest*ion" has gotten my attention, yet, 'upon "reflection"',
..... I must '"forcefully" evacuate' the '[reflected] (mental) image' that the
"sug*gest*ion" {now} shows.';
'"p*[a(h*]"; ..., {That's impossible}.'
or, simply, one's "sense" of: 'moral "shock"'.
'"p*^[u(h*]"; ..., {That's insane man}.'
One may observe that the experience of: 'moral "shock"',
'forces one to "reflect" ({up}on one's "in~now~sense")'.
[See: "pervert"; "predatory"; 'post traumatic shock']
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "p"' continued]+
[ 102 ]
As such, one may "notice" that the spontaneous vocalization of the 'letter
"p"' sound may "indicate" the "(re-)cognition" of a "suggestive" '(mental) .
"image"', that is "(sup~)posed" to "shock" one's "sensibilities", such that: .
'[this "sense" of:] "shock"', is reflected in one's '(mental) "image"' when .
"indicating" one's "sense" of:
[to "(r)eject"; to 'fend off'; or: to 'defend (one's "sensibilities") against',
the "sense" of:]
'an "of^f~ending" (re)mark [that is "de~basing"]'.
..................... '"p*^(a)u(h|*"; ..., {Well; you think so "hu(h|*"}.'
or (simply): '"p*^(a)u(h|*"; ..., {Get lost!}.' ......................
Therefore, one may observe that the vocalization of the 'letter "p"' sound
.. may |"indicate"| the "sense" of: '[Now, this ("con~sci~ous") "ex-peri~ence"
involves the "sense" of:] . 'a "reflection" upon one's "identity"' .({"that":})
.. ["shows" |the "base-line" of| one's ("nor~mal") "ego"].' |as "con~sci-ence" |
|Here,| one's "sense" of: "id~entity" (or, |of: one's| "ego"), {when one is
'(now) "sensing"': "strain"} may develop into the "sense" of:
"indignation"; "inequity"; "unfounded"; or: "insult".
Please "notice" the "sense" involved in the "phrases":
[to (be):] . 'put-down'; . 'put off'; . 'put upon';
and, the "sense" involved in the colloquial expression:
'Don't piss me "off".'
5) One may observe that the experience of: 'moral "shock"', 'forces one ...
to "reflect" ({up}on one's "in ~ now ~ sense")'.
[See: "pervert"; "predatory"; 'post traumatic shock']
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "p"' continued]+
[ 103 ]
6) |Furthermore, to deal with the "tension" of: 'cognitive "dissonance",| one
.... may "notice" that the 'plosive "burst"' "p*" sound may be "made" when
.... one "senses" a "shocking" '(mental) "image" as: "humorous" or "funny".
|[See: "rid", "rid^i~cule", "rid^i^culous" | 'to "e~ject"']|
* * * * *
7) Now, one may observe that the 'letter "p"' sound may be vocalized when
one's '"id~ent-it-y" [connection]' (or, one's "personal-it-y") is '{now}
. (being) "threatened"' [such that, in order to maintain one's 'stable "self-
.image"', {of one's 'own "person"'} one must "repel" the "suggestion"].
[See: "sovereign(ty)"; "(un)principle{d}"]
As such, the vocalization of the 'letter "p"' sound may [spontaneously]
"indicate" the "sense" of:
"disenfranchisement"; "alienation"; or: "hostility".
Therefore, the "sense" of: [(having) to] "defend" (one's "sense" of "self"),
may be observed to be "fundamental" to the "sense" of:
'an "i-m~position" upon one's "person"'
[(:) that "strains" one's 'personal "identity"'].
|Now|, the "sense" of: [(having) to "defend", |one's personal "id~entity"|
may be observed to be "funda~mental" to the "sense" of:
'(personal) "privacy"'.
|As such|, the vocalization of the 'letter "p"' sound may (spontaneously)
"indicate" the "sense" of:
'an "invasion" of "privacy"'.
['"p*^h*^u(h*"; ..., {Don't even think it (Buster)}.']
See: "pugnacious"; "pummel"; "punk"; "pushy"; "pain"
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "p"' continued]+
[ 104 ]
Please observe that the "sense" of: '[(having) to] "defend" (one's "sense"
of "self")', may prompt the "sense" of: '[(having) to] 'provide "proof"'.
[See: "pro^be"; "pro^ve" || "appease"; "please"; "peace" {at any "price"}]
* * * * *
2.1) |Furthermore|, one may "notice" that, when the "gas" in the container ..
continues to come through a tiny hole | as the '"point" out' of | a forceful
stream, the natural sound that is {now} "made", may be graphed:
"p^sss"; or: "p^hh[ss]".
A) |As such, one may "notice" that hearing the ["natural"] sound: "p^sss", ..
may prompt the "sense" of: |
'{'to "boil" [up]'} . from within . (to [become] ........
............................ the "sur:f*ace"' . [that shows now])'.
"ps" => 'base touch' ... || ... "ps" => 'emerge noetic'
[See: "psi"; "psych:e(:ology)" ; "sap(ience)"]
.... In the Greek language, the acoustic image that may now be graphed as:
... "ps", is "stored" in the (single) Greek '"letter" shape' |written|: " Ψ , ψ ".
...... |"Notice" that| this "letter" shape is |shaped| like 'the "trident" of Posidon'.
. B) ... "p^h(h*[ss])" . => . 'to emerge forcefully so as to show "power"'; .....
........................... => . 'to be(come) eminent'. |[is: '(to) "point" out']|.
. "p^h[s]" . => . 'base ^ connection [touch]'; ..............
......... => . 'eminent (show ^ bridge) [cause]'
'To be "eminent"' is to be: 'now "evident"' |as what, or, who, '"points" out'|.
[See: "physics"; "philosophy"; "alpha"] [Also see: "imminent"]
In Greek, the acoustic image that |may now be| graphed: "ph", is "stored"
in the Greek "letter" shapes: " Φ , φ ". | Here, "note" that: "ph" <=> "f". |
Also, this "letter" shape is |shaped| like a (spinning) sphere (or, a torus)].
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "p"' continued]+
[ 105 ]
8) One may "notice" that one may spontaneously vocalize the 'letter "p"' ...
sound in order to "indicate" the "sense" of:
'"Making" this '"basic" connection' is continuously evading my
"efforts" to build a '"stable" bridge';
[as if the "thing" to be "con~nec~ted" is "an~i~mate"].
. |One may "notice" persons will discuss 'the "problem"' with the "thing".|
or, specifically: 'This "thing" [that is "nec~ess~ary" now] is |showing that ...
... '"it" now' is| "dysfunctional" now, [such that I am feeling constrained].;
or, simply: 'This [baseless] '(mental) "image"' is {now}: "unreasonable"; ....
"confused"; or: "chaotic".
Or, emphatically:. 'This '(mental) "image"' is "frustrating" ...........................
. [so extra "ef~fort" is "re~quired" now]'.
"p|*^h ^ u(h|*" => "fff ^ u(h|*"
9) One may observe that, when |one is| '"working" hard' (to finish "it" [on .
time]), vocalizing the 'letter "p"' sound may "indicate" the "sense" of:
'the {"concentrated"} effort [that is {now} involved in this "work"]
may (for the moment) be "relaxed"'.
"p*h(hh)" . => . "p*h^ah" . => . "p(f)^h:ew"
Here, one may "notice" that one's "sense" of: '(being) "free" from effort',
|may be| based upon one's "sense" of: [Now, upon reflection:]
'The base-line is now in "view"'. | or: '"It" shows (now).' |;
or, specifically: ... 'This is [showing to be] stable [now].'; ......................
Or, simply: *"This" is '(the) "base"'* | So, therefore, "this" implies "that": |
'The ("[em~] urgent") work is ("finally") "finished", "done" or "through"';
to such an extent that: *"That" which is |["essencial"]| 'to "be"' in "view"
.shows; is showing; is shown ["now"]'*. . ['"phew"; That's done (now).']
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "p"' continued]+
[ 106 ]
| ..... Here, one "notice" that: '"it" 'shows "now"', with the "sense" of: .... |
| "This" is made with: *'know how', with an ability to: 'show how now'.* |
One may observe that, when a person is '"free" from' a "constraint" [or, a
"condition"], the person's "sense" of: "freedom", | which emerges through:
[the "virtue" of:] 'knowing how to act', [in accordance with the "nature"
of the "thing" | may evolve into the person's 'personal "sense"' of:
'(being) "happy", or the ["coenasthetic"] "sensation" of: "pleasure".
Also, one may observe that, when that which is '"hoped" for' is
'in "view"', |or showing| the person may be '"bursting" with joy'.
* * * * *
10) In the American language, the single 'letter "p"' is neither a prefix nor a
suffix. Yet, when the 'letter "p"' sound is "integrated" with certain "terms",
the "modification" of "sense" of the "terms" is ["philosonically"] "sensible.
For example: The basis for a "raise" is "p~raise".
| What is | basic to a "reference" is a "p~reference".
Mentally "eliminating" the basic reason for why someone is
"there", may lead one to "resent" another who is "p~resent".
Also, please "notice" the "sense" of the "terms":
"act" .. => .. "pact" .... || ... "ace" . => . "pace" .
"urge" . => . "purge" ... || ... "lane" . => . "plane" .
. "rim" . => . "prim" ..... || .... "air" .. => .. "pair" . .
"rude" . => . "prude" ... || ... "lead" . => . "plead" .
"ram" . => . "ramp" . || . "clam" . => . "clamp" . || . "limb" . => . "limp"
. "low" . => . "plow" .... || ... "row" . => . "prow" .
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "p"' continued]+
[ 107 ]
Even though the single 'letter "p"' is neither a prefix nor a suffix in the
American language, the 'letter "p"' shape is involved in many affixes.
Prefixes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"paedo-"; ["pan-"]; "para-"; <"par(t)-">; {"partheno-"};
<"pat(e)r-">; "patho-"; {"pauro-"}; "ped(i)-"; "pedo-";
<"pen-">; "pent(:a-)[:o-]"; "per-"; "peri-"; "petro-";
"phago-"; "pharmaco-"; "pharyngo-"; "phen(o)[meno]-";
"phero-"; "phil(o)-"; "phlebo-";
"psych(o)-"; "pycno-"; "pyo-"; "pyro-";
{"pneumo-"}; "hypno-"; "hypo-"; "hypso-".
Suffixes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"-pedia"; "-parous"; "-pathi:a[:c]"; "-ped"; "-pod"; "-pous";
"-phage"; "-phagous"; "-phagy"; "-philous"; "-phon(e)y";
"-opy"; "-scopy".
* * * * *
Furthermore, the 'letter "p"' shape is involved in certain prefixes derived
from the {ancient} Greek language, yet, when the prefix is enunciated
in the American language, the 'letter "p"' (shape) is "silent".
"p^n~(eu)~[m]:[o}(-)" . => .. "air"; "spirit"; ["aether" {"nether"}] ...
. "p^s~(am)~[mos](-)" .. => .. "sand"; {"much"} .. [See: Ftnts., 17] .
"p^s~(e)~[pho(s)](-)" .. => .. "pebble"; 'to "vote"'; {"many"} .........
....... "p:s(eu)~[do](-)" ..... => .. "false"; 'a mere "reflection" or "image"' .
"p^t~(ero)~[n](-)" .... => .. "wing"; 'to "fly"' ............................
.. || "p^s~[i](-)" ... => .. 'to "boil"'; 'to "arise"'; [upon the] "surf~(face)" ||
.. || "p^s~[y](-)" .. => .. "perception"; "subjective(ity)"; "aware" ......... ||
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "p"' continued]+
[ 108 ]
11) A ("funda*mental") 'defense mechanism' that is [naturally] "performed"
in order to "expel" a thing "distasteful" is the action of: "spitting".
[See: "pip"; "pit"; "pith" / "ptyalism"]
Egypt.: => "pt" => "sky"
"pt" => Gr.: pteros => "feather" => "wing" =>
'to make "fly", 'to take "flight"'.
To 'take "wing"', there must be a: "pt" => 'base manifest'
'That's a good idea, but will it "fly?'
See: "conce ^ it" => "conce ^ pt" ... [ "prom ^ pt" ]
[Also see: "sci*ence" / "Ptah"]
Please observe that the "term" written: "pi", may be evaluated through
the | "sensible" | dimensions:
"pi" => "p ~ I(E)" => 'base ~ open'
[See: "pe"; and: "pit"]
* * * * *
12) The following is a survey of "terms" that "designate" certain [natural] ..
sounds that are heard to involve the 'letter "p"' sound.
"puff"; "poof"; ["pow"]; "pop"; ["pound"]; "ping"; ["pump"];
{"p*sss"}; {"p^h*sss"}; "plop"; "plunk"; "splash"; "splat";
["lap"]; "clap"; ["flap"]; "rap"; "slap"; "snap"; "tap";
"whap"; "zap"; ["stamp"]; ["clamp"]; "chomp"; ["sweep"];
"rip"; "sip"; "snip"; "whip"; "zip"; "bop"; "flop"; "drop";
{"hop"}; "kerplunk"; {"kaplooey"}; "burp"; "slurp"; "thump";
"whump"; ["bump"]; "whimper"; "whisper"; "pitter-patter".
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "~"' continued]+
[ 109 ]
r.: A "letter" sound that one "makes" that "indicates" the
"sense" of:
'the "engagement" of an existential encounter that is
(now) changing one's ["physiological"] (mental) image.

"(b)rrr", "indicates" the "sense" of:
'[a natural "signal" (to others) that one is now: ]
'feeling chills, or ("intensely") cold;
"(g)rrr", "indicates" the "sense" of:
'[a warning "signal" to others that one is now: ]
'motivated to "defend", [to take {back},
or to keep] (that which one now "believes"
[to be one's own])';
"(p)rrr", "indicates" the "sense" of:
'[a coy, or playful "signal" to someone who is
(very) near that one is now: ]
'feeling sensuously romantic towards,
or comfortably close with ...'.
Or: 'a momentary pause in which one's "psyche" is in motion
(or spinning) while looking for the next (subsequent)
image that one may 'put into "words"'. [=> "(e)r(^r^r)"]
Please "notice" the 'letter "(e)r"' sound in the
"term" written: "search"; and please observe the
'"letter" groups' in the graphic image: "se*arch".
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "r"' continued]+
[ 110 ]
1) In the American language, the 'letter "r"' sound may be "integrated"
[with a 'core "word"'] as a suffix. In this language, when the 'letter "r"'
sound is affixed to a 'core "word"' as a suffix, one may initiate the
'letter "r"' sound through either:
a 'letter "e"' sound ("-er"), or: a 'letter "o"' sound ("-or").

2) The traditional evaluation of language found in a "dictionary" of the
American language, shows that the suffix written: "-er", "designates" the "sense" of:
'a "functional" relation to the motion' [that is "in
dicated" through a "verb" {i.e., an "infinitive"}].

A "bak(e)r" has a "functional" relation to the motion
that is "indicated" through the "verb": '{to} "bake"'.
A "run(n)er" has a "functional" relation to the motion
that is "indicated" through the "verb": '{to} "run"'.
A "doer" has a "functional" relation to the motion
is "indicated" through the "verb": '{to} "do"'.
* * *
3) Specifically, when the 'letter "(e)r"' sound is "integrated" with a 'core
"word"' as the suffix written: "-(e)r", the 'consolidated "letter" sequence'
that is "made" may "designate" the "sense" of:

'To orient in this way guides (the initiation of) the velosity involved in
(the [actual] existence of {an "example" of}): [the 'core "word"'].
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "r"' continued]+
[ 111 ]
A "mak(e)r" guides (the initiation of) the velosity
involved in (the [actual] existence of {an "example"
of}): '{to} "make"'.
A "starter" guides (the initiation of) the velosity
involved in (the [actual] existence of {an "example"
of}): '{to} "start"'.
[See: "river" / Text, p. 46; Ftnts., 11.]

4) The traditional evaluation of language found in a "dictionary"
of the American language, shows that the suffix
written: "-or", "designates" the "sense" of:
'a "person" who anchors the motion' [that is "indicated"
through a{n "infinitive"} "verb"].
An "inventor" is a "person" who anchors the motion
that is "indicated" through the {"infinitive"} "verb":|
'{to} "invent"'.
An "actor" is a "person" who anchors the motion that
is "indicated" through the {"infinitive"} "verb":
'{to} "act"'.
A "doc*t:or" is a "person" who anchors the motion
that is "indicated" through the {"infinitive"}
'"verb" phrase': '{to} "turn" an "opinion"'.
* * *
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "r"' continued]+
[ 112 ]
5) In the American language, when the 'letter "r"' sound precedes one of
the 'letter "e"' sounds this '"letter" group' develops the prefix written: "re-".
In this language, the prefix written: "re-", is a "morpheme" that "carries"
the "sense" of:

'a {simple} change of ["functional"] orientation(s) (that {currently} exist
within [the 'core "word"'], or that may be naturally "made"
within [the 'core "word"] without a breaking strain)'.
[See: "dis-" / "dys-", p. 75.]
"regroup", "reform", "rewrite", "rework", ["reword"]

A new "thing" may 'flow out' of this: "change of orientation'.
That is, the prefix: "re-", may imply the "sense" of: "transformation".

Or: 'a {simple} change of orientation(s) such that the subsequent
series of changes gets "back" to the beginning image.

"return": 'to turn back' / "recall": 'to call back' / "repay": 'to pay back'
"replace": 'to place back' / "reset": 'to set back to the beginning image'

"reserve": 'to hold back' [See: "observe"] / "resist": 'to stare back', or:
'to stand back' ["rest"] / "reflux": 'to flow back(wards)'; "regress": 'to go back(wards)' ["retro-"] and, "revert": 'to turn to change back ([in]to...)

This "sense" enables one to develop the "sense" of:

'A cyclic path that enables [the '"core" word']) to
exist {outwardly} with 'no gain' (i.e., "a*gain").
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "r"' continued]+
[ 113 ]
To "recognize" is to {simply} 'cognize "a*gain"'.
To "remember" is to {simply} 'member "a*gain"'.
To "resolve" is to {simply} 'solve "a*gain"'.
'To "reinstate"' may imply that one is able to:
'change back to the beginning image (state) again'.

Specifically, in the American language, the prefix written:
"re-", "indicates" the "sense" of:

'One may involve a cyclic path in order to sustain
the 'existential nature' of [the 'core "word"'].

This "sense" enables the "sense" of:
'to "actualize" ['th*e' 'th"*ing"'] "a*gain"'
{i.e., 'without * gain'}.
E.g.: When all of the "thing" [i.e., the 'core "word"']|
is involved in a 'cyclic path "a*gain"', the
"thing" is "re*al" {i.e., 'a real "be*ing"}.
[Compare: "e*vent", "occurance", "episode", "hap"]
6) Furthermore, in the American language, one may "make" the (logical) ..
'(In a car:) The "function" of the "starter"
is to "restart" the engine.
Also, when the 'letter "(e)r"' sound is "integrated" at the end of
certain "terms", the 'letter "(e)r"' sound may be written: "-re".
"center" <=> "centre" || "theater" <=> "theatre"
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "r"' continued]+
[ 114 ]

"ere" / "there" / "where"
"ire" / "dire" / "fire" / "mire" / "inspire"
"ore" / / "fore" / "more" / "store"
"are(:a)" / "dare" / "fare" / "mare" / "square"
["you're"] / "cure" / "demure" / "sure"
7) The traditional evaluation of language found in a "dictionary" of the American language, shows that the '"letter" group' written: "ir-", is a
prefix that is affixed to "terms" that begin with the 'letter "r"' sound.
According to the "dictionary", the prefix written: "ir-", is the vocal
simplification of the prefix written: "in-". The prefix written: "in-",
may "designate" either:
'to direct towards to effect the present pattern':
"influence", "involve", "inundate", "inform",
or, as a derivation of the prefix: "ne-", the prefix: "in-",
may "designate" the "sense" of:
'that to which one may now "refer" is now "go*ne";
or: "ne*gated"; or, simply, the "sense" of: "not".
"indiscrete", "intangible", "invalid", "incite"
As such, in the American language, the prefix: "ir-",
"designates" (either) the "sense" of:
'to "effect" a change:
"irradiate", "irrigate", "irrupt" [see: "erupt"] /
"ir*ony": 'to "effect" a change * of "name";
or, the "sense" of: 'the "referent" (or, 'core "word"')
is now "go*ne", "ne*gated", or, simply, "not"'.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "r"' continued]+
[ 115 ]
"irreligious", "irreverent", "irritate", "irrelevant"
"irascible": ([the capacity] to be) 'not "askable"'
(in order to effect a change).

Please "notice" that the 'fundamental "sense"' of the
prefix: "ir-", is exemplified through the "term" written:
"ire" => IE.: *eis => |'to go'| [to show:] 'strong (e)motion'
or: 'strength when "educated"'
[See: "iron", "ice", "rite", "r(a)ise"]

For example, being "irreligious", "irresponsible" "irration-
al", or "irreconcilable" may '"raise" the "ire"' in another.
[See: "irk", "stare", "siren", "(de)sire"; and: "I", p. 80]

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "effect" ~~~ || ~~~~~~ "not" ~

~~ Also, see: "il-" => .~ "illuminate" .~ || ~~~ "illegitimate" ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "illation" ~~ || ~~ "illogical" ~~~~

~~~ and: "im-" => "immanent" ~ || ~ "immaterial" ~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "imbroglio" ~ || ~ "imbalance" ~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "important" ~ || ~ "impertinent" ~~~~~

~~~ and: "ig-" => ~~~~ "ignite" ~~~ || ~~~ "ignore" ~~~~~~~~~~
.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "igneous" ~~ || ~~ "ignoble" ~

* * * * *

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "r"' continued]+
[ 116 ]

s.: A "letter" sound that one "makes" {when someone is near}
that "indicates" the "sense" of: 'I want to be in touch
with {or, "noticed" by} the "hearer"). [See: I., p. 80]
See: "psst", "hist", "hiss", and "sh"., p. 131.

The '"sonic" evaluation' of the "letter" shape writ
ten: "s", shows that the graphic image: "s", when
"embedded" in the end position of certain "terms,"
is pronounced in the same way as the single "letter"
sound that is "stored" in the "letter" shape that is
written: "z".
cats , dog^z / false , fall^z , fail^z /
use , u^z(e) , excuse , excu^z(e)
[See: TABLES (S / Z); c.1), p. 69; Ftnts., 16]

1) In the American language, when the "letter" shape writ-
ten: "s", is "integrated" with a "term" as a suffix, the
'letter "s"' may "designate" the "sense" of:
'a mark is present though which one "thing" may (be
placed) '[in] touch [with]' another "thing" (with the
["same"] mark).

That is, 'being in touch' through the same mark [nat-
urally] causes each "thing" with the same mark to be
"made" to adhere together in a noticible way that is
now detectible through the manifestation of the mark.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "s"' continued]+
[ 117 ]
Now, either:
'(the) touch^relation (that is) * developed',
or: '(the) cause^orientation (that is) * signified',
is: "s^e * t".
Here, the "sense" of: '(being in) touch', enables the
"sense" of:
'a mark is present that enables a unique identity
to merge (together) into a "group" identity'.
2) In the American language, the single "letter" written:
"s", is "logged" in the "dictionary" as a suffix: "-s",
that "designates" the "sense" of:
'a mark through which each "member" in a collection
is (noticibly) "alike" [or, 'the "same"']'.
Now, the "sense" of: '(being) "alike", aligns each
"member" in the collection into an arrangement that
causes each "member" to be (equally) placed in the
"same" ("ordered") array. [See: TABLE 1, "Z : z"]
Here, the "sense" of: "alike", enables one to develop
the "sense" of both:
'(objective) involvement',
and: 'exterior coherency'.
Especially when: 'graphic "c"' => 'acoustic "s"'
Both of these "senses" are "fundamental" to the
"sense" of the "term" written: both.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "s"' continued]+
[ 118 ]
*b^oth* => *join ^ [each] oth(er) / ^ o(ut)th(er)[e]*
*b^o^th* => *embrace ^ anchor ^ 'uppermost limit'*
The cat is cute.
[Both of] The:se cats are cute.
Also, the "sense" of: "alike" [or "same"], is "fundamental"
to the concepts:
"amount", "quantity", and: "plenum".
[Specifically, the concept of: 'more than one (of)'.]
[A "quantity" of] The:se cats are cute.
The "sense" involved in each of these concepts is
"fundamental" to the 'grammatical "value"' of:
Also, one may "notice" that the "sense" of the "term"
written: "both" [ => "O"], and the "sense" of the
"term" written: "other" [ => "u(h*"], are involved in
the "sense" of the "term" written: "bother" ("a(h*").
[See: "sh", p. 131]
3) The suffix: "-s", may "designate" the "sense" of:
'a '[mental] "moment(um)"' that causes one to
"initiate" a noticible "effect"'.
This "sense" enables the "sense" of: "concept". =>
'a "noticeable" 'mental image' that one may "know"
[especially, through an "effect"]: noetic'.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "s"' continued]+
[ 119 ]
'He gives to charity.' || 'This enables efficiency.'
'He wants to help.' || 'She knows the reason why.'
'This causes closure.' || 'They get saturdays off.'
The "sense" of: "concept", is a derivative of the "sense" of:
'[natural] "automaticity"'.
See: "spontaneous(ly)", "educe", and "deduce".
4) In the American language] the 'letter "s"' shape is "logged" in the "dict- .
ionary" as a suffix: "-'s", that "designates" the "sense" of (the "concept" of):
'... which (or, who) is the [present] owner of: the / this / that ...';
or: '(The) [direct object] is ... (a property) ... of, or ..
(an "effect") "caused" by, [(the) subject]';
or: '(The) [direct object] "belongs" to [(the) subject]'.
'The nation's wealth is secure.'
'This [house] is Mary's house.'
'That [car] is Tom's car.'
Here, one may "notice" that the 'letter "s"' shape may "designate"
the "sense" of:
'(to be in) touch (with)'.
The "sense" of: "touch", is "fundamental" to the "sense" of: "adhere(nt)",
and this "sense" is involved in the "sense" of: '(to) "merge" (with)'.
This "sense" enables the "sense" of: immediate(ly).
One may "sense" that the "sense" of: immediate(ly), is
"naturally" involved in the 'mental image' that prompts
the "indication" of [the concept of]: '"own" (now)'.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "s"' continued]+
[ 120 ]
The mark upon each "thing" that 'I own (now)' is:
'that "thing" is {immediately} mine (now)'.

I keep in touch with each "thing" that is
{immediately} mine by keeping each "thing"
that I own (now) "in" [my] "mind" (now).

Therefore, since the 'letter "s"' sound may ["naturally"]
"indicate" the "sense" of the concept: "own", the suffix
that is written: "'s" is "fundamental" to the "designa-
tion" of [the concept of]: "possession".
As such, in the American language, the 'letter "s"' may
maintain the 'grammatical "value" of:
'the possessive case'.

To sign that with which one is 'in touch'
signifies that which is: 'one's own'.

* One's own is one zone. *
[See: "sign*if*i*c(h)ant", "sig(n)*nature"]

Furthermore, in relation to the purpose of this
book, please "notice" that the 'letter "s"' is
written four times in the "term": "possess".

*p ^ o ~ s ^ s ~ e ~ s ^ s*
* base ^ anchor ~ mark ^ touch ~ relation ~ adhere ^ merge *
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "s"' continued]+
[ 121 ]
5) In certain sentences, when the 'letter "s"' shape is "integrated" with the ..
"subject" of the "sentence" as the suffix written: "-'s", the 'letter "s"' shape
cues the vocal simplification of the pronounciation of the '"tense" marker
"verb"' that (conceptually) relates the "subject" with the "object" (i.e.,
with the "result") that is to be (immediately) "noticed".
'He's here but she's not.' ["is" / "is"]
'She's been ready for an hour.' ["has"]
'It's been awhile.' ["has"]
'What's it take?' ["does"]
'That's its box.' ["is"]
However, the phrase": "Let's go.", is the consequent of a ["conditional"]
"sentence" in which the antecedent of the [personal] arrangement with an-
other is ("perceptually") assumed. That is, the "sense" of this "sentence"
involves the "concept" of:
'Both persons have [personally] agreed to go
(somewhere) together at the present time.'
Here, the first person plural pronoun: "us", is vocally
simplified through the suffix written: "'s".
'{Now that you're done,} let's go.'
6) Historically, the graphic image: "es", is a suffix that develops a 'masculine "gender"' marker through which the: 'objective (impersonal) "possessive" pronouns', are developed.
"his", "hers", "yours", "ours", "theirs", "its"
In the American language, the suffix: "-ess", is a 'gender marker' that "designates" the "sense" of: "feminine" or 'pertaining to "females"'.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "s"' continued]+
[ 122 ]
7) In certain 'third person singular "verbs,"' the 'letter "s"' (or "z") sound is
the vocal simplification of the acoustic image cued through the (now
archaic) '"letter" group' written: "-eth". [See: "th", p. 142.]
'He "falleth".' => 'He "falls".'
'She "goeth".' => 'She "go^es".'
In the "term": "goes", the 'letter "e"' preserves the historical connection
to "-eth" from which this vocal simplification is derived.
Also, the '"letter" group' written: "-eth", shows a historical relation to
the suffix written: "-ed".
'He "boxes" (the "glasses" carefully).'
'They "boxed" (the "matches" in both "boxes").'
Here, the "tense" of the "sentence": 'He "boxeth" his many loves away.',
is ambiguous. That is, the "tense" of this "sentence" may be "sensed" to
be either: "present" or "past", whereas in: 'He "boxes" ....', or: 'He
"boxed" ....', the "sense" of the "tense" of the "sentence" is clear:
"-es" :: 'a relation(ship) with which one may be in touch that is always ...
"made" in the "present"';
"-ed" :: 'a relation(ship) that is [noticably] here {in the present} that must
have been "made" in the "past"'; respectively. [See: "aoristic"]
Please "notice" that: "boxed", is pronounced: "box^t",
which preserves the relation to "-eth". [Also: "talk^t"]
This historic relation is shown in a spelling rule that "designates" the
"sense" of: "plurality" =>
Change "y" to "i" and add "es".
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "s"' continued]+
[ 123 ]
8) In the American language, the suffix written: "-ese", may "designate" the
"sense" of:
'|one| who, or, that which, may be "identified" |with|, or, in some way,
|put| 'in touch' with, a specific "group" of people;
usually: |to "indicate"| those persons of a nation, or, of a culture;
specifically: a way of speaking; |or, simply:| a "lingo".
| "-ese" . => . - 'outward(ly) ~ mark ~ orientation' ..|
|.... or, .. => . - 'movement ~ adhere(nt) ~ relation'. |
9) In the American language, the prefix: "es-", is derived from the Latin ....
"word" written: "ex", that "designates" the "sense" of:
'[to go] out [of / (away) from] (such that
a threshold (or boundry) is crossed'.
["ex-": 'relation (or, orientation) [that goes] across'.]
|Using this "model"|, the prefix written: "es-", |may be written to|
"designate" the "sense" of:
'to "arise" out of', or 'to "show" out(ward[ly])' [(up) to a threshold,
or (within) a boundry].
| As such, "-es" may "designate" the "sense" of: | 'radial development'; "volumnisity";
or: 'to "e*vol*ve" within an envelope'.
["es-": 'relation touch -'; or: 'orientation cause -']
"pre*sence", "es*sence", "ex*is:t*ence"
An "es*timate" tends to "e*vol*ve" within an "envelope" in
accordance with (or when "mated" with) time and / or honor.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "s"' continued]+
[ 124 ]
10) In the American language, the prefix: "eso-", is derived from the Greek
language. In both, the "letter" group written: "eso-", is a prefix that
"designates" the "sense" of:
'[to be] "within" (or "inside" [of])'.
Specifically, the prefix written: "eso-", "designates" the "sense" of:
'an orientation or relation that is in touch with the
anchor ("within") [an "evolving" envelope]'.
"eso*phagus", "eso*teric"
11) In the American language, "terms" that begin with the "letter" group ....
written: "se-", involve the "sense" of the Latin prefix: "se-".
"se-" => L.: '[to be] at some distance, or, "apart", from'
or: '[to be (noticably)] "distinct"; "distinguishable".
"secede", "separate", "series", "set", "see"
When one is "searching" for some "thing", one may "see" only those
"things" that are: 'at some distance', "separate", or '"set" apart' from
the "eye" (or, one's [own] "I").
Also, one may see that the "sense" that is involved in the Latin "term"
written: "esse", may be developed through the "integration" of the
"sense" that is "mapped" in the '"letter"' groups written:
"es" . => . 'that which may "e~vol^ve"
and: "se" . => . 'apart from' ('other "things"') .....
........................... * 'to be(come)' (a) distinct ("entity") *.
"esse" => L.: 'to be' => "being" .................
......................... => 'the (evolving) being of a unique "id*entity"'.
* * *
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "~"' continued]+
[ 125 ]
sh.: A ["letter"] sound that one "makes" {when someone is near} that (in accordance with "intensity") "indicates" the "sense" of either:
'Be calm.' | 'Be patient.' | '[Be] "quiet"' | [(or:) 'Shut-up(!)']
Specifically, the '[letter] "sh"' sound "indicates" the "sense" of:
'("Please",) Stop "channeling" your '{"psychic"} "energy"'
[into the World]'. '"Empty" the "channel"'. '"Close" the "channel"'.
Or (the "concept" of):
'A touch connection now is interferring with my touch
connection with what is (or ought to be) happening'.
Or, simply: 'stop this interference (immediately)'.

Specifically: "Channel" your touch connection
[in an appropriate manner (for the "situation")].
This "sense" may be developed into the "sense" of:
'gauge yourself'; or: 'use reason'.
[See: "hush", "shush", {"sheesh"}] [See: I., p. 80.]
One may observe that, in the American language, there are "terms"
in which the precise enunciation of certain '"letter" groups' become
vocally simplified [or, "softened"] through the pronounciation of
the '["letter"] "sh"' {or the '["letter"] "zh"} sound.
"ocean", "machine", "special", "precious", "conscious", "issue",
"nauseous", "mission", {"vision"}, "motion", "spatial", "anxious"
One may "notice" that each of these "terms" involves the "sense" of:
'"Channel" ['{"psychic"} "energy"']'.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "sh"' continued]+
[ 126 ]
12) In the American language, the suffix written: "-ish", "designates" the .....
"sense" of:
'("noticed") to be in the same manner as ...';
'(observed) to be involved with ...';
'to "approximate"'; or: 'to be one of'.

"-ish" ... => ... 'designate touch connection'
..... => ... 'see immediate context'
=> ... 'capasity "channel"'
As such, the "sense" that is involved in the "term" written: "wish", may be
"philosonically" evaluated through the consolidation of the dimensions:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ~~~. w ~~~ ^ ~~~~~~. i ~~~~~~ ^ ~~~~~~~~~. s = h ~~~~~~~~~~. * ~~~~~~
~~~~~~~ * ~ frame ~ ^ ~ designate ~ ^ ~~ touch = connection ~ *
~~~~~~~~~ * ~. scan ~~ ^ ~~~~~ see ~~~~ ^ ~ immediate = context ~ * ~
~~~~~~~~~~. * . region ~ ^ ~ capacity ~~ ^ ~~~~. __ "channel" __ ~~. * ~~.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ ~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ('{"psychic"} "energy"') ~

13) In the American language, the suffix written: "-ism", "designates" the ...
"sense" of:
'to exemplify the designated instance (either):
to an "extreme"'; or: aligned through a [shared] ideal'.

"-is[z]m" => '- possible merge[=extend] endurance'; ~~~~~
~~~~~ => '- important qualification[=relativistic] |aware|'.

* * * * *
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "~"' continued]+
[ 127 ]

t.: A "letter" shape that "stores" the [natural] sound that is "made" when ....
one (rigid) object (quickly) "smacks", '"pecks" {at}', "nicks", "knocks",
'"clacks" against', "clinks", "raps", '"flits" against', or "flicks"
[i.e., '"con*flicts" with'] another (rigid) object.
[See: "tick", "tap", "pat", "tempo", "tine", "tinker", "baton"]

One may observe that the [natural] sound: "t", may (spontaneously)
"indicate" the "sense" of:
'manifest "existence"',
is involved in {the "concept" of} the [perceptual] object
[that one may now ponder].

One may "t^est" the "soundness" [or, "co*here*nce"]
of an "object(ive[ity])" or, a "subject(ivity})".
[See: Text, p. 35]
See: '"cause" and "effect"'; "resound(ing)"
[See: y., pp. 153 & 154 { => ring}]

* * *
t.: A "letter" shape that "stores" the '"dental" burst' that one (spontaneously)
"makes" the moment when that which is ["made"] manifest {"in" one's
"mind"} 'fails to span' (or, "deranges") either the (full) "ex*tent[ion]"
or the (complete) "con*tent{ment}" of one's (presently) developed [ponderable {or, embedded}] 'mental image {now}'.

One may "notice" that the 'letter "t"' sound may be "made" the moment when what is observed "denatures" one's "naturally" developed 'mental image'.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "t"' continued]+
[ 128 ]
Here, the spontaneous vocalization of the 'letter "t"' sound may "indicate"
the "sense" of:
'This "observation" {now} 'falls short' [or, 'fails the ("objective") "test"']
of one's {now} manifest 'mental image' [i.e., one's ('"subjectively"
consolidated') "expectation"] that is: 'now, "in" {one's} "mind"'.'
One may "notice" that the "sense" of: 'cognitive "dis*son*ance"', is
involved in (the experience of) the "sense" of: "ex*{s}pect:ation";
or, specifically, the "sense" of: 'that which "happens" ['as a "mat*ter"]
of course';'
or, simply, the "sense" of: 'that which 'goes without saying'.'
[See: "it", "id"] || [Also see: "out*look"]
One may observe that the "sense" of: "expectation" enables the "sense" of:
'[{The "acknowledgement" of} the development of a 'mental image'
that is either]: "silly", "stupid", "absurd", "ridiculous", or otherwise,
(manifestly) "unacceptable"; especially, if the 'mental image' that is
"(re)cognized" is {"intended"} to be used to "suggest" (or, prompt)
an action.'
['"t", yeah, right.']
[See: "entrapment"; 'catch the drift of'; 'be wise to']
Or, to be specific, vocalizing the 'letter "t"' sound may "indicate" the
"sense" of:
'{A "challange" to} an anomolous 'mental image'.'
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "t"' continued]+
[ 129 ]
As such, vocalizing the 'letter "t"' sound may "indicate" the "sense" of:
'to "blow-off" (or, to "forget", [or, to have
"forgotten") the {bas:e/:ic} experience'.
['"t"; ... {what an idiot!}']
Please "notice" the "sense" involved in the colloquial expression:
'Don't "tick" me off.'
[See: "total(ly)"; p., p.109; y., p.166; and, "oops"]
As such, one may observe that the "sense" of: "expectation", enables the
"sense" of: '"making" of an "observation" [that involves past experience]'.
[See: "experiment"; "extrapolate"; "implicate"]
Specifically, 'the "making" of an "observation"' involves the "sense" of:
'I have now developed a {mental} "field" that 'enables a measurement'
concerning the 'manifest significance' of that ["thing"] which is [being]
"(per)formed" now (such that: '"it" (now)', may be '"put" into "terms"'
{now}) [in such a way that one may 'come to "terms"' {now} with
'"it" {now}' ('"in" one's "mind"')].
[See: "in*form(ed)"; "con*form(ed)" / "con*scious"]
To be exact:
'Each "observation" involves the "expectation" of a (certain) "result".
[See: 'to "(re*)solve"']
*'"It" (now)' is "mapped" (now)'.* [See: "k~now"]
See: "funda*mental"; "de*term*in*(n)at:ion;
"establish(ment)"; "ac:cu*rate"; "cor*r:ect"
[See: "nature", "mature" / "<-t*", p. 136.]
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "t"' continued]+
[ 130 ]
Or: 'I have '"made" an "observation" out of', have "objectified", or,
have, "de*term*in*ed" your "subjectivity"'.
['"t"; you don't know what you're 'talking about'...']

The "closure" concerning either the "sub*j^ect{:ive}"
or the "per*sp^ect:ive" upon the "topic" is now "set".
['... and 'that's that!'.']
[See: "tyrant"; '(to be) "compromised" {"co-opted"}]
* * *
t.: A "letter" shape involved in "designating" the {"letter"} sound {"<-t*"}
that one "makes" {when inhaling}.
The 'inhalant "<-t*"' sound is "logged" in the "dictionary as
the '"letter" group' written: "tsk".
In the American language, the '"letter" group" written: "tsk", "designates"
a language sound that is evaluated as an "exclaimation" that "designates"
the "sense" of either:
'This (or, that) is not ready to go.'{"inadequate"};
'the "pre*sence" of the "ab*sence"' {"loss"};

or: 'to be "fed-up" (with)' {"judge(ment)" => "enough" /
"thwarted", "stymied")['"t"; Now what?'];

or, simply: "anticipation" {"future" => "consequence"}
'"<-t*"; What now?' / '"<-t*"; What('s) "next"?'
[See: "determination"; "control(l^able)"]
[See: k., p. 83; Ftnts., 12.] [Also, see: "t*ask"]
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "t"' continued]+
[ 131 ]
Specifically, the spontaneous vocalization of the "exclaimation"
written: "tsk", may "indicate" the "sense" of:
"frustation"; "interruption"; "disappointment"; "disapproval";
"condescension"; "irreverence"; 'a "flippant" attitude'; 'a (mild,
or feigned,) "surprise"'; or, '(a moment of) "sympathy"
[concerning an "observation" (that is significant)]'.
To be exact, the 'inhalant "<-t*"' sound may "indicate" the sense of:
'The "making of an "observation" upon the "effort" invested in an action
or a performance that could, should, or ought to, have been "done"
(by now) [such that the ("expected") sequelae would have followed
spontaneously]. That is, the language sound: 'tsk", may "indicate"
the "sense" of: 'the '"implicative" significance' of the action, or
performance, is now involved in one's 'mental image'.
[See: "teleo(s)", "timely", "term"]
One may observe that:
'If one '"ou*ght*" to' ... (do an action),
then one has "*got*" to ... (do the action) ...
[in order to "manifest" an "expected" result].'

See: '"aw" : "ou-"' => a., p. 63 & 64; o., p. 99.
Also see: "must"; "predict*able"; "principle".
* * *
1) In the American language, when the 'letter "t"' sound is "integrated" as ..
a suffix, the 'letter "t"' sound may be evaluated as a '"tense" marker' that
may "indicate" the "sense" of either:
"developed"; manifest; form; erect; span; or, simply: "now".
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "t"' continued]+
[ 132 ]
Here, the 'letter "t"' sound is "functionally" related to the "sense" involved
in the 'letter "d"' sound: through; noticeable; or: here.
[See: d.4), p. 72]
That is, when either the 'letter "d"' or the 'letter "t"' is "integrated" with a
'core "word"' as a suffix, each may sustain the 'grammatical "value"' of:
'"past" tense'.
"dreamt", "burnt", "wept" ("bolt", ["not"]);
Also, one may "notice" that: 'The manifest form of: "giving", is the
presentation of a "gift" such that, when the '"gift" giving' is through,
(noticible, or, or here), the person is {now} "gif~t^ed".'
Please notice the "sense" of the "terms":
."gild" => "gilt" || "guile" => "guilt"
"wend" => "went" || "bend" => "bent" ...
"build" => "built" || ["guy" => "guide"]
Or, the "sense" of:
'That which has been "done" may be "made" into a sign
(that one may use to signify one's "observation"')
[of a(n) {this / that / the} "(f:)ac*t"].
[See: "-(i)fy", p. 167.]
"weigh" => "weight" || "thief" => "theft" || "mean" => "meant"
"may" => "might" || "par" => "part" || "able" => "apt" .
...... "smudge" => "smut" || "track" => "tract" || "conceive" => "concept"
"strike" => "strict" || ("tease" => "test") || ["hear" => "heart"]
{"is" => "it"} || ("form" => "format") ||
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "t"' continued]+
[ 133 ]
One may '(linguistically) "re^fer"' to 'what is d^one'
[in order to "re^mind" one of the ("pas*t") "fac*t"].
One may observe that:
'What has come to "pass" in the "past" must be
"f~ace^d {"f ~ A(E)s ^ t"} as a "f~ac^t" {"f ~ a(i)k ^ t"}.
[See: c., p. 69; and: "fast(en)"]
* * * * *
2) In the American language, the suffixes written: "-et" and "-ette", may ....
"designate" the "sense" of (either):
"diminutive" ['"smaller" (than)'; "little"]; "feminized";
or: '"ready" (to use)', or, '(specially) "prepared"'.
Specifically, "-et", or "-ette", may "designate":
'capable of "reflecting" the image of an "expectation"
of "readiness", or of "preparedness".'
[See: "<=t*", p.136 / "tablet", "bracelet", {"set"}]
A "philosonic" evaluation of the '"letter" group' written: "et", may be developed through the dimensions:
... "e ~ t" => 'orientation ~ developed';
. or: "e ~ t" => .... 'relation ~ manifest'. .... .
The "letter" pattern graphed: "et", is a "term" in the (ancient) Latin language
that sustains the 'grammatical "value"' of the conjunction wriiten: "and".
[See: a.10), p. 68]
Please observe that the "plus" sign used in arithmetic is similar to
the 'letter "t"' shape: " + ".
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "t"' continued]+
[ 134 ]
3) In the American language, the suffix written: "-(i)ty", may be "integrated"
with a 'core "word"', in order to "indicate" the "sense" of:
'to "substantiate" the 'core "word"' [to the greatest "ex*ten^t"]'.
A "philosonic" evaluation of the suffix: "-(i)ty", may be "made" through
the dimensions: '[the 'core "word"' {is "made" into}]
- '(the "designate" {is}) ~ "manifest" ~ "throughout" {the image}'.
[Please observe that: "it", is, simply: the 'designate ~ manifest'.]
Also, the following suffixes involve the 'letter "t"':
"-(a/e)nt", "-(a/i)te", "-ation" "-ative", "-ist(ic)".
* * * * *
th.: A '"letter" group' that "stores" the [natural] sound "made" by 'a "chord"'
that is quickly pulled (or, tugged) at either, or each, "end" [simultaneously];
or, in some way, "made" to vibrate within the "interval" that the "c(h)ord"
now spans such that the sound: "th", may ["naturally"] "indicate" the
"sense" of:
'This "c(h)*or^d" is 'now connected' [at 'both (of the) "ends"']'.
A '"philosonic" evaluation' of the '"letter" group' written: "th", may be
shown through the dimensions:
"th" => "t ~ h" => 'manifest ~ connection'
Here, one may "notice" that the ["letter"] sound that is graphed: "th",
may [spontaneously] "indicate" the "sense" of (either):
'uppermost limit'; or: "union".
See: "taut", "tight", "taught" => "th*ought" {"taunt"}
[Also see: y., p. 154; and: y.1), p. 161.]
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "th"' continued]+
[ 135 ]
Specifically, one may "notice" that the "sense" of either: 'uppermost limit';
or: "union", ["naturally"] involves the "sense" of: 'manifest connection'.
Furthermore, "each" may imply the "other".
1) In the American language, the '"letter" group' that is written: "th", may ...
"store" a range of "letter" sounds that vary in accordance with whether
the tongue position is enunciated as either:
"unvoiced" [ => bath], ... "voiced" [ => bathe],
or: "detonated" as a '"dental" burst' [ => thyme]. ....
"th" => 'letter "t"' tongue position while aspirating the 'letter "h"' sound.
'"t" - stop' => "h" : unvoiced => "union" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"theme", "zenith", "math", "earth", "thistle", "through", "with"
"lath", "thin", "aesthetic", "ethics", "Theos", "author", "both"
"therapy", "theory", "faith", "truth", "anthesis", "youth"
'"t" - stop' => "h" : voiced => 'uppermost limit' ~~~~~~~~~~~~
"this", "that", "the", "then", "there", "them", "they", "thy"
"bother", "farther", "tether", "rhythm", "smooth", "lathe"
'"t" - stop' => 'burst "h"' : unvoiced => {po"t^h"ole} ~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ : voiced => {see: "d(h)"} |and # below|
"thyme", "Thomas", "Thames", "Thonga" / ["|ph|thisis"]
See: "rhyme" {"hyle", "time", "rhythm", "theme"}, "thole" | "t(h)orn" |,
... and: "method" => Gr.: "meta" + "hodos" => "over" + "way". [See: "to"]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (or: "above" + "path") ["technic"]
# | => The "letter" sound: "d=t(h)", is a "letter" sound that is not
found in the American language, but is found in certain
African and Asian languages.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "th"' continued]+
[ 136 ]
2) In the American language, the "letter" group that is written: "-(e)th", is ..
a suffix that "indicates" the "sense" of:
[the 'core "word"' {is "made" into}] :
* - ([a "moment(um)"] with relations involved in {spanning}) :
a '"field" of "connections"' *;
"true" => "truth"; .. "moon" => "month"; .. { "rhyme" => "rhythm"}
[See: "labyrinth" {"Theseus"; and, "Mithras"}]
('to "do" the "whole" action' => "eth^ics")
or: 'an "ab*solute" (or, "uni*que") instance of the progression [of ...
'the "-ing"', or 'time extention'] of an {"[oc]current"} activity
to the {most} extreme (or, the "far*th:est") "extent".
"bear" => "bearing" => "birth"
[See: "trans*form:at^ive"]
3) In the American language, the '"letter" group' written: "th", is a suffix .....
that may "modify" a "verb" to function with the 'grammatical "value"'
of a "noun".
Specifically, the "integration" of the (unvoiced) suffix: "-th", with certain
"verbs" enables one: 'to "substantiate" the "verb" such that, the action
(or, the "phenomena") that the "verb" (mentally) stablizes |with a
"name"|, 'now "exists"' [in the form of a "thing"] {such that this
"thing" is a 'manifest "fact"' in one's (mental) experience}.
| The fact ('in "mind"') of: 'to "rage"', is: "wrath". |
| The fact ('in "mind") of: 'to "work"', is: "worth". |
| See: "hypostasize" |
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "th"' continued]+
[ 137 ]
Also, in the American language, enunciating an unvoiced "th" as the '"term"
ending' |sound of the "word",| enables one: 'to modify the 'grammatical
"value"' of the "term" from a "verb", a "process" involving (the concept of)
the "thing", to a "noun", a 'pattern anchored' in (the concept of) the "thing".
to: "grow" => "growth" |~~| "wide(n)" => "width"
~~ to: "heal" => "health" |~~| "deep(en)" => "depth"
~~~. [OE.: "go" => "goeth"] |~~| "broad(en)" => "breadth" .

Also: "mat" => "math" / "pat" => "path" / "heart" => "hearth"
"slow" => "sloth" "long" => "length" "strong" => "strength"
"dead" => "death" "moon" => "month" "weal" => "wealth"
"bath" => "bathe" |~~| "mouth" => "mouth{e}"

"lattice" => "lath" => |to| "lathe" {on a "lathe"} ~
~~~~~~~~. "cloth"~=> ~|to| "clothe" {with "clothes"} ~[See:"close" (s/z)]

[See:"-(e)st" {"(b)est", "far(th*e:r/:st)", "mo:re/:st"}] [See: "ism"; "-ize"]

A "philosonic" evaluation of the suffix: "-(e)th", may
be "made" through the dimensions:
'-(a relation with) ^ a manifest=connection' => '-(e)t=h'

'-(a paradigm of) ^ unique=logic' => '-(e)t=h'

'-(the strength of) ^ "union"' => "-(e)th"

Now, one may evaluate the "term" written: "the", through the dimensions:
'manifest=connection ^ oriented relation' => "t=h ^ e".
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "th"' continued]+
[ 138 ]

And, a "philosonic" evaluation of each reading shows the dimensions as: ..
..... 'manifest=connection ^ continuous(=connection)' => "t=h ^ u(h)"
....... or: ~ 'uppermost=limit ~ ^ ~ outward(=relation)' ~ => ~ "th ^ e(e)" ~~~
In the American language, the "term" written: "the", may "designate" the ...
"sense" of:
'Each 'unique "ent*it*y"' that is "occupying" one "(de:)fin*it*e" ["end"]
"po*int" (or, "sustaining" one ["(de:)lim*it*ed"] "po:s*it*ion").
Amer.: 'definite article' => The word written: "the",
may used to "indicate" the sense of:
'each "separate" ("individual") "thing"' | now in mind |.
OE.: "se" => 'what is [set] apart'; | [see] | "distinction"
See: "sect*ion"; "se*par:ate"; "i:d^ent*it*y"
[Also see: s.11), p. 130; and, Ftnts., 19.]
4) In the American language, when the suffix: "-(e)th", is "integrated" with a
"term" that "designates" a certain "number" (or, the graphic image of a
specific "numeral") the suffix: "-(e)th", may "designate" the "sense" of:
'this position (within the sequence) is "unique".
or: 'the 'absolute value' of each numeric position within
the ["ordered"] series(, array, or matrix) is set'.
[See: "ratio"; "denominator"]
"-(e)th" => ' - (relation) uppermost limit'
"four" => "fourth" => "4th" || "fourty" => "fourtieth" => "40th"
[See: "nth"]
* * * * *
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "~"' continued]+
[ 139 ]
u.: A "letter" shape that "stores" a specific range of unique "letter" sounds
that (in accordance with the tone, duration, and inflection involved in the
"letter" sound when "made") spontaneously "indicates" the "sense" of:
'a natural sound that human beings "make" when confronted with a
"foul", "nauseating", "disgusting", "repugnant", "acerbic" or, [generally],
"intolerable" perception; especially, of: (an) "odor":
the "evacuative" burst': "u(h|g*" | (or: => "u(h)^n~f}") [See: 'ew"]
or: 'a natural sound that a human being "makes" when performing the .....
[(quick but) forceful] "effort" that is naturally involved in the action
of (suddenly) (re)moving a [heavy or jammed] block(age)':
the "exhaustive" burst': "u*" (or: "u(h|*")
Specifically: [A natural sound "made"] 'when one "must" get the force
of one's "effort" | to go | "beneath" (the block)'; i.e.: to get the force
"under" (the block) [in order] to get (the block) "up"';
or: 'when the force is "perpendicular" to the surface (that is showing as ..
the "base") upon which one "makes" a '"butt" joint' (in order) to form
'a "(con)junction" that "butts - up" to this "base"'. Here, the ("perpendi-
cular") force "makes" the conjunction "continuous(ly)". ["lug" | "hub"]
For example, |note the "u(h|*" sound involved in "mapping"|: '"shove" in a
"plug" so it's "stuck"', or: 'give the "luggage" a "tug"'. [See: "push" / "pull"]
Also, vocalizing the 'letter "u(h)"' sound may "indicate" the "sense" of: ....
'a momentary pause during which one "makes" the "effort" to "wonder"
[or, "ponder"] in order (to "note" the "connections" that enables one) .
to go, or, to get, "beneath" one's present "perception"'. . ["u(h)[hh]"] .
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "u"' continued]+
[ 140 ]
|One may "notice" that one's "sense" of: "wonder", [natually] involves the
"sense" of|: *the (mental) "effort" |that is| involved in "remembering" the
"mental image" of a certain specific "memory" | => "u(h)[hh]" | ;
['to "hypothesize"' => 'to "conceptualize"' => 'to "hypostasize"']
Now, please "notice" the "sense" within the "observation':
'That is some "thing"' which is merely made "up"'.
And, here, "notice" the "sense" of the "interjection" written: "huh"[?]'
["hypnotize": 'to go "beneath" what is: noticed, known, or. now in mind'.]
* * *
Please "notice" that the acoustic image of the "exhaustive" burst' written
here as: "u*" {or: "u(h|*"} may be"stored" in the graphic image of the
'"letter" shape' written: "o". [e.g., "other", "wonder"]
Here, the "sense" of the '"exhaustive" burst': "u(h|*" : "o"' is a "cognate"
of the "sense" of: 'continuous(ly) [=anchored]', and involves the "sense"
of: interior cohesion', or: topologically sound'.
The "letter" sound: "u(h|*" : "o"', is an acoustic derivative of
the "integration" of the "letter" group' written: "ou".
[See: "ou", p. 145 ["country"]; and: "love"]
* * *
The *["evacuative"] throated {nasal fricative}'* or, specifically, the 'nasal
exhalent' => "nf", is being presented as a conjectural '"letter" sound'.
But "notice" the "sound" of: "humph"/"harumph". [See: "ew", p. 147]
[Furthermore, "five", in German is written: "funf".]
See: "rough", ["slough"+], "tough", "enough" / "trough", ("laugh").
Also, please refer to the "letter" group': "sn-";
e.g.: "sneeze", "snicker", "snort", "snide", "snob".
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "u"' continued]+
[ 141 ]
U.: Please "notice" that the normal tone' of the 'letter "U"' sound is enun-
ciated in the manner of the diphthong: "(E)U". As such, the 'letter "U"'
sound may be "sonically" graphed: "[E^i(h)]^y ~ oo[w]".
A "philosonic" evaluation of: "[E^i]y^oo", shows that the 'letter "U"' sound
may "indicate" the "sense" of (either):
*an "acknowledgement" of (one's) ^ '(subjective) "involvement"'*;
or: *a "challange" to (one's) ^ '(subjective) "involvement"'*. ~~~~~~~~.
[See: "oo"., p. 91; y., p. 153]
Each of these "philosonic" evaluations may be "noticed" to be involved
in the "sense" of the "phrase": Hey, you. {: !}'
As such, the consolidation of the array of dimensions that is "mapped" in
the "letter" sound that is graphed: "[E^i]y^oo", enables one to "make"
sense' of: Hey, you.(: !)' [=> "h~A~[E^i]y^oo"], with the intensity
of the tone emphasizing one or the other "indication".
'connection action with . => . "acknowledge"' .
'connection action with . => .... "challange"' ....
|Specifically, vocalizing the 'letter "E(U)"' sound may "indicate"| the "sense"
of: This "perception" [with which I am now ("objectively") forced to be ("subjectively") involved'] is | "ewww"| :
"unpleasant", "nasty", no good', or "bad"';
or: [I "feel" (or "sense") that:] This "perception" needs to [rapidly] go ..
(away), or to [quickly] "disappear"'. "ew[w]" { => *E(U)* }
"shoo[!]" => "sh^oo[^w]" => "sh(E)U[^oo(w)]"
"ew[w]" => movement region [cycle]'
{*(E)U* => *(movement) constant* }
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "u"' continued]+
[ 142 ]
The "sense" of: 'an unpleasent challenge that is to go away', may be developed into the "sense" of:
'Learning to tolerate that with which one is ("objectively") forced
to become ("subjectively") involved'; and this sense is simplified
as the "sense" of either: 'being "made" to', or "work".
Now, this "sense" may develop into the "sense" of:
'One's '"personal" sense' of: "subjectivity", and one's '"personal" sense'
of: "objectivity", are linked together in a region that comprehends one's
'"personal" perception' |that shows ("now") as| :
'a "perception" in which one has a "say"',
within: 'a region in which one may "mind"'.
Here, one's "sense" of "work" may be developed into the "sense" of:
'When one is able to "gauge" the coenesthesia that is '("subjectively")
involved' in one's "mental image" (now), the present "capacity" of
one's "mind" to "note" a "theory" that "reflects" one's 'depth of
"focus"' [in relation to that "perception" whose:
*outward movement (is {"made"}) constant*,
is: 'a well "made" whole'.
["eu" => "(E)U" => *ee^y(i|h|)^oo(w)*]
Now, a "report" of the "perception" enables one to "make" a 'well
made "object(ive)"' that "reflects" this good "work"' in the fact that,
when "functioning" [in the world], the "object(ive)" works well';
[for the ("objective") purpose ("subjectively") in "mind"']:
.[to be: of "use", to "use" || to be: "useful", and "useable"] .
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "u"' continued]+
[ 143 ]
The "observation" may now be put to "use" to the purpose of gauging
one's experience such that, through this gauge, one may "map" one's
"personal" experience {one's: 'm-I ~ verse'} as a specific activity pat-
tern that "ex*tends" one's "perspective" [now] (in time) in a manner
that "makes" one's "personal" experience' into a coherent "impersonal"
experience' {the: 'un ~ I ~ verse'} (for each "hearer") that is, simultan-
eously, '"true" to the "point", and: 'wholly truthful'.
("tr ^ [u|h*] ^ oo[w] ~ th ~ [f~u(h)~l])

Now, one may observe that a person who has ended the "effort" involved
in "making" a 'good "object(ive)" work well', will "indicate" the release of
the tension within the "effort" (and the '"relaxed" enjoyment' that one feels
with the achievement) through the language sound that may be graphed:
[See: "sigh" (Text, p. 12.) / "yawn" (Ftnts., 12.)]
* * *
1) In the American language, the letter "(E)U"' sound: "(E^i)y^oo", is a .....
"word" that "indicates" the "sense" of: the "other"'.
Specifically: The second person, present tense pronoun': "you".
[See: "I"., p. 81]
* * *
2) In the American language, the prefix written: "eu-", is a "morpheme" .....
that "designates" the "sense" of: "good" or "well".

"euphoria", "eulogy", "eurythmic", "eurytopic", "eudaemonia", "eureka",
"Euclid", "Eumenides", "therapeutic", "beauty", "cure" => "k(E)y^oo^r"
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "u"' continued]+
[ 144 ]
In the American language, the "letter" group': "eu", may be resolved into
the single letter "U"' sound that may be "sonically" graphed: "[E^i]y^oo".
When fully attenuated, the single letter: "U", sound may be "sonically" graphed: "E^i(h)^y^oo[w]^|u(h|*".

As such, one may observe that the letter "U"' sound is the ("funda-
mental") foundation in which the "letter" sound:
"u(h|*":"o"' [e.g.: "love", "[br]other", "country", "cousin"],
is "embedded",
and through which the |separate| "letter" sounds:
~ "oo(w)" ... [e.g.: "tool", "who", "you", "through", "stupid"], .
"oo(h)" ... [e.g.: "book", "look", "took"], and: ...............
.... "u(h)[i]" ... [e.g.: "good", "hoof", "soot", "could", "pudding"],
are grounded.

"u(h|*" : "o"' => "continuous (connection | instance*" : "anchor"

"oo[w]" => '(subjective) involvement [region]'
......... => .. 'anchored correlation [region]'

"oo[h]" => '(subjective) involvement [abode]'
............... => 'anchored correlation [connection]'

.. "u(h)[i]" => 'continuous (connection) [designate]'

Also, please "note" the "letter" sound that is written: "oo",
in the "term" written: "wool" => "w ~ [oo]^u(h) ~ l"
Compare: "woof" / "wood", "would" / "full"
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "u"' continued]+
[ 145 ]
3) Also, the "sonic" graph of the letter "U"' sound enables one to "notice"
that several of the "letter" sounds that are "stored" in the "letter" shape:
"Y : y", are grounded in the letter "U"' sound: "[E^i(h)]y ^ oo[w]".
"[E^i(h)]y ~ es" => "yes" .. | .. "[E^i(h)]y ^ oo[w] ~ th" => "youth"

The historic survey of the "alphabet" shows that the letter written: "y", is
a derivitive of the letter "u"' through the Greek "letter" named: "upsilon".
['u "psilon"' = '"simple" u': So named to differentiate this "letter" (sound)
from the Greek "letter" sequence: "oi", which is also enunciated: "u(h)";
[See: "com-" => koinos => "k^u(h)n*Os".]

In the American language: "oi", may be sonically graphed:
"O^[w]E^(y)i" => "void", "spoil". [However, see: "choir".]

The Greek "letter" shapes that graph: "upsilon", also show this connection:
the 'upper case' shape: " Υ ", is graphically similar to capital "Y"';
-... the 'lower case' shape:. " υ ", is graphically similar to the "u" shape. ~
Gr.: kybos = "cube" || Gr.: dyo = "duo", "two" || Gr.: kuklos = "cycle"

"wheel" => IE.: *kwekulo => *kwel => to "turn"'; (to be) "around"';
(to) "dwell". .. [See: "cult"; "quest"; "crown"]
"whelk" => IE.: *wel => (to) "turn"' .. [See: "well"; "run"; "drill"] ......

[See: "key", "queue", "skew" || 'double "u"' => "w" => "omega"]
[See: "chi", "sky"; "science"; "Shu" | | "cut" || "wye" | | Ftnts., 13]

* * * * *
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "u"' continued]+
[ 146 ]
y.: A "letter" shape that "stores" a specific range of unique "letter" sounds
. that (according the "tone", "duration", "inflection", and "attenuation" involv-
. ed in the "letter" sound when "made") may "indicate" the "sense" of either:-
'an "acknowledgement" of ..., .. || .... or: 'a "challenge" to ...,
=> . [... the way that I have choosen to get a point out .....
....... so this point takes a position within the topic'. .]
=> . [... an issue that presents a point that, when one is .....
in this position, involves "making" a "decision"].'
"y(h|*" => "E^i[h]" [=> "E^i*(y[i^{u}h])]
Specifically, one may "notice" that the vocalization of a "letter" sound
that is "stored" in the 'letter "y"' shape may "indicate" the "sense" of:
'An image (or, "memory") has been "prompted"
[that involves (a) "choice"].'
"y(eh)" [=> "E^i(^e[h])"]
As such: "y(eh)", may "indicate" the "sense" of:
'This [(linguistically developed) "mental image"] 'rings a "bell"'.'
...... "E^i^[e(h)]" => 'outward(ly) ^ focus(ed) ^ [relation (connection)]'
.. "y^[e(h)]"=>'adjustment ^ [relation (connection)]' ...... .
Or, the "sense" of:
'[the permeation of the '"perceptual" image' throughout one's
"psyche" such that:] this "perception" prompts the adjustment
of (the full "extent" of) one's "mental image" within a certain
'("objective") perimeter'.'
"y(e[h]^[a{h}])" [=> "y(e[h]^[a{(i)h}])"]
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "y"' continued]+
[ 147 ]
Specifically: "y(e[h])^[a{h}])", may "indicate" the "sense" of: 'I get "it".'
Here, the "sense" of: 'I get "it".', may develop into the "sense" of:
'This consolidated "(mental) image" results in [the perspective that is
"fundamental" to] the "acknowledgement" of the "thing" that is to be
'"observed" with "respect"'; especially, when one's 'objective relation'
with the "thing" involves an 'activ:e[:ity] (connection)'.'
[See: "reflect(ion)"]
Or, the "sense" of: 'a mental modification is involved in ascertaining
the [functional] "meaning" (of an experience [of the 'mental image'])
of a "thing"'.
Specifically, vocalizing: "y^e(h)", may "indicate" the "sense" of:
'a mental modification that is "made" 'in accordance with', or
'with respect to', a certain "object(ive[ity])", [that is (now)
maintained within {the "subject*[ivity]" of} one's |own| '(per
ceptual) "territory"' of experence] such that the "thing" (now)
sustains a '"ring" of relations' within one's ["conceptual"] "map"
of the "world" (now)';
|As such, the 'letter "y"' sound: "E^i(h)", may "indicate"| the "sense" of:
'a '("psyche") logical' "modulation" of the |mental| "map" that "guides"
one's movement (from one "point" to the "next") throughout the
["object(ive)"] world}'.' "[E]^yi^(u{h|*})e(h)"
[See: "think(ing)", "thing", "assemble"]
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "y"' continued]+
[ 148 ]
Therefore, vocalizing the acoustic image graphed: "E^i(h)^e(h)", may
"indicate" the "sense" of: 'a '"contextualized" perception' is now 'in
"mind"' such that the "content(ment)" that is [objectively] 'extending
"throughout"' (or, "permeating") one's 'mental image' is [functionally]
synchronized with the "context" (or, ring) in which the person is (or,
may be) located.' [See: "cognizance"]
This "sense" of: 'an "embedded" "(mental) image",' may develop into
the "sense" of: 'a [new] way [or method] of seeing [or, calibrating the
world] prompted through [or 'in accordance with'] the ["objective"]
involvement of the ["model"] "(perceptual) image" |in the "world"|.
|[See: "projection"]|
.|That is, one's sense of an 'embedded image', may be "indicated" simply as:
'Yeah, I get "it" (now)'. ..||... or: to be precise: 'Yeah, I've got "it" (now)'.
"y(i) ~ e^a(h)": "objective (designate) ~ relation ^ activity (connection)"
. |"Notice" the sense of: 'mental "mapping"' (in accordance with space-time).|
|To embed "it" in the "real" gives "it" a "sense" of: (objective) 'real~"it"~y'.|
[See: "reason(ing)" {"so" / "then"}]
As such, one's ["intu*it*ive"] "sense" of: |'I've got "it" (now).',| may de-
velop into the "sense" of:
'"It" (now)' is the "thing" through which one may [functionally] synchron-
.ize the '(mental) image' filling out one's "psyche" (now) with the [shared
.. "reality" of the '"object(ive)"] "world", with which one is (["supposed"] to
... be) 'in "touch"', such that: *'"it" (now)' matters ['in one's "mind" (now)']*.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "y"' continued]+
[ 149 ]
... |One may "sense" that: 'a "unit" matters when "it" stands out as a "unit~y".|
.|That which one has '"in" store', 'stands "out"' when telling "its" "stor~y".|
. "y ^ e ~ s" => "object(ive) ^ relation ~ touch"' . ["co*here*{e}n^c~y"]
The (spontaneous) vocalization of the 'letter "y"' sound [within an acoustic
image] may (in accordance with the "tone", "duration", "inflection", and
"attenuation") "indicate" the "sense" of:
'an "adjustment" [or, "modification"] of one's "(mental) image" that invol-
ves an 'external "thing"' [or, 'outer "object"'] (to which one may "object"
or, that may be "objectionable").
or, specifically: '[(the "ex*per:i*ence" of:) a '(mental) image' that involves
(the "sense" of:) 'an "imposition"'.' "y(e)h^a(i[i^i]{a}h)"
Please "note" the ["letter"] sounds heard when 'there is something
"wrong"' (in the "ex*per:i*ence" of a ["young"] child [or, "in*fant"]).
["E^i(h)~(y)^a(hhh)"] |"Notice" the "sense" involved in: "yell(ing)".|
Please observe that the "term" written: "child", may be "sonically" eval-
uated through the graph: "ch ~ I(E) ^ (y ~ [e(h)] ^ u[h]) ~ l ~ d".
Vocalizing the sound graphed: "E~i(h)", may "indicate" the "sense" of:
....... 'to be free from 'a ["(re)strict(ive)"] "parameter"';
or, ............ 'to let go of 'the tension of "effort"'; ..............
"(hh) ^ y ~ i(h) ^ {A(E)} ^ u(h|*"
This "sense" may develop into the "sense" of: 'to "laugh" (as within the
experience of: "enjoyment", "pleasure", "fun"'; or, 'a coming together'
[after waiting for: 'a good completion or resolve']'.
"[h]^yi^{a}u(h|* ^ [h]^yi^{a}u(h|* ^ [h]^yi^{a}u(h|*"
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "y"' continued]+
[ 150 ]
Please "notice" that the spontaneous vocalization that a person "makes":
'the "moment" when the 'result of an action' fills out [the full "extent" of]
the "ideal", may be "sonically" graphed: "y^A(E)" ["E^ih[y]A(E[^i])"]
As such, "y^A(E)", may "indicate" the "sense" of:
'the objective "acknowledgement"' (in the world)
[either: at 'the "choice" moment', or: at 'the moment of "choice"']
of one's '"(mental) image" (now)' of the "ideal" [that '"defines"
the {"best"} "moment"' (now) that one may "envision"], is
(now) {occuring} 'in "vision"' [or, is (now) 'in "fact"'].'

Specifically, vocalizing: "y^A(E)", may "indicate" the "sense" of:
*'"It" (now)' is happening now!* or, simply: 'I am happy'

Furthermore, one may "notice" that 'the sound of laughter' may be
vocalized in order to "indicate" the "sense" of:
'I am "included" (with-)in (the [model{ed}] "parameters" of the
'(mental) image that "permeates" the [non-verbal (or, "tacit")]
"context" [that is (now) "meaningful"].'

or, simply: 'I am "in" on "it"'; [and he's not].' [See: "smile" / "joke"]

As such, hearing the vocalization of the 'letter "y"' sound "embedded"
within an acoustic image of 'laughter' may prompt the "sense" [or, the
"feeling"] of: '(I am the one who is:) 'not getting "it"'.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "y"' continued]+
[ 151 ]
This "sense" may develop into the "sense" of:
'One is now (being "imagined" to be) 'less than', "inadequate",
'not included', "separated", or 'being "made" into an "object"
(or, 'a "thing"') [so as to move that "thing" to be 'out there']'.'
[See: '(to) "object (* if * y )"']
As such, hearing the 'letter "y'" sound may prompt one's "sense" of:
'One is: 'not linked with' (or is: 'not "tuned" into') the ["momentary"]
image (or, the look) of the {"modeled") situation (or, the ["abstract"]
"environment") 'made "out"' of one's (immediate) surroundings [with
~ which one 'is sup~posed' (or, "ought") to be continuously grounded].'
Specifically: "{g}[h]yi(uh) ^ yi(uh) ^ yi(uh)*[k(h)^k(h)]" => "yuk"
Please observe the "feeling" that one "feels" when one hears "snide" [or,
"goofy"] laughter as the response to either: one's "comment", "remark",
or "observation"; or: one's act, or activity, that is now ["made" to be]
(seen as) either: "incongruous", or: "uncoordinated", with the (implied)
'"dimension" of "meaning"' that is ["imagined" to be] within this ["mo-
mentary"] situation (or, "context" [or, "ring"]) in which 'the "others"'
have {"subjectively"} "made" the {"objective"} '(mental) adjustment'.
However, one's "sense" of: 'being "inadequate"', or, 'being "diminished"',
may develop into the "sense" of: 'a need to [be] "(im) ~ prove ~ [d]"'.
Please observe that the "sense" of: "(im) ~ prove ~ (ment)", may be
either: "acknowledged", or: "challanged", through the vocalization of
the "exclaimation": '[Oh] "yeah" {!/?/.}'
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "y"' continued]+
[ 152 ]
However, the "sense" of: '[being] "in" on "it" |or: "included"|, may develop
into the sense of:
'{I am [being]:} {"in" a} "superior [or, '"better" than'] position|'.
As such, vocalizing the 'language sound' written: "(hh)~y(i[h])~u(h)",
may "indicate" that [the "sense" within] one's "intention" is: '|to "exclude",
in order| to place a [cruel] burden (through the "imposition" of an ['"op"-
pressive"'] "mental image") that '"makes" the "other" 'stand "out"' to be
a "thing" that is 'less than [the "ideal"]', "unattractive" or, "vile".'
[See: 'to "project"' / 'to "objectify"' || 'to "ob ~ ject * if * y"']
Here, the "sense" of: 'to "objectify"', may show simply as the "sense" of: .
... 'to be "disrespectful" [in order to set up a "challenge" (for a "conquest")].'
[See: "yoke", "stigmatize", "envy", "sarcas:m{:tic}, | "dual"]
... or, as the "sense" of: '['"It" (now)' looks "like":] "there (!)" is 'some "thing"': .
.. "that (!)" is: 'out of "context"', 'out of "adjustment"', or, 'out of "position"'.
| "why (?)" | [See: "funny"; Ftnts., 4.; "odd"; "preposterous"]
or, as the "sense" of: '[In this "context":] "there (!)" (is 'some "thing"') .......
"that (!)" is: "wrong", "twisted", "cruel" or, "perverted".' | "why (?)" | ...
Also, one may "notice" that there are situations [or, "contexts"] in which
the person who is vocalizing the acoustic image: "[h]^yi(uh)", may be
"indicating" [to the hearer] the "sense" of:
'[I] "gotcha"!' { => '[I] "ga(h) ^ t ^ ch ^ yi(uh)"!' }.
Specifically: 'I have "cau*ght" you in a "trap" in order to "show" you as
"diminished" either in '(self-)control', in '(moral) character', in '(social)
stature', or, in '(personal) power'. . [See: "yoke", "joke", "choke".]
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "y"' continued]+
[ 153 ]
Now, hearing ("maniacal") 'sounds of laughter' [prompted at the moment
when the "(mental) image" of: *an 'excluded "object(ive)"' is "embedded"
within a "context" that "tortures" "it"*, may "indicate" [to each hearer] the
"sense" of:
'[The "person" that I am hearing (now) is:] 'lacking a [shared] "sense" of
"consequence"', with respect to what "happens" or "matters" to "others";
or, simply, '[The person is showing:] the "ab~sence" of the
(common) "sense" of: "empathy".
|Now, one's "sense" of: [the presence of] the '"ab~sence" of "empathy"',|
may develop into the "sense" of:
[The person is:] 'lacking principles'; 'lacking a "con~science"';
or: '"out" of their |[relationship with: the ("natural")| "mind"'.
And, from this "sense" a hearer of the person may develop the "sense" of:
[The person is showing:] '(an experience of) [a paranoid craving for]
"power"'; or, simply, is showing: '(an experience of) "sadistic" urges'.
[See: "smirk" | "evil"; "connive"; "will(ful)"; "vicious"; |"diabolic";|
"schadenfreude"; "schizophrenia"; "psycopath"; |"solopsism"|]
* * *
1) A "dictionary" survey of the 'grammatical "value"' of the 'letter "y"' shape
.[in the American language] shows that the '(mental) "function(s)"' that .
. may be prompted through the "integration" of the 'letter "y"' shape with
a "term" involve[s] the "sense" of:
a 'dimensional "adjustment"' (with respect to [the 'core "word"])';
An "infinite" series is an: "infinity". |Apply "wax" to make "it"|: "waxy".
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "y"' continued]+
[ 154 ]
As such, the 'letter "y"' shape may sustain the 'grammatical "value"' of:
'[involves a] "modification" {to a certain "extent"}';
("an" => "any" => "many") "handy", "every", "stay" | "pretty"
or, to be exact, the 'letter "y"' shape may "designate" the "sense" of: ...
'(the modification of:) the 'dimensional calibration' involved in the
[abstract] "model" [of the ("extended") image] of the "object(ive)"
that is now 'in "mind"'.'
"lengthy", "pointy", "happy", "sadly" ["why" {"y-axis"}]
2) In the American language, when the 'letter "y"' shape is "embedded" in .
the end position of a "term," the 'letter "y"' shape may be enunciated as:
. the "letter" sound "stored" in the "sonic" graph: "E(^i)" ["unity"],
or: the "letter" sound "stored" in the "sonic" graph: "I(^E)" ["unify"]. .
Also, "notice" that the 'letter "y"' shape "stores" the 'letter "i(h)"' sound.
"myth", "nymph", "chlorophyll", "hypnosis", "polyp",
"pyramid", "rhythm", "system", "tyranny", "ylem".
3) Furthermore, in 'proper British English', the suffix written: "-y", may .....
be pronounced: "i(h)".
4) "y-": An outmoded prefix that "designates" the 'grammatical "value"' of: .
'now, 'in "fact"',' that enables one to "designate" the "sense" of:
=> 'to get [together with] - ' || => 'to be*gin "be*ing"' - ' ......
..... => .. 'to have become' - ' ... || => '"made" to be' {'(now) [as]'} - '
or, simply: => 'a "link" with [being]) - ' | "yclept", "yclad", "ywrought"
| See: "yoke", "yoga" | "union" ("th", p. 140 / "thorn") |
| the suffix: "-yl" | "ylem" || "yle" = Gr.: 'primal matter' |
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "y"' continued]+
[ 155 ]
5) In the American language, when the 'letter "y"' shape is "integrated" with
a "term" as a suffix, the 'letter "y"' shape "functions" as a '"dimension" (or
"parameter") marker' that may "designate" the "sense" of either:
'the '(rational) "calibration"' of a scale that is involved in {the "reason"
for} the definition of the interval of dual "extremes" (that "shows" the
"potential" to be "polar{ized}" [or, to be '{"put"} in "opposition"'
{within a 'dynamic system'}]).' [See: "either" {"explain"}]
Specifically, when the 'letter "y"' shape is "embedded" within a "term"
[as a "suffix"], the "extention" of the "term" involves the "sense" of:
'come "together" ("as")'; 'to "compare" with'; '{calculated} to be "like"';
or: 'to be an "analog" of [the 'core "word"']'.
or: '[the "potential" to be:] '(an) "object(ive)"' (of an act[ion]) (that involves
sustaining a ["possible"]) "position" ['some "where"'] '"in" duality'.'
["faulty", "flabby", "sexy", "any" || "try", "buy", "way"]
or, the "sense" of: '"ex*t^end*ing" throughout [the image (of the "thing")]';
"happy", "scary", "hairy", "wary", "worry", "watery", "touchy"
or, simply: '(permeance) 'throughout "duality"'.
["fully", "carry", "fantasy", {"-doxy"}, ("convey" ,"way", "money")]
[See: "field" [=> Ftnts., 1]; "they", "y-axis", ("yield")]
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "y"' continued]+
[ 156 ]
6) "-y": A suffix that "modifies" a "noun" to "function" with the 'grammatical
. "value"' of an "adjective", that enables one to "designate" the "sense" of:
'the "outward" look of a "thing" that ['for the "moment"' (or, "moment-
.ar^i*l^y")] is modified in accordance with 'the ["(re)cognized"] nature
of' [the 'core "word"' (i.e., the "noun" to which a: "-y", is affixed)].'
"healthy", "wealthy", "wordy", "weighty", "mighty", "rocky"
[See: "-ous", "-ary"]
7) "-y": A suffix that "modifies" a "verb" [i.e., an "infinitive"] to "function" ...
... with the 'grammatical "value"' of a "noun" that enables one to "designate"
.. the "sense" of: '[an "extended" action |that is outwardly showing| either:]
an 'indeterminant "perimeter"'; or, a 'self-generating "parameter"'.
"inquirey", "(hi)story", "augury", "phoney", "fury", "irony"
[See the suffixes: "-ness", "-ity", "-ship"]
8) "-y": A suffix that "modifies" a "term" such that the "extention" of the ....
"term" is a "noun" that involves the "sense" of:
'[the 'core "word"'] {is} " - idealized"'.
|Here, to "sense" the 'core word' as: "idealized", enables one to develop|
the "sense" of: '[the "thing" that "shows":] (the) '"principle" involved'
[in any {empirical} '(mental) image' that involves (the "making" of an
"extended" {or, "intended"}) "action"].'
|As such|, one's "sense" of: "principle", may develop into the "sense" of:
'with respect to a certain method [(involved in "being")
{in} a certain "way"]' || [ => "w(eig)h"]
|A: 'principled method', may be "sensed" simply as the "sense" of: 'how'.
Anglo-Saxon: "hw" <=> "wh" => "who", "what", "why" |"interogative"|
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "y"' continued]+
[ 157 ]
9) "-y": A suffix that "modifies" either a personal name or "term" such that
the "sense" that is (now) involved in the 'personal "name"' or the "term"
involves the "sense" of:
'to "diminish" the "full" (or, "ideal") respect for the '(mental) image';'
or, 'to modify to become '"less" (than)' in degree or "extent"'; [See: "-sy"]
that enables one to "designates" the "sense" of:
'{to "make"} [the 'core "word"'] {"more"} "accessable" or "acceptible"';
. '{to "make"} [the 'core "word"'] {"more"} "attractive" or "approachable";
. or, 'to "*dimensionalize*" one's "(mental) image" [of a "thing" |eg.: a tool|]
.... to a "limited" [or, "special"] "extent(ion)"; |as: 'a "to^y"', of: 'the "to^ol"'|
Or, the "sense" of: "attraction", "enjoyment", or "fun" [See: "E", p. 76];
'a "relaxation" of one's '["psychological"] "defenses"';'
or: 'an "easing" of 'formal "strictness"'.'
Here, one's "sense" of: "attraction", or of: 'being "accessible" {i.e., "ac-
cessibility"}, may "modify" the "sense" involved in a 'personal name', or,
a "term", such that [in the American language] the 'letter "y"' |sound writ-
ten: "E^i(h)", is a| suffix |that| may "indicate" '[a "term" of]: "endearment"'.
She's really cute. She's a real cutie.
|[See the suffix: "-ly" => in the manner of; "like(ness)"; to be "li ~ ke" |
Please "notice" that modifying a 'personal name' or a "term" through the
[diminutive] 'letter "y"' sound (when the "tone" or, "inflection" is modified
in a "peculiar" [or "suggestive"] way {or, in a 'public "context"'} may
"indicate" the "sense" of: '[an attempt to "make" the "acknowledged"
owner of the "name", or the "embodiment" of the "term":] {"more"}
"malleable", "manipulable" or, "pliable".
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "y"' continued]+
[ 158 ]
10) In the American language, the 'letter "l"' shape may be conjoined with
the 'letter "y"' shape to develop the '"letter" group': "ly".
When "integrated" as a suffix: "-ly", may "modify" a "term" into either:
*an "ad ^ jective" => that "modifies" [the '(mental) image' of] a "thing"
..... with respect to a 'specific "conjunction"'*; or:
*an "ad ^ verb" => that "modifies" [the '(mental) image' of] a "thing" ...
|with respect to| a 'specific "adjustment"'*,
that enables one to "designate" the "sense" of:
*a specific "modification" of a "thing", through which one may "suggest"
either: an "association" with, or: a "comparison" to, some other "thing"*.
Or, to be exact: 'the modification of a "thing" is a function of:
'a group "dimension"', or 'a specific "parameter"'.'
. "adjectives" ............. || ........... "adverbs" ...
friendly, priestly, godly ..... || ..... actively, extremely ..
.. grandly, deathly, bubbly .... || .... coherently, normally ....
.. worldly, woolly, {homely} .. || ..... primarily, secondly .......
... (holy), {bully} [See: silly] .. || ...... continuously, only .......
Therefore, in the American language, when the suffix written: "-ly", is
"integrated" with a 'core "word"', the suffix: "-ly" may "designate" that:
'[the specific nature of: the 'core "word"']
* - 'permeates "throughout"' [the specific "(mental) image" of a "thing", of ..
.. which the look (or, the moment[um]) of the "thing" is being "calibrated"]*.
The "sense" of: 'looks "like"', enables one to 'gather [together]' (or, "group")
otherwise 'unique "things"' (or 'separate "events"') into a 'specific "ring"'.
[See: "similar", "simulate", "think", "thing", "-ary"; and: the suffix: "-ic".]
[See: "mean(t)", "name", "same", "seminal", "semantic(s)"]
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +['letter "y"' continued]+
[ 159 ]
11) A "dictionary" survey of the American language shows that the 'letter "y"'
shape is involved in the following prefixes:
"by-" / ["cy-"], "cyst(o)-" / "dy(n[a])-", "dys-" / "gyn(o)-" /
"hyalo-", "hydr(o)-", "hyet(o)-", "hygro-", "hyper-",
"hypno-", "hypo-", "hypso-" / "lyo-", "lysi-" / "myc(o)-",
"my(o)-", "myel(o)-", "myria-", "myrmeco-", {"myst(*)-"},
"myth(*)-", "myx(o)-" / "nyct(o)-" / "oxy-" / "pyo-", "pyro-",
"pycno-", "psych(o)-" / "sty(l[o])-", "syco-", "syn-", "sy[l]-",
"sy[m]-", "sy[s]-", "synchro-" / "xylo-" / "zygo-", "zymo-"
"hyster(o)-" {Gr.: hysteron => "ladder" => 'logical order'}
"hist(o)-" {Gr.: histos => "loom", "web" => "tissue"}
"histor(i)-" {Gr.: histor => "knowing", "learned" => "history" => "story"}
"hy(-)" {Gr.: upsilon => "u(h)" ["oo"] => "y" ["I"]}
[See: "hyoid"]
and the following suffixes:
"-cy", "-cymo", "-cyst", "-cyte" / {"-doxy"} / "-(i)fy" /
"-gyny", "-geny" / "-(i)ly", "-lysis", "-lyte", "-lytic,
"-lyze"/ "-mycete[s]", "mycin-" / "-nomy"/ "-odynia", "-(o)logy",
{"-(o)nym"}, "-opy" / "-phon(e)y" / "-ary", "-(e)ry", "-ory" /
"-sy", "-scopy" / "-(i)thy", "-(i)ty" / "-urgy" / "-yl"
["-ey" => following "y", after "vowals", or when "syllabic"]
"-cyte" {Gr.: kytos => '"hollow" sac(k)' => "cell"; "bladder"
"-lyte" {Gr.: lysos => lyein => "decompose"; "loose(n)"
12) Also, American "dictionaries" show the suffix: "-(i)fy", as a '"verb" form
"contraction"' that "designates" the "sense" of:
'[the 'core "word"'] is [to be] "made" (to be an 'objective "fact"')'
* * * * *
[ 160 ]
~: From the discussion of the 'letter "y"': Section 8), p.156. :~
Here, one's "sense" of: principle, may develop into the "sense" of:
'with respect to a certain method [(involved in
"being") {in} a certain "way"];' [ => "weigh"]
or, simply, one's "sense" of: .. 'how'. ...........................................
AS.: "hw*" => "wh* => "who", "what", "why"
wh.: The '"letter" group': "wh", may be "philosonically" evaluated through
the | "sensible" | dimensions: 'region ~ connection'.
|This "sense" may develop into the "sense" of:| "judge(ment)",
| which may further develop into the "sense" of:|
'[to fill: in / out] the ("abstract") "context"'
{with respect to a certain 'time-frame'}.
Please observe that the '"letter" group': "wh", is {"fundamentally"}
involved in sustaining the 'grammatical "value"' of:
'"interrogative" [to get information]';
| Specifically, "wh" shows as an '"acoustigraphic" form' which may
prompt a search (to be reached) or a quest (to be questioned). |
| As such, one may "notice" that the 'letter group" written: "wh", may
involve the "sense" of:| 'to form a "question" [to get 'some "where"']'.
[See: "quality", "quantity", "quot:e{:ient}" |Also: "inflection" | "whip"]|
Please "notice" that the "subject[iveity]" of either a "question" or an
"interrogative" involves an "acknowledgement" or a "challange".
"how" => * h ~ (a[h|*) ^ oo [~ w] *
* connection ~ (attention) ^ subjective involvement [~ region] *
"why" => * w ^ h ~ I(E) ~ [yi(h|*] *
* interrogative ( ~ fill context) ~ principle (~ involved) *
[ 161 ]

Dimensional Expansion of the "Acoustigraphic" Image
of each "Letter" in the American "Alphabet"

A 'Tables Evaluation' for the `Letter "* : *"'

I. Extrinsic Dimensions : Pattern Development

1. Letter .......... 2. Sign .......... 3. Vector .......... 4. Action

II. Intrinsic Dimensions : Modulus Topology

1. Semantic ..... 2. Semiotic ..... 3. World ..... 4. Nation
5 State ..... 6. City ..... 7. Street ..... 8. Address
9. Home ..... 10. Room ..... 11. Bed

III. Epistemic Guidance : The Grammar of Action
1. Eligibility ..... 2. Capasity ..... 3. Gift

IV. A `"Philosonic" Evaluation' of (Single) "Letter" Sounds
* * * * *
[ 162 ]
A '"Dimensional" Expansion' of the "Acoustigraphic" Image written: "A:a"
I. Extrinsic Dimensions : Pattern Development
Letter .............. Sign .............. Vector .............. Action
............... A : a ................ Sun ................. Rays ......... Power / (Origin) ..
..................... {The Sunrise} ................ Activ:e(:ity) ............ Ideas
........................................................... {Perspective} ...... {Thought}
................................................................................. | M~eth~ods | .......| Th(e) {ta}ught |
II. Intrinsic Dimensions : Modulus Topology
... Semantic ............. Semiotic ............. World ............. Nation .
........... Radiance ................ Origin ............. Birthplace ........... Native ..
..........,.. {Vision} ............. Outline .......... {Thought} ..... {Conception}
............ |. [U*nique] ......|| .... Th(e)*ought .|
........ | .... Ideals ........ => ....... Eth*ics .... |
.............. State ............. ..... City .................. Street ........... Address
....... ..... Enliven ......... ...... Nativity ........ (to) Fly (away) ... Perspective
.......... In*it*i*at:e ........... {Activity} ... (to) Give ([a]*way) ... {Limit}
.......... {Outline} ..... | (Cultural) Habits | .......................................
|..... {Technology} .....| .........................
.. Home .................. Room .............................. Bed
.. Present .............. By (^ ^) Of ......................... From
.. .... {Gift} ....... < ^way^ || ^means^ > ................... Self ....
................................... |. [(Personal) Habits] .| ... |. [(P.) Tech~nique(s)] .|
.............................................. | ........... {Rituals} ............ | ..... | ............ {Purpose} .......... |
III. Epistemic Guidance : The Grammer of Action
Eligibility ............... Capasity .............. Gift
. (to) Provide ................. Ideas ............... In~sight
[ Scroll down past the Tables for the Footnotes. ]

~~~. TABLE 1 .To Word List =>


a sun(rise) activity power
b {swell} | yoke join | clasp em*brace
c grasp .... integrate. sol:id-(ify)
d palm here | through pl*a-ce(ment)
e path orientation | relation out(ward)[ly]
f bud (em)~erg*e |{nt} dy*nam(e)ics
g knot (to) bind locat:e(d) || :ion
h ab*ode feel~ing | [field] con*nec~t |ion
i eye | pillar ..... {focus} | see .. op*en |ing
j hook | cove (in)ten:d || :t b*ring | dynamic
k tree include(d) g*round(ed)
l ed*ge | card bend | join-t | rim spec*if*ic | point
m {con-} nec*k share | on s:|c:|ent|er|~ed
n hub {pattern} c~over(ed)
o ... water.. .. in-ter*n|al (ly) an*chor(ed)
p cu*be | air base | force | show {un}st*able | even{t}
q z*one straight journey
r c*one | guide {flow} | vel*osity {way} | motion
s m~ar*k touch (w/moment|um) cause | ad*here |nt
t fi~eld de*vel*op(ed) manifest
u den | [nave] | dense beneath | continuous constant {ly}
v wings en*able(s) carry dyn.
w frame cycle region
x node | knot in*it*i*at*:e || :ion {go}| across-(threshold)
y bell | lock link | gate {throughout duality}
z prism | range align(ment) coherent | array
ch thro~at ~~ re*g-ul~ate .. || .. reg*u~l*at~ion ... || -tch => "t(ou)ch" |."(wa)~tch" / "(ma)~tch" | "t(ea)ch" / "t(o ea)ch"
gh *** ... *** ** *** .. || .. **** *** **** ... || ~~~~~ ~~~~~ .. || ~~~~ -ght ~ => ~ ***
ph [leap] | {aim} ..{spring forth} .|| {coiled | spiral(ing)} || .. eminent .. || .. empyreal
sh gully | {sides} ..... ..... ..... ... channel ..... ..... ..... ..... .....- || ..... .. ..... . || [nave] => TABLE 1 / SIGN: 'U : u'
th (yanked cord) ..- [reach(ed)] ~ || ... uppermost limit ... || .... union
wh (sur~round) .- [search(ed)] .. || -.~ context(ual) ....-- ||.. judge(ment)
oo (owl) eyes .... involve(d) .=>. subject involved .=>. subjectively involved .=>. subjective involvement
ng (taut cord) .. pattern extended .=>. (~ over time) .<=>. [~ in space]
rh {arc | rib | (root) ... flow ~ [field] .|| motion ~ connection || ...... -rrh ...... ||| . ['wr' => "whirled" (+) "word" (=) "world"]
wr {wire | [*root]} ..... bend .. <=> .. turn .. <=> .. twist .~ ||.. [See: TABLE 1 / SIGN: 'L : l'] ..|||... ['ps' => see: T4/A:Z ]
ps {rise to surface} .{sublim:e | :ation} || {to*p|o|s} ./ {sp * a |c| e} ["c" = "s"] || "ps*y~che" => "(p)s*I~kE[y] || "p(er)~|c|e*pt" ||
pt {mound | [*wing]} .(to) show now || to fly => '[s]*p(i)t' || '(con-ce)*pt' : 'p(oin)t' | IE. root: *p-t/d , is evaluated as: '(to) spread [out]'

~~~. TABLE 2

Back to TABLE 1.


a vision origin birth place
b hold con*nec~t done | total
c origin*al sol:id-(ity) shape
d focus notice(d) consolidation
e initiat:e || :ion rect*ify cohere | am
f ani*mate vortex nature
g dis~cover sur~round present (in)
h balance(d) grow*th sovereign |ty
i possible (to) be*gin sign|n|ature
j en*ga~ge w*ed modulus
k inter~val | force stabl:e || :ize(d) own | inherit
l axial | turn fix | fasten | end surround | truth
m en*dur:e || :ance dia*mon*d con| sci |ous |ness
n duration ma:ss||:tter energy | time
o in*here |nt i~d*ent~if~y urge | universe
p i~d*ent*it~y em*urge |nt now | single
q zenith high~t ur*ge |nt
r har*m-on*ic cyclic existential | will
s (m~)erg*e no*etic nomenclature
t e*rect for*[u]*m now
u t*en~d re~port time | whole
v function |al tell(os) physical
w per~i*od |ic sc*an - (region) { constitution }
x intu*it focus conjectural
y ad*ju*st |ment r*ing | mode(l) {con*ju*nct |ion}
z ex*ten:d || :t logos principle(s)

~~~. TABLE 3

Back to TABLE 2.


a conception [one] | outline cultural habit
b dedication swell | domed capability
c potentiation magnitude singular(ity)
d basic | land put | test |h|*e(ar|t)-|h|
e assemblage paradigm contiguous
f power native | vital l~I~ve | erg
g found | ed existential mentality
h reason(ing)s logic | pattern lemma | para-
i origination | destination design |ate question
j reciprocation elucidate | vote relativity
k reflection stratum stratagem
l progression rotate | rate specificity | tour
m vision | reflect activate | awake sound
n contemplate gestalt grammar
o creat:e || :ion make | belong clarity | charity
p foundation | liberation inquiry effort
q union simultaneous reality | royalty
r induction generate indicative
s involvement initiate multiplicity
t unification uni*que ent*it*y
u gravitation |al cavitate | door inclusivity
v motion (mode)-rate symbolic
w organization mo*ment(um) variability
x con*ju~gat:e || :ion topic infinity
y contribution (calibrate) tribunal
z coordination achieve(ment) actual |ity

~~~. TABLE 4

Back to TABLE 3.


a to fly {with} perspective present
b ad~van~ce similar|ly ex: (s)pect
c pressure size tent | phases
d art hear | note heart | know
e port~al focus {on} theory | prompt | key
f busy trophic l~i~ve | plan
g (to) have discipline em*body
h septum | peer gauge justice | learn
i ac:cess ac:cept destiny
j probe horizon choice | able
k intuitive | me intellect |ual moral
l moment(um) fre(e) | quency pure | occur
m aware | focus honest now here | self
n architype activity of inertia
o clear | power paradox wisdom | aoristic
p [contiguous] [size | volume] intrinsic
q coetaneous concern theoretical
r subsequent generation (image)
s temporal detectible {dedication}
t bridge quest pro-|p|osed
u exclusivity reflect |ion ab*solute
v influence primed to mode(l)
w repeatable reproducible rely (-able)
x direction |al converge |nt set | message
y function |al staple | split synchronize
z diagonal sublimation right(s)

~~~. TABLE 5

Back to TABLE 4.


a innocence from | self [ sun-(rise) ]
b jo:in with [{swell} | yoke ]
c den*sit~y means | way [ grasp ]
d text(ure) here [ palm ]
e d*esti*ny that [ path ]
f thrive t*one [ bud ]
g un*if~y be || is [ knot ]
h para*dise l~and | b~and [ ab*ode ]
i ob:serve | truth t*here [ eye | pillar ]
j creation ver*b [hook | cove]
k em*bed(d-ed) th*E [ tree ]
l de*sign tense [ed*ge | card]
m soul | one {k}|now*n [{con-} nec*k ]
n (with) hold dwell [ hub ]
o fi*del~ity equal | sp*here [ water ]
p (be) co*me th*is [cu*be | air]
q me*t~h*od w*here [ z*one ]
r spatial wh*en | sp*in [c*one | guide]
s (be) ca*use cor(e)-rect [ m~ar*k ]
t si:gn(if~y) th*en | sp*an [ fi~eld ]
u me:t~ric no*te [ den | dense ]
v honor tru:e || :th [ wings ]
w the*me un*it {~y} [ frame ]
x co*sign wh*at [node | knot]
y to do it all how | w*here [bell | lock]
z para*lax as | at [prism | range]

~~~. TABLE 6

Back to TABLE 5.


a to provide idea(s) in*sight
b link | mingle enfold future | to map
c edge | get sapience vision | wisdom
d align | obvious para*meters (the) present
e provides support trans~port unity
f actual natural co~nat*us
g evolve b*on~d central | love
h implication inference paradigm
i logic explanation understanding
j need | wheel have | weal bless | wealth
k must | may th|e|ought ethical
l position co*ord*inate speech
m subject |ive |ity personal (to) pre*sent
n simultaneous potential perception
o central (be) tru:e || :th e~n|ig|~ma
p ex*t~ent se*quence will | to be done
q trans*fer |able coherence answer(s)
r (agreement) guides witness | purpose
s notable regulate knowledge
t measure sur~round ponder
u (insta*gate) { hypothesize } { comprehension }
v relationship performance enables life
w integrity transformation mathematics
x (intro*spect) geodetic able to focus
y stereo object |iv:e || :ity re*spec~t
z liberty agree(ment) action

a sun(rise) activity power vision origin by (^^) of from / self
b {swell} | yoke join | clasp em*brace hold con*nec~t join with
c grasp .... integrate. sol:id-(ify) origin*al sol:id-(ity) density ^way/^means
d palm here | through pl*a-ce(ment) focus notice(d) text(ure) here
e path orientation | relation out(ward)[ly] initiat:e || :ion rect*ify d~esti~ny th : at
f bud (em)~erg*e |{nt} dy*nam(e)ics ani*mate vortex thrive t : one
g knot (to) bind locat:e(d) || :ion dis~cover sur~round un~if~ied be / is
h ab*ode feel~ing | [field] con*nec~t |ion balance(d) grow*th para~dise l:and / w:and
i ... eye | pillar. {focus} | see op*en |ing possible (to) be*gin ob~serve t~here
j hook | cove (in)ten:d || :t b*ring | dynamic en*ga~ge w*ed creation verb
k tree include(d) g*round(ed) inter~val | force stabl:e || :ize(d) em~bed[-ed] th : e
l ed*ge | card bend | join-t | rim spec*if*ic | point axial | turn fix | fasten | end de~sign of~fer
m {con-} nec*k share | on s:|c:|ent|er|~ed en*dur:e || :ance dia*mon*d soul now~n
n hub {pattern} c~over(ed) duration ma:ss||:tter moment~um dwell
o ... water.. .. in-ter*n|al (ly) an*chor(ed) in*here |nt i~d*ent~if~y fi~delity equal
p cu*be | air base | force | show {un}st*able | even{t} i~d*ent*it~y em*urge |nt [be]co:me th : is
q z*one straight journey zenith high~t method w~Here
r c*one | guide {flow} | vel*osity {way} | motion har*m-on*ic cyclic s:pa~t~ial w~hen
s m~ar*k touch (w/moment|um) cause | ad*here |nt (m~)erg*e no*etic [be]ca~use b~oth
t fi~eld de*vel*op(ed) manifest e*rect for*[u]*m sign~if~y t~hen / s:p~an
u den | [nave] | dense beneath | continuous constant {ly} t*en~d re~port me~tr~ic no~te
v wings en*able(s) carry dyn. function |al tell(os) me~dia~l honor
w frame cycle region per~i*od |ic sc*an - (region) the~Me un~it
x node | knot in*it*i*at*:e || :ion go| across-(threshold) intu*it focus co~sign wh~at
y bell | lock link | gate {throughout duality} ad*ju*st |ment r*ing | mode(l) throughout how~r
z prism | range align(ment) coherent | array ex*ten:d || :t logos pa~ra~lax a : s | : t
.......... A '"Philosonic" Evaluation' of [Single] "Letter" Sounds ..........
A(E) Power / Origin / [Action] .. || . a(h) Activity (Connection) .........
-a(i)~.~ Rays / Perspective ......... || . a(w) Outline [Activity (Region)]
e(i[h]) {"insignificant"} .. || .. E [=> ee] Movement .........
.... Relation / Oriention ..... || .. e(i[h]) / E => Out(ward[ly])
i(h) {'does not "matter"'} / See / Designate / Focus
I(E) Openning / Capacity / Knowledge / Observe ...
.. o [=> a(h|*] Attention .... || .. o(h) Anchor(ed) / Internal .
oo '"subject(ive[ly])"=involve[d]ment' ~~~~~.~~~~~~
u(h) Continuous(ly) / (to be) Beneath / Effort; ~~~~~~~ (E)U Constant / Report ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
B:b Join / Embrace / Hold C:c Integrat:e[:ion]
{t}ch Regulate{ion}
D:d Here / Through / Notice(d) F:f Em*Ur:ge / Dynamics /
G:g Bind / Discover{G=>J}
{gz 'bind=array'}
[H]:h -- Feeling(s) /
~..| .~!~_. Connection.
'----> . Room ~~..
J:j (In)Ten:d[:t] / B*Ring /
{Mental} / {Dynamic[s]}
K:k Ground(ed) / Reflection / Interval / Stablized L:l Specific / Axial[=rotation] / ([To] the) Point
M:m Share{:ing} /
Center(ed) / Balance(d) /
En*dur:e[:ance] / Now(n)
N:n Pattern / Cover / Sup*port(ed)
ng 'pattern=extended' / 'time=bound'
P:p Bas:e[:ic] / Stable / Even{^t} /
ph ~~~ Eminent
Q:q Straight / Journey /
Zenith / Right
R:r Flow / Motion / Cyclic
S:s Touch / Merge / (Be)Cause / Kin*d
sh Channel [Touch=Connection]
T:t Field / Develop(ed) / Manifest / Signify / Span
th ~ 'uppermost=limit' ~~ [Manifest=Connection]
~~~ {th} ~~ ~~ "union" ~~~~ [Manifest=Connection] ~~~~~~
V:v Enables / Function(al) / Carr:y(:ies) [=the dynamics]
W:w Frame / Cycle / Region / Periodic [=oscillation]
wh 'fill : "context" : "time" frame'
X:x Initiate / (Im)Pulse / Across [=threshold] / Set
| {k^s Grounded=Touch} |
Z:z Align(ment) / Array / Ar*range*ment
| '([j]zh' '[Mental{=dynamic[s]}] Align(ment)=Connection' |
Y:y Gate / Link / Method Ring / Adjust(ment) / Image
'(Throughout=) Dual(ity)'
E^i(h) Movement ^ Designate | (Connection) / W*h^ere:? |
'[j]^{h}' 'dynamic=connection' | [See: E / I ]

.... 1.) From Text, p. 12; and, y., p. 162.
.......... .... "Field": an 'originating plenum' that "holds" a specific "fidelity";

.......... .... => the "fi~del ^ (ity)" that is "h~eld" substantiates,
.......... ..... .... (is, or, becomes) the "nature" of the "fi*eld".

.......... .... => The "fidelity" that is "held" provides the "field"
................ .... with the capacity to "feel".
.......... .... => The "nat~ure" [or 'substantive "text(ure)"'] of the
.......... ..... .... "field" is the '"funda*mental" image' that is sustained
.......... ..... .... [or "held"] within, or, is "in~here~nt" to, the "field".

.......... .... => The "modulation" [or "modification"] of the '"funda*-
.......... ..... .... mental" image' is the ["in~nat~e"] experience that the
.......... ..... .... "field" (now) "feels".

.......... .... Each "field" is able to "feel" either a "challange" or an
.......... .... "acknowledgement" to 'the "fidelity" that is "held"' | as
.......... ..... the '"funda*mental" image' of the "field". |

.......... ...... => The "field" may be "pla ^ in" or "com ^ pl ~ ex".
.......... ...... => The "nature" of 'the "field"' is to spontaneously "heal".

.......... .......... . See: "weal", "zeal" / "har*mon:y[:ic]; "inertia";
.......... .......... ....,,, "dineric" / "consonance", "dissonance"
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +[FOOTNOTES continued]+
[ 163 ]
.......... 2.) From Text, p. 15.
.......... .... .... Therefore, if: 'what is vocalized,' is 'pure "intent"', then
.......... .... there is neither any [real] {objective} "content" in, nor [true]
.......... .... {subjective} "content*ment" with, the stated "pur*pose" of that
.......... .... "it*em" which is "pro*posed" through: 'what is said.'
.......... .... The question is: '... then, why did the person say "it"?
.......... .... If there is no real and true "purpose", then "it" must have
.......... .... been an "intent" (that may involve the "unconscious" of the
.......... .... person who said "it" [simply '"on" {an other's) purpose']).
.......... 3.) From Text, p. 16.
.......... .... .... The "tone" of the vocalization may be, upon "reflection",
.......... .... ["knowingly"] "modulated" to "hide" the (true) 'in*"tension"' of
.......... .... the speaker. Here, the speaker might "in*vent" a false "tone"
.......... .... {or, an "attitude"} in order to "mani*pul*ate" the "psyche" of
.......... .... the hearer through a ("suggestive") "appeal" to the "natural"
.......... .... ("pre-reflective" [or, "in*now*sent"]) "empathy" of the hearer.
.......... 4.) From Text, p. 16; y., p. 158.
.......... .... "funny" => ME.: fonne => "fool", "foolish" => fonnen =>
.... .... .......... 'to be a foolish person'; '(to be one who tries)
.... .... .......... to fool [in order to trick]'.
.......... .... "phone" => Gr.: (phO^nE) => 'a "sound"'; or: => 'a "voice"'.
.......... .... Therefore: 'to play with the sounds of the voice';
.......... .... 'to play with "words"'; 'a play on "words";
.......... .... 'one who plays [or (simply) pays] with "words";
.......... .......... 'to ply one with "words"'.
.......... .... | See: "phoney", "folly" / "ludicrous" / "liar", "lyre" / "pry" |
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +[FOOTNOTES continued]+
[ 164 ]
.......... 5.) From Text, p. 19.
.......... .... "phatic" => 'of, constituting, or given over to formulistic
.......... ....... talk, or meaningless sounds, used merely to establish
.......... ........ social contact rather than to communicate ideas.'
.......... .......... (Webster's Dict. 3rd College Ed.; c., 1991)
.......... .... "phatic" => Gr.: phatos => '(one) "speaks"' => phanai =>
.......... .......... '(to) "speak"' => Gr.: phone => '[to (make)] "sound"'
.......... .......... .......... .... .... [See: "phony"; {"fraud"}]
.......... .... "emphatic" => "emphasis" => Gr.: emphainein => '(to) "indi-
.......... ....... cate"' => Gr.: em => 'involved "in"' + Gr.: phainein => '[to
.......... ....... {make}] "appear"', or: '(to) [outwardly] show' => 'to "shine"'.
.... .... ....... => '(that which is) [to be] 'involved "in"' [or, to be oriented
.......... .......... .. towards] "showing"; or: | 'involved "in"' | 'being shown'.'
.......... ...... => '(to make, or, to be,) eminent.' .... Therefore:
.......... .... "em~phainein" => 'involved "in"' ~ making a "thing" show',
.......... .......... .. or: | [to] be (come)|-ing| eminent => '(to) "indicate"'.
.......... .......... .......... [See: "say"; "fate"; "fame"; "vote"]
.......... .... "phatology": "phatomics", "phatography" / "phatomological";
.......... .... "phatonym" / "phatagology"; "phatagologist" [See: "tagmeme"]
.......... .... "phatography" => 'graphing the '["sonic"] "map"' of the "indi-
.......... ....... cative"' acoustic images that "map" the "sense" in language.
.......... .... "phatomics" => To "phatomize" language into a pattern of sim-
.......... ....,,,,.. ple "phatoms". Each "phatom" carries a 'language "value"'
.......... .......... for each communicant.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +[FOOTNOTES continued]+
[ 165 ]
.......... 6.) From Text, p. 21.
........ .......... The "word" pattern involved in the development of an "obser-
.......... .... vation" spontaneously "integrates" the "syntax" through which the
.......... .... 'consolidated "word" sequence' "matches" the 'mental "moment-
.......... .... (um)" that is (now) involved in one's {own} '[non-verbal] mental
.......... .... image (now)'. Here, the "syntax" of a 'consolidated "word" se-
.......... .... quence' that "makes" an "observation" coordinates an "array" of
.......... .... "noticable" '(mental) "transitions"' [that "happen" between the
.......... .... specific "things" with which one 'makes "con*tact"'] such that,
.......... .... the "grammar" in which this '(subjective) "syntax" is "embedded",
.......... .... stablizes the "objectivity" of one's '("psyche"*)logical scan'
.......... .... through(out) 'the "World"': i.e., to be exact, through(out) the
.......... .... [tacitly] given "context" of the present "territory" within which
.......... .... one is [silently] experiencing.
.... .......... .... Therefore, the "syntax" through which certain "words" are
.......... .... positioned in a certain order within a specific 'consolidated
.......... .... "word" sequence' is "fundamental" to the '"grammatical" devel-
.......... .... opment of the 'seamless "integument"' of a '"coherent" mental
.......... .... image' that 'holds together' with no "ifs", "ands", or "buts".
.......... .... [See: Ftnts., 1.] Now, the "grammar" that enables one to carry
.......... .... one's "syntax" into an "observation" results in a '"consolidated"
.......... .... mental image' of an "object(ive)" that "matters" in the "world"
.......... .... in which one lives. As such, each true "observation" presents a
.......... .... real "map" of a certain "territory" that is present within the
.......... .... "world" such that this "map" enables one to '"make" sense' of a
.......... .... '"method" of action' that is appropriate for one's surroundings.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +[FOOTNOTES continued]+
[ 166 ]
.......... 7.) From Text, p. 47.
.......... .... .... In another example that shows that the "sense" of a certain
.......... .... '"array" of dimensions' [of experience] is "indicated" through a
.......... .... specific '"letter" group', the historic survey of language shows
.......... .... that the '"letter" group': "ge", "indicates" the "sense" of: 'to build
.......... .... up'; 'to bind relations [into a unity]'; or 'to swell'. [See: Ftnts., 9.]
.......... .... | See: "get", "together", "gear", "engage", "gem"; (and: "egg") |
.......... .... The epitome of the "sense" of the '"letter" group': "ge", may be
.......... .... traced through the ancient Greek "word" pronounced: *g^E*,
.......... .... to the early Hebrew "word" also pronounced: *g^E*.
.......... .... In both of these languages, the "term": "Ge", was used to "indi-
.......... .... cate" [the concept of]: '(the) Earth'. Specifically, the {ancient}
.......... .... "word" that is pronounced: *g^E*, may "indicate" the "sense"
.......... .... "sense" of => * the location of one's movement (that involves)
.......... .... 'the binding of relations' within one's present inertial system *.
.......... .... This "sense" is inherently involved in the {Greek} "term":
.......... .... "ge^o*metry" [i.e., '"Earth" ^ anchored * "measure(*ment)"'; or,
.......... .... in the American vernacular: 'to measure the Earth']; and, in
.......... .... .... mathematics, the "function" of "geometry" is:
.......... .... 'to build up "rays" in such a way that one may bind the
.......... .... relations that are found to exist between each of the
.......... .... "rays" into an "ar*ray" that unifies the set of "rays"
.......... .... into an assembled system (such that this system is the
.......... .... location of the movement of each "ray" present within
.......... .... this [inertial] system).'
.......... .... [See: "radius"; "radiate"; "ar*ea"; ( "Ra"; and: "Ged")]
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +[FOOTNOTES continued]+
[ 167 ]
..........8.) From Text, p. 55.
.......... .... "-ing": "gerund" => L.: gerere => 'to do'. [See: "-ing"]
.......... .......... [See: "-(i)fy": y., p. 167]
.......... .......... => 'to extend the pattern into the world';
.......... .......... ["foam*ing" / "happen*ing" / "arrang(e)*ing"]

.......... .......... => 'to "instantiate" [or, "make"] a pattern
.......... .......... present (within) the world';
.......... .......... ["roof*ing" / "spoof*ing" / "scar(e)*ing"]

.......... .......... => 'to maintain the duration of the "moment(um)"
.......... .......... (that is "fundamental" to the concept of
.......... .......... [the 'core "word"']);
.......... .......... ["carpet*ing" / "run*(n)ing" / "sand*ing"]

.......... .......... => 'to perform one's nature such that one continues
.......... .......... one's present existance';

.......... .......... If the nature of one's existance is: 'to be',
.......... .......... then to continue one's present existance is
.......... .......... the nature of: "be*ing".
.......... .......... ["see*ing" / "act*ing" / "sens(e)*ing"]
.......... .......... [Definite article: "the" => "th(e)*ing"]

.......... .......... => 'an activity that is the hub of the pattern involved
.......... .......... in the existance of the 'core "word"'.
.......... .......... ["sno^w*ing" / "smo^k(e)*ing" / "pi^l(e)*ing"]

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +[FOOTNOTES continued]+
[ 168 ]
.......... .......... => Specifically: '['core "word"'] - ing' =>
.......... .......... '['core "word"'] - designate ^ pattern=extention'
.......... .... | sing{k} | sang{k} ..................... song ....... sung{k} ............ |
.......... .... | ring{k} | rang{k}(le) [rAn^j] .................... rung .................. |
.......... .... | .wring . | wr^angle [ang^er] ..,. wrong .... wrung {wrench} ...|
.......... .... |======|===================================|
.......... .... | [in(g)k] | [an(g)kle] ................................... [un(g)cle] ......... |
.......... .... | . thing . | ................................ thong {thou(gh)t} ............... |
.......... .... | thin(g)k | than(g)k . [an(g)|k|chor] ............ [hung(^er){^k}] |
.......... .... | be'y'ing | ban(g){k} ............... bong(k) .... bun(g)k ............. |
.......... .... | [bingo] | ............................... [bongo] ..... bun(g)co ........... |
.......... 9.) From Ftnts., 7; [Compare to Text, p. 26.]
.......... .... Also, in certain "terms" of the American language, the 'lettter
.......... .... "g"' shape is enunciated as the "letter" sound that is ordinarily
.......... .... "stored" in the 'letter "j"' shape. ["g-stop" to "j-glide"]
.......... .... => The [binding] reciprocal engagement of charged particles in
.......... .......... a liquid, that brings the particles together, creates the 'bind-
.......... .......... ing relations gathered' into a "matrix" that constitutes a: "gel".
.......... ...... | See: "gyp", "gibe", "gyve", "gaol", "rage", "plagerize", "gem", |
.......... ...... |.... "deluge", "gem", "genie", "gist", "agile", "gest", "magestic". |
.......... .... Also, the 'letter "g"' shape may be enunciated as the "letter"
.......... .... sound that is "stored" in the '"letter" group': "(d)zh" | 'langua"g"e' |
.......... .... => To 'ju"dg"e' involves the mental dynamics that elucidates the
.......... ........ enveloped integration (here) of a dynamic relation (that aligns
.......... ........ [or achieves] a connection [or a {certain} feeling]'.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +[FOOTNOTES continued]+
[ 169 ]
.......... .... Please observe that the "term" written: "language", when pro-
.......... .... nounced in the American language, involves the enunciation of
.......... .... the "range" of "letter" sounds that may be "stored" in the 'letter
........ ...... "g"' shape: ........ "g", .. "(d)j", .. "ng", .. "zh".

...... | "l ~ a ^ ng * g ^ u(h)^[w] ~ i ^ (d)j[zh] ~ (e)" |
.......... 10.) From a.3), p. 65; p. 115.
.......... .... .... Furthermore, since the emphasis of this book is upon each
.......... .... specific "letter" sound that composes each "word" that constitu-
.......... .... tes one's language, I must point out that, in the American lang-
.......... .... uage, there are "words" in which a specific "consonant" sound is
.......... .... enunciated when pronouncing the "word", yet, when the "term" that
.......... .... "denotes" the "word" is written, the "consonent" is not graphed
.......... .... in the "term" {e.g., "thin[^g]k", "an[^g]chor", "dre(a)m[p]t",
.......... .... "qu(h|*](w)[h]een", "su[t^]ch"}. That is, as there are 'silent
.......... .... "letters"' in certain "terms" of the American language, these
.......... .... instances may be "sonically" evaluated as 'invisable "letters"'.
.......... 11.) From r. 2) & 5), pp. 117 & 118.
.... .......... .... One may observe that "terms" (in the American language) that
.......... .... involve the initiating "etymon" written: "wr", involve a "range"
.......... .... of [conceptual] applications that are [cognitively] related.
.......... .... .... "wr" => "intertwine"; "lengthen"; "twist"; "coil";
.......... .......... .... .... "weave"; '[to "function"] "knowingly"';
.......... .......... .... 'to draw out' => "educe" [See: "wire"; "word"]
.......... .... | "wrap"; "wring"; "wrist"; "write" ["cur(si)ve"]; "wrong"; "wry" |
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +[FOOTNOTES continued]+
[ 170 ]
.......... .... "wright" => ME. => OE. => wyrhia => 'a "worker"', 'a "maker"'
.......... .......... .... .... => wyrcan => 'to "work"'.
.......... .......... .... [See: "erg"; "wight"; and: "-er", Text, p. 46]
.......... .... The initiating "etymon": "wr" may be evaluated through the (nat-
.......... .... ural) dimensions:
.......... .... 'cycle velosity'; 'region motion'; 'periodic way'; 'unit spin'.
.......... .......... .......... .... [See: "method"]
.......... .................... ==========================
.... .......... .... The initiating "etymon" written: "rh", may be evaluated
.......... .... through the (natural) dimensions: "rh" => 'motion connection'.
.......... .......... .... -----------------
.......... .... The suffix ('"letter" group'): "-rrh", may be evaluated through
.......... .... the (natural) dimensions: "-rrh" => '- flow motion connection'.
.......... .......... .......... .... [See: TABLE 1]
.......... 12.) From k., p. 83; t., p. 136.
.... .......... .... Also, there are certain {"letter"} sounds that may be "made"
.......... .... when a person is inhaling. In the vast majority of human languag-
.......... .... es, "letter" sounds are vocalized only when a person is exhaling;
.......... .... therefore, a {"letter"} sound "made" when a person is inhaling is
.......... .... usually heard as a (mouthed) "noise", yet each is acoustically
.......... .... related to a certain ordinary "letter" sound when heard [but the
.......... .... "enunciation" is in "reverse"]. I point this fact out to connect
.......... .... the {"letter"} sound that is "made" when inhaling to the "letter"
.......... .... sound that is "made" when exhaling so that the "sense" that these
.......... .... {"letter"} sounds "note" may be "indicated" in an evaluation of
.......... .... the 'language "value"' of single "letter" sounds.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +[FOOTNOTES continued]+
[ 171 ]
.......... .... .... The {"letter"} sounds that I am considering here are:
.......... .... => the 'cheeky "cluck"' that is acoustically similar to the
.......... .......... .... 'letter "k"' (or the '"letter" group': "ck") sound.
.......... .......... .... { "<-k*" } [e.g., "cheek", "check", "look", "lock"]
.......... .... => the 'tongue "tic"' that is acoustically similar to the
.......... .......... .... .... 'letter "t"' sound.
.......... .......... .... The language sound: "<-t*", is usually "designated"
.......... .......... .... through the graphic image written: "tsk".
.......... .... => The 'tongue "tock" {or 'tongue "lop"'} that is acoustically
.......... .......... .... related to the 'letter "d"' sound. { "<-d*" } ["dlot"]
.......... .... => The '(pain) repressive "tensing"' that is acoustically
.......... .......... .... related to the 'letter "s"' sound. { "<-s^s^s*" }
.......... .... => The 'lung inflating' [or, '(deep) breath taking'] that is
.......... .......... .... acoustically related to the 'letter "h"' sound. {"<-(y)h*"}
.......... .... | Also, please observe the (language) sound that is "stored" in |
.......... .... | the graphic image: "<-(y)h*(^aw) * u(h|*{(h)n}". [ => "yawn"] |
.......... 13.) From c., pp. 69 & 70.
.......... .... X1. Gr.: , => ksE / ksI: xI => zI [gz(h)I => "(e)*xi*le"]
.......... .......... .... .... Gr.: X , x => khI: (chI) => chiasma / chaos
.......... .......... .... .... Gr.: K , k => kappa: (k) => capital / crown
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +[FOOTNOTES continued]+
[ 172 ]
.......... 14.) From c., 69; s., 122.
.......... .... X2. The 'letter "x"' shape may "store" the "letter" sound that
.......... .......... . is "stored" in the 'letter "z"' shape. [See: Ftnts., 15:Z2]
.......... .... .... | "xerophyte", "xiphoid", "xylem", "xylophone" {"beaux"} |
.......... ......... "anxiety" | => "an ^ ks ^ I ^ et ^E" || => "an ^ g * zI ^ et ^E" |
.......... .......... .......... .......... ................. k => g || s => z
.......... ........... "exact" | => "e ^ ks ^ act" || => "e ^ gz (^h) ak ^ t" |
.......... .......... .......... ................. k => g || s => z(^h)
.......... ...... Here, the "modification" involves "unvoiced" to "voiced".
.......... 15.) From sh., p. 131.
.......... .... X3. Furthermore, the graphic image: "xi", may cue the enuncia-
.......... .... ...... tion of the '[letter] "sh"' sound. This "modification" enhances
.......... ........... the speakers 'vocal fluidity' => "anxious".
.......... .... Also, one may observe this "modification" with the '"letter"
.......... .... groups' written: " si ", " ti ", " sci ", " ci ", " su ", " chi ", " ce ".
.......... .... "motion" / "mission" / "conscious", "special" / "issue", "sure" /
.......... .......... "machine" / "ocean" .. [Also "si" => "zh": "Asia".]
.......... .......... .... "motion" => "mo ^ shi(y)a(h*[u(h*] : n"
.......... .......... .... "conscious" => "con ^ shiy[a(h*]u : s"
.......... .......... .... "special" => "spe ^ shi(y)a(w)[u(h*] : l"
.......... .......... .... "mission" => "mi ^ shiy[a(h*u(h* : n"
.......... .......... .... "issue" => "i ^ shi(y)oo"
.......... .......... .... "sure" => "sh(iy)oo(w)er"
.......... .......... .... "machine" => "ma[uh] ^ sh(i)E : n"
.......... .......... .... "ocean" => "o ^ sh(i)a[e(h)] : n"
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +[FOOTNOTES continued]+
[ 173 ]
.......... 16.) From s., p. 122.
.......... .... Z1. "S" enunciated as "Z", "indicates" the "sense" of:
.......... .......... 'a 'sustainable resistance' that involves a principle that
.......... .......... maintains the 'integrity of the "field"' [while engaged].'
.......... .......... .......... [See: "is", "as"]

.......... .... Z2. "X" enunciated as "Z", "indicates" the "sense" of:
.......... .......... 'a 'coordinated matrix' that involves a principle that
.......... .......... .... maintains the 'ratio of proportion within the "field"'
.......... .......... .... [especially if the "field" is "modified" while engaged].'
.......... .......... .... [See: "xylo*phone"; "an^xiety" {Ger.: "Zeit" => "time"}]
.......... 17.) From p., pp. 104 & 115.
.......... .... "Ops" => "a(h*^ps" / "O(h)^ps" => L.: "riches", "strength"
.......... .... Ops is the wife of Saturn. ..... || . [See: "opulant" / "hope(s)"]
.......... .... Ops was honored as: 'the goddess of the "harvest".'
.......... .... [: 'the gathering of the "mature" (in "nature")']
.......... .... "Ops" is the Roman name for the Greek goddess: "Rhea".
.......... .... Rhea is born from the union of Uranos with Gaea: "(U)Rhea".
.......... .... [The marriage of Uranos with Gaea gives rise to: "ur*ge".]
.......... .... Rhea is the wife of Cronos {"time"}. Rhea is the mother of:
.......... .......... Zeus, Hera, Demeter, Hestia, Poseidon, and, Hades.
.......... ....... "Rhea" => See: "Horus" ["rheology"/"rhetoric"] ("orator")
.......... ......... IE.: *ops => op => 'to "work"' .. ["operate" / "opus"]
.......... ....... '(to gain) "riches", "wealth", '"beauty" ["opulant", "optic"]
.......... .......... .......... See: "anthrop(o)-", "opt(ion)", "optimum"
.......... .......... ........ ........ {"pe"} "open(ing)", {"os", "ocu-"}
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +[FOOTNOTES continued]+
[ 174 ]
.......... 18.) From p., p. 114.
.......... .... Please observe that, when the 'letter "p"' is "integrated" with the
.......... .... suffix written: "re", the "sense" of: "cycle" (or,'[back] again {and
.......... .... again}'), is "modified" to "indicate" the "sense" of: "before",
.......... .... through the suffix written: "pre".

.......... .... Specifically: The 'base "cycle"' { => "pre"} must be stable [or,
.......... .... done] "before" the "cycle" { => "re"} may be done "again".
.......... .... "re" = "cycle" => "p^re" = 'base "cycle"' => "pre" = "before"
.......... ........ "preset" => "reset" .... || .... "prearrange" => "rearrange"
.......... .......... .......... ..... "present" => "resent"

.......... .... To "resent" that another is "present" may be either: "baseless", or,
.......... .... involves: 'not "(re*)cognizing" the basis for the "status" of another.
.......... .......... .......... .... [However, see: "nepatism".]
.......... 19.) From p. 143.
.......... ...... ."a(^uh)" . => . "a" . | => "A(E)" |: 'indefinite article'
.......... .... "th*a(^uh)" => ."the" | => "th^E" |: 'definite article'
.......... ....... [See: "schwa"]
.......... .... "th*a(^uh)" => 'uppermost limit' of "a(^uh)"['indefinite article']:
.......... ..... 'the consolidation of the continuous "function" that solves the
.......... ...... 'cognitive "equation"' for each point that limits the total area.
.......... .......... ["a(^uh)" => 'activity( ^ continuous connection)']

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ +[FOOTNOTES continued]+
[ 175 ]
.......... .... That is, each ["(f)actual"] instance of: '"A" (named) thing',
.......... .............. is | an instance of |: '"thE" (named) thing';
.......... ......... | Here. each instance of an instance of: '"a" thing',
.......... ............. shows '"a" thing', as: '"thE" (definite article)'. |
.............. Please observe that the "term" written: "thing", is not a "name".
............ "th" ~ "E" => 'uppermost limit" |of:| "E(e)" => 'outward (relation)'
.......... .......... ........... '---------------' .......... ~ ....... '------------------'
.......... ...... | is percieved as a "mental image" in which "it" shows as: |
.......... ..... 'the consolidation of the "dy ~ nam ~ ics" that 'fills out' [the
.......... ....... (polar) "extremes" of] each [and every] |(named)| "thing".
.......... .......... .......... .......... ...... [See: "they"]
.......... 20.) From y.: p. 156.
.......... .... ..... Another "letter" sound that is "stored" in the 'letter "y"'
.......... .... ..... .... shape is grounded in the 'letter "I"' sound:
.......... .......... .......... .... ..... ..... "a(h)^iy^E";
.......... .... ..... and, this 'letter "y"' sound may be evaluated as the
.......... .... ..... "integral" of the '"letter" group' written: "ie".
.......... .......... .......... ..... ....... [See: "tie", "lie"]
.......... .......... ... "tr ~ *a(h)^iy^E*" => "tr~*y*" || "tried"; "tries"
.......... ........ "unif ~ *a(h)^iy^E*" => "unif~*y*" || "unified"; "unifies"
.......... ....... Also, please "note" |the 'letter I(E)"' sound in| the "term":
.......... ....... "h(e)ight"; and in the "terms": "hypogeal", "hypodermic",
.......... .......... "hyperspace", "Hyperion"; but the 'letter "E"' sound
.......... ............. ends the "terms": "cook(i)e", "girl(i)e", "rook(i)e".
.......... .......... .......... ........ [See: y.6): "ly", p. 166]
[ END ]