Goddess of Writing ~~~~~~~. Seshat ~~~~~~ (and the Separation of Words)
In art, Seshat is depicted
as a woman, with a stylised
papyrus plant above her head.

~~~.. The papyrus symbolized writing ~
because the ancient Egyptians wrote
on a material derived from papyrus.

The papyrus plant, her symbol, was
shown as having six spurs from the tip
of the central stem, making it resemble
a seven-pointed star.

~~~~. Pharaoh Thutmosis III ~
(1479- 1425 B.C.E.) called her:
"She of Seven Points".

* To Write * To Know

Each may be pronounced:. 'sesha.'


The Egyptian Goddess who
Rules the Writing of Words
Usually, she also is shown
holding a palm stem, bearing
notches to denote the recording
of the passage of time, especially
for keeping track of the allotment
of time for the life of the pharaoh.
Also, Seshat is depicted holding
other tools and, often, holding the
wound cords that were stretched
to survey land and structures.

* Cordage * Things | Acts



* To Open * Threshold *


To Weave To Weave


~~~~~ Seshat Opens The Door Of Heaven For You. ~~